Atrocitus Would be Proud- The Injustice Rage and Hatemail Thread

Rule 1) No specials
Rule 2) No combos
Rule 3) No blocking
Rule 4) No controller
Rule 5) No tv
Rule 6) No console

well except for de srly was the complete word but yeah.

The ragequit is crazy is this game :s

The rules are hard coded into the game. In other words, you can do whatever you want that the game lets you do. Generally the only things you’d want to avoid are things that stop play, a la the Gambit glitch in Marvel, game resets, or glitches that freeze the game. Just play, try to win, and don’t worry about people complaining. Receiving hate mail means that you’re doing something right.

yay! finally, an injustice rage mail thread! and the fun begins…

Vi3eV3rsa: fix that lagg - laggy killer frost. he left like 5 seconds into the match

Bloodknightx666x: nice win spammer - bane player who never blocked on wakeup
Me: uhh, thanks?
Bloodknightx666x: sarcasm dipshit - ah. that makes a little more sense, then!

Letz_Dance: learn other characters bitch - lost to me twice. he chose to rematch but left when i picked the same character. i could even hear him raging on his mic a little xD

almightyjebus99: i almost won youcocky pussy - deathstroke spammer. i was winning by a lot at first, but then he dwindled my life down with his trait + MB specials. then i won ^.^

baldness1983: *pussy *- right after almightyjebus, i fight another deathstroke. this one didn’t spam, but i left after one match because he wasn’t very good and i didn’t feel like playing anymore.

His names freaking mohammidsavesU or how ever its spelled, its like if someone named jesuslovesyou stole your wallet,

I got called a faggot spammer by xZhaust134, a Bane player. Not my fault he didn’t pimp enough drugs

I received two last night. It was my first two as well. When it rains it pours.

From an actual good Shazam player, was hitting me with impressive combo’s and set-up, but jumped too, and kept getting AA’ed by my Doomsday, and put into 4-5 hit combo’s.

I’m playing Doomsday. 4-5 hits is the most I get from mid-screen without spending meter

This guy was just bad, I had in the corner, just sweeping, and he refused to block or do a wake up attack.

Huh… yet I recieved no rage mail on my Doomsday that I literally only played for the challenge and my whole game plan was “Get them to corner then QCF M their wakeup over and over”.

I’m disappoint. I did recieve hate mail for my Grundy though calling me a pussy fag (Seems contradictory but okay) for ‘abusing’ super armor.

had 3 rage quitters today

got messed up by an aquaman on atlantis, 2nd match same scenario, i beat him by out zoning him with harley, he rage quits right before it officially gets me the win

next guy, barely beats me with the flash, next match, i get him in the corner, so i do the douchiest combo i cna think of, tantrum stance, 1, 1111111111111, he rage quits after that

next guy, i destroy first match, 2nd match, he quits as i proceed to remove his manhood

LMAO Hilarious! Can’t wait to see what RM I get when I hand out medicine.

EDIT: Lag wasn’t noticeable ad no RQers. WAY too many DeathStrokes though, without any combos.

One of these days I’m actually going to get some damn rage mail for beating someone, dangit!

Was in a 360 room tonight, using Doomsday, delivering beatdowns. This guy gets on talking about my non-combos. Says hes gonna body me. Gets destroyed hard. Says hes calling a friend that will utterly destroy me. Destroyed him worse. They talked soooo much shit the whole time while helping me to 25 win streak. Said I was cheap, and button mashing. Basically they were cry babies who didnt know my ‘chops’ if you will. Sorest losers in 7 days by far. I told them to watch me on twitch WINNING an Injustice tournament from Saturday you know, for money, and get back with me. Started talking about how I would get done in MK9. Told him you can find me fighting Tom Brady, and on the exhibition team at Power Up 2011 at the FIRST MK9 tournament. Sounds like Gamefaqers.




Its not MY fault that he doesnt understand why hes getting tagged by every “random” thing I did. If I’m next to you throwing out crouch1, its to condition you to try to jump, into my AA grab, which he did, if I notice him back dash, hes catching a tackle. If hes in the corner, and he jumps back, he eats crouch2 into whatever I want, if jumping out of corner, hes eating AA tackle. basic universal fg stuff.

Hes mad at me because HE didnt understand this stuff, and called ME the button masher. I tried to tell him, I can make all the combo vids I want, doesnt means its going to be the most effective way to fight. Thats saying A LOT because I play WWE Games online, and THOSE are full of babies who want you to let them hit you, and want you to not reverse moves, or use running grapples, and, ect.

Rage quits are always more fun when they’re on their mic. This guy can’t grasp the concept of overheads and the salt starts to flow. For a guy that uses Deathstroke and changed his gamertag to xxxxDeathxxStrokexxx720xxxxxx he really hates spamming.

Lol “I like that combo right there” at the beginning. 30 seconds later the same combo happens “See he’s spamming!”.

see shit like that baffles me. Why do I pay for XBL only to have jackoffs like that in ranked? Treat it like LoL, if you start quitting that much, shouldn’t even be allowed to play ranked anymore.

I played some guy yeserday who spammed with Deathstroke every match, and I killed him every match. Felt bad, so I random selected and still almost beat him, then he sends me messages about how cheap I was, how shitty i was, how lucky i got, and how good he was for that lone victory versus cyborg or whoever the hell I was.

we had that same problem in mk9: if someone was gonna lose, they had more incentive to quit the match than to actually go on with the battle. they don’t have to watch win poses, they get a loss either way, takes away opponent’s win and gives them a loss, etc. they eventually patched it, if i recall correctly.

My generic message to people who keep rage quitting when my Green Lantern has them in a 15+ hit combo, is “Hey, those were some sick combos. Oh wait, those were mine.”

I just say “GG, nice skills bro.”

^ I usually give them tips on how to beat my character.

Pollen season has ended, but I’m still have some problems with asthma v_v"
Hello, this is Goldymarg ~

I’ve made an account just for this thread. I’ve had several ragequits so far, but I’ve got my first two pieces of hatemail today. First was simply “you’re a bitch”, or something to that effect. Ironic that he was the one who ragequit…
Second one was “caught your grab spam on tape, say hello to youtube.” Or something. I don’t really remember, I deleted it on reaction. But yeah, “grab spam”. That’s a new one. Incidentally, I main Solomon Grundy.
Seriously, why must scrubs complain like this about literally everything they lose to? It boggles my mind…if it’s not fireball spam or jump spam or “insert what im losing to” spam, it’s fkn “grab spam”. I can’t get over that phrase. Btw, if anyone gets bored and actually finds this alleged video, can they link it? Because I seriously hope he caught the part where he dc’d.