Atrocitus Would be Proud- The Injustice Rage and Hatemail Thread

Are yall still friends ?

I deleted him after that.

Went on a 35 win streak win Deadpool Deathstroke. You can imagine what my inbox looks like.

I got my first ragequit yesterday against a Supes. He didn’t spam or anything, but I got him down to about 30% of his red bar before he’d taken out my white bar.
This brings up a question…why ragequit against someone who’s playing solidly? Just seems silly.

Actually its not that there is more incentive, its that its easier. Literally you can pause mid online match and quit. There’s no need to unplug your router or pop out the disc anymore. Its streamlined rage quitting.

Right now in the early stages of this game, anything that is “solid” seems “broken”. For example, I rage each time a Deathstroke sits back like a fucking bitch spamming all day, and as Hawkgirl I can’t do shit. Maybe if she could block mid air, but nope, he can just jump and spam his broken guns over and over. But suddenly I use Raven and his zoning is nothing to me now that I can TP right behind him each time and suddenly now Raven’s TP is broken. The tiers are skewed in the early game as always and things seem unbeatable when it just takes time to figure it out.

Had a guy rage on the mic going "LET ME DO COMBOS"
He also called me a pussy because I didnt let the screen move over so he could use interactive objects, and when I sent him “ggs<3” He told me to suck his cock.

A guy just send me " spamming cunt" in a deathstoke miror match where I was always faster than him doing my gun. He tried to approach me once…

Good ragemail from HyperBelmin57. I’m a pussy and a noob for playing the easiest character in the game. Never knew mister Grayson was so easy to play

I was under the assumption most people were impressed by good Nightwing play, he’s definitely uncommon. I’ve maybe only run into one.

People have good things to say about my Nightwing when I play another good player. Funnily enough, PSN is fulled with guys rocking Nightwing backgrounds and icons on their player cards and very few actually play him.

They like the Dick, I guess.

I played some guy yesterday who got bitchy that I kept doing the same thing over and over. Apparently 14 hit BnBs are something I shouldn’t be doing.

Some Bane player bailed when I landed DD’s super to end the match. Apparently him relying only on j1 and I think only 112 or 123 combos are supposed to let him win.

Confession: And I lost my temper against a couple of Edit: Grundy players who used the grave hands at the end of combos. Not that I have anything against that in a normal match, but online even though I blocked right it never showed that I did. Also made any wakeups I did completely open to attack on startup, though that might also be part of my lack of knowledge on how the wakeup system works. I hate it when those types of things happen…and when for some reason I can’t start a clash, though I try real hard not to quit when that happens.

Some Batman player kept jumping, so he kept eating AA grab or DD body splash. He messaged me after calling me a cheesy spammer with no life. My wife said he should take it like a man.

Wow. That’s literally what she said.

You’ve won the thread so far.

MisterRandomGuy : Fag suck a dick nigga

this is bullshite, i haven’t gotten any ragemail in like a week! i’ve only gotten “GGs.” since when did everyone become good sports? >=[

EDIT: daaaamn, spoke too soon! the very next challenge i got was a black adam that rage quit on me! he had a lot of wins, but he wasn’t very good. he was about to throw an interaction at me, i used my super, took a drink of water, noticed the audio of the super stopped, looked up, and it said “ending game.” xD

i’m gonna go write him a message saying something sarcastic like, “awesome black adam!”

Sorry, the Red Lantern Rings have fallen behind on back order.