I can’t believe that it’s lower, it already makes her go so low lol, she’s gonna be invisible when she does it in 2013.
Might pick her up in 2013, I was always interested in playing her, but she just felt bad imo. Now she looks a lot better. Especially if some of the stuff I have in mind works.
She’s certainly gonna be better in 2013, her neutral game suffers a little tho (lulz what neutral game?), but she gets so much more now and relies less on strings.
I can’t wait to try out some of the stuff she SHOULD be able to do in 2013. I should just keep quiet and show it in my video alter, but here is some stuff she should be able to do:
She can already do EX Falling Rain to c.HP in vanilla SFxT. Since it’s cancellable now, that should combo into another EX Falling Rain (looping for massive damage, might be out of reach mid-screen though) or a 2nd hit DLK for tag cancelling. Since it’s faster, it might even juggle out of a normal Falling Rain (although I think JP is the issue there, not speed). If you just loop EX FR to c.HP 3 times ending in DLK or sweep , it does 600+ damage. And you can do that from a tag-in.
You might also be able to combo into Super like this: DLK, j.HK, c.MP, Super (no cancels). It’s so close to working in Vanilla, and the faster recovery on c.MP should allow it to work in 2013.
Wont work unless they changed the juggle potential on falling rain.
Does c.HP have more juggle potential than other heavies? If not it should work. I’ve tried to confirm wheather it does or not, but I haven’t been able to.
Seems to me that c.HK, 2nd hit of DLK and EX Falling Rain has JP4, and c.HP has JP3. Normal FR seems to leave the opponent at JC4 no matter what, allowing only sweep to connect, while EX FR leaves them at JC3 no matter what, allowing c.HP to connect, which should then combo into DLK or EX FR.
I think you guys are sleeping on the potential of the Heron Dance changes.
It depends on which hit/hits of Heron Dance they’re talking about, but it’s already a semi-decent low poke when used at max range even though it’s frame-unsafe. Now it shouldn’t be unsafe because it’s cancelable, on top of the hitbox improvements.
If at least the second hit is cancelable, then it could also be used instead of standing roundhouse to start combos against crouching opponents (90 damage.) I think it hits crouchers?
It’s f.MK xx MP that’s cancellable, since it’s that hit that’s called “Heron Dance”. So it should be a decent combo starter since you can easily hitconfirm it, but I guess they can reversal through it. You could also go into wiplash sacred blade if you want to mix your opponent up a little or throw off their reversal timing since it’s 0 on block.
Yeah that’s the change I’m most interested in and it definitely has potential as a low option to use in her mixups, hitconfirm to cancans or cadc on block, we’ll have to test frame data for it CADC’ed on block when 2013 hits.
Maybe it could be a good crouching punisher, does 150 to start out with and doesn’t seem to scale hard (still 100% after the 3 hits)
Also nice to see you around here again man, your posts in early days were pretty helpful.
Can’t wait to try her out in 2013.
EDIT @ Doopliss, there is no gaps with f+mp st.mp on block, I couldn’t fit a Ryu SRK in there.
Wow, really? In that case it’s a very nice buff.
It’s already a fairly decent whiff punisher after backdashing due to the forward movement… canceling it? Yes plz.
With the right partner you might be able to activate pandora after EX Falling Rain, and then finish it off with a Super. Someone like Julia or maybe Elena?
with faster pandora + instant 3 meters, you should be able to pandora after a ground bounce. u .u
so much for finding compatible teams.
Yes. Thing about EX FR though is that you have like 9 frames to act (7 with the 2 frames of recovery on pandora), and something with JP 3 for it to juggle.
:eek: Elena/Asuka is looking MADD sexy for 2013.
another thing: heron dance catches back dashes on wake up, cant test if it causes juggle state yet because you cant cancel it till 2013.looks like probably just an air reset, but its the last hit that you can cancel that catches them, so you could cadc. makes her F+mp/f+mk mix up on wake up that much better because the low option is safe and they cant backdash it!
So 2013 dropped early on PSN, here’s what I’ve got so far.
Heron dance third hit cancelable
CADC is roughly -2 on hit, -4 on block
Heron Dance into the usual BnB yields 414 dmg without gems, 396 if you do st.mk xx Falling Rain for oki instead
F+hk > cr.hp xx EX-Falling Rain > sweep is a thing, non-ex Falling rain whiffs.
Can follow up with cr.hk, cr.hp (any cancel will whiff) or tag off the falling rain. Does between 396-400 dmg
Unscaled launcher off lights is gone (BOOOO)
Post launch combo: cr.hp xx oni > st.mk xx falling rain > sweep.
Does 408 off a raw launcher, 370 if you leave out sweep for oki
May require a high launcher… have only tested with Juri.
B+mp > mk, the kick now hops forward a bit gaurenteeing it to connect.
Raw f+mp > st.lp is CONSIDERABLY easier.
Perfect meaty setups allow a 1f link to mp for more damage.
You can do EX falling rain, c.HP xx DLK/EX DLK/EX Oni. I recommend DLK for tag cancelling and EX Oni for damage (does both hits afterwards, AA EX FR, c.HP xx EX Oni does 412 damage, and you can tag cancel it for extra damage if you wish). Sadly you’re too far away to connect another EX FR, maybe if you do it in the corner, walk forward into as late as possible c.HP, frame perfect, on a specific character. So basically, not possible.
I’m having the hardest time with st.mk in this combo. More often than not the kick doesn’t come out at all because I’m buffering the DP input too early but that’s my own fault… even if I cut falling rain out of the combo though, its a tough link. Opponent almost never stays in the air long enough for Oni to recover in time for you to even perform st.mk.
helps if you cancel her run early into the cr.hp… but not required to do so.