Got my first hatemail from a Bane player who I had a pretty good fight against. We were both close to death, and I conditioned him to crouch and stay still with my magnum shots. Then I fired a missile at him in the Ferris Aircraft stage to hopefully seal the deal, and yay me, he decides not to jump over it.
So he says, “weak and cheap…learn to play”.
I say, “You could do the same. There is no honor in fighting games. If you can’t deal with it, I’m going to use it, and I’m going to win. Regardless of your sour attitude, it was a good fight and I hope to play you again.”
Sets him off with a “The reason there is no honor is because of the honorless… Instead of being part of the problem be part of the solution… I did put up a good fight, I always do… Regardless of my opponents lack of honor… You have been flagged as an avoided player…As are all people who use cheap and unsporting tactics… It is people like you who ruin this game and its community… Thats fact, not a sour attitude”.
i can’t tell you how many times i’ve sent a message to someone after going 3 - 2 (good matches!) saying “gg dude” and gotten one back saying “learn to play nub” or “pussy”
it’s almost funny what sore losers some of these kids are.
grundy is one of those characters that gets way more hate than he should, and its funny people act like he is the best character in the game, then i tell them how to deal with everything he can do, and then i get blown up for free like there is no tomorrow, oh well, Grundy gonna Grundy
i haven’t gotten any ragemail in the past three days. as a matter of fact, the only messages i’ve gotten since my last post were “GGs” =[
i did get some micrage today, though =D got invited to KOTH, beat everyone, went up against a nightwing that started off beating the crap out of me, but i ended up winning with my whole red lifebar. he gets a mic and starts saying things like,
“this king’s a cheater.”
“hey king, you’re cheap.” etc.
btw, my next opponent was a doomsday. luckily for me, i was just in training mode practicing dashing away from his sheeva stomp, and i ended up punishing it twice with a 41% combo =D
says the skilles pussy using the chr that every game reviewer and the developers themselves said was “overly spammable” LOOOOOOOL!!
By reviewers and developers you mean random scrubs in gamefaqs and youtube?
3 messages since u said u were blocking me LOOOOOOL! struck a nerve didnt i spamboy? U know that wasnt the 1st message uve gotten about ur aquanoob cheapness and it certainly wont be the last LOOOOOOOOL!!
Cool story bro l2read
netherrealms dunce theyre 15 minutes from my house in hunt valley… they made the game u are using the most broken noob chr on. do some research spamboy.
You realize you are raging because a videogame?
it IS only a game… yet YOU need to use the cheapest chr on the game & spam like a dirty noob with him just to get a win. that shows YOURE the one taking it too seriously. winners dont usually send 7 rage messages. THATS CAUSE U KNOW ITS THE TRUTH LOOOL!
I’ve had more ragequits in my two days of playing than I think I’ve had in Marvel in 2 years of online play. People must REALLY not like Superman eye lasers. I would say 1/3rd of the 30 or 40 matches I’ve played have been quit early by crybabies.
Shout outs to venom1395 for ragequitting like a bitch then saying he’s gonna put the vid up on youtube to make it look I quit even tho I was clearly winning. Also I don’t know why people who send hatemail are the ones always calling people “kid” when THEY are acting like children.
Ranked is where all the butthurt scrubs are I see. I’m running into all kinds of sore losing ragequitters in ranked. Sending me messages about how I suck when they are superman spamming the laser eyes and gettting bodied by my Raven.
So I’m sitting here playing Bane. Digging it. Find random opponent online they just happen to pick Batman.
Long story short; I broke the Bat. Finished him off with Banes Super all hyped up on Venom.
His reply to getting spanked “You fucking suck. Stop spamming that stupid rush attack and learn how to play.” Not my fault that he refuses to block and I use it as a wake up to get close.
My reply. “I once broke the Bat… Now I’ll break the man…by burying you with your dead parents. ps. YOU KNOW NOTHING OF STRENGTH!”
I had just watched Justice League Doom not too terribly long ago so I was waiting for a Batman just to use that.