Asuka Kazama in Version 2013

So what do we want for Asuka in version 2013?

I would like faster startup on, make it 4f instead of 5f.
Little bit more range on her st.lp
More invul on her EX DP (trades/stuffed too much),
Ex sweep throw to have slightly more range
Fix the hitbox on her df+hk so the 2nd hit connects reliably if done at a certain range, sometimes the 1st hit connects and 2nd whiffs.
Upper body invincibility on her b+mp (or high crush, same thing)
Make b+mp work consistently, a lot of the time whiffs.
Faster startup on ex exorcisor. to be 7f instead of 8f.

But the way the changes are going, she’ll most likely get nerfed in some areas, and not recieve many buffs.

I want her to not suck.

Don’t we all? :frowning:

I know I said this like a million times lol, but unless they give her something drastic, she’s going to still suck, the game works against her with her non-existant neutral game and AC bait strings, it’s definitely worth the meter to AC Asuka off you and keep her in her worst position, she just simply doesn’t fit in this game with her design. AC shuts down too much of her stuff and really makes her upclose game (where she’s supposed to shine) really flawed. Especially as one of her main ways to get in is via df+hk which is a 2 hit string and really easy to AC.

So hopefully Capcom acknowledges this and helps her out in those areas but I don’t really know what they can do.

^ this and…
-All versions of excorcisor have invuln vs projectiles (lili gets it on feisty rabbit, why can’t we?!)
-Far lk hits low
-Better hitbox on f+lk for AA (they’re probably doing this already, or buffing falling rain)
-Faster Startup into airborne frames on f+hk

Asuka Kazama
Close/Far LP - Area from neck and above is invincible against air attacks
Close/Far MP - Reduced frames by 7(+6F on hit/+2F on block)
Close/Far HP - Counter hit causes crumple
Close/Far HK - Startup 11F->9F

  • Reduced frames by 4(0F on hit/-5F on block)
    Far LK - Hurt box reduced
    cr. LK - Startup 5F->4F
    cr. MP - Reduced frames by 4(+7 on hit/+3F on block)
    cr. MK - Now +1F on hit
  • Hurtbox after 1F adjusted so it is lower
    cr. HP - Startup 9F->7F
  • Can be canceled
  • Blowback on hit same as heavy attacks
  • Hurt box reduced
  • Damage 90->80
    cr. HK - Hit box enlarged
  • Damage 90->75
    cr. HP - Damage 100->90
    j. HK - Damage 60+40(100)->60+60(120)
    Dragon Wheel Kick - No longer will only do 1 hit sometimes
  • 1~9F are invincible against air attacks
    Whiplash to Toe Kick - Hit box enlarged
  • Reduced block stun by 2F (+1F on block)
  • Increased forward movement distance
    Raging Storm - Increased push back on block
  • Reduced block stun by 6F (-4F on block)
    Tsuwabuki - Reduced hit stun by 2F(+5 on hit)
    Thunder Fall Kick - Damage 40+40(80)->60+6(120)
    Leg Cutter 2nd Hit - Increased block stun by 6F (-6 on block)
  • Reduced push back on block
    Double Lift Kicks - Damage 20+40(60)->30+40(70)
    Falling Rain - Damage 40+40(80)->70×2(140)
    EX Falling Rain - Damage 60+60(120)->90×2(180)
    Sweep Throw - Damage 170->200
    EX Sweep Throw - Damage 170->200
    Onikubigari - Damage 90->80
    EX Double Lift Kicks - Damage 60+50(110)->60×2(120)
  • Full invincibility extended to 12th frame
    Hyakujitsuko - Reduced block stun by 3(-4 on block)
    Heron Dance - Can be canceled
    Heron Dance - Hurt box reduced
  • Hit box enlarged
    Cloud Taste - Damage 120->150
    White Mountain - Damage 120->150
    Special move meter gain:
    Exorcisor: whiff 10->15
    Mist Palm Thrust: whiff 5->10/On hit 10->25
    Raging Storm: whiff 5->10/On hit 5+5(10)->15×2(30)
    Attack Reversal: whiff 15->20/On hit 40->80
    Falling Rain: whiff 15->20/On hit 20+20(40)->30×2(60)
    Sweep Throw: whiff 15->30/On hit 60->90
    Onikubigari: whiff 15->0/On hit 40->50

Asuka won.

These changes look quite pleasing, I can’t wait to try out v 2013 already!

Can’t wait to bring her back out in real competitive play! Couldn’t realistically play her and Xiaoyu on the same team and Lili/Asuka was pretty crap. Now it’s looking a lot more viable.

Hm, just curious is there any way to connect her super from a groundbounce? I’ve had luck when I used to main her but it was VERY strict when you canceled the cr. Mk.

I used to be able to do it relatively reliably after upkicks, :f: +:mp:, :d::df: +:hk: x2 (delay slightly), Super. Still tough to time unless you practice a lot.

I don’t believe I’ve ever tried that, I’ll give it a shot tomorrow in the training room. I haven’t exactly shown Asuka much love since I started learning my stick :X

Asuka is looking great in this version, theyre fixing a good amount of the things that bothered me with her.
I’m already seeing when I’ll have some free time to actually finish the strategy/matchup thread I started >__>

It all looks great on paper but I feel like once we actually start playing her again, the same frustration will set in trying to play against all the Chun, Guile and Cammy players like before. She still doesn’t have any real footsie tools. Well, you could say that the new cancel-able cr.HP will help, but eh, 7F startup will likely get beaten a lot of times.

Huge ass post incoming.

Close/Far LP - Area from neck and above is invincible against air attacks
Pretty nice buff, gives Asuka a reliable normal AA (as if she needed one anyway), 3f st.lp with a nice hitbox for AAing, we’ll be using this a lot I reckon and possibly juggle to xx falling rain or xx oni > if we can hit them high enough, sick buff.

Close/Far MP - Reduced frames by 7(+6F on hit/+2F on block)
This is really really good, it’s -1 on hit and -5 on block now, it’ll give Asuka a proper frame trap normal without resorting to her AC bait strings, on CH, we can link >, we can combo on hit and we can pressure on block, this is a really really good buff. Really helps out with her pressure and reduces one of her flaws by having to resort to strings to stay in.

Close/Far HP - Counter hit causes crumple
Hmmm ok, maybe we can find some use for this I guess, nice to have.

Close/Far HK - Startup 11F->9F
Would make the a reliable AA from further ranges, the hitbox on it is pretty nice to AA with and it being faster is cool, also makes her BnB easier (pfft)

Reduced frames by 4(0F on hit/-5F on block)
Don’t really see a use for this with, don’t really use this outside combos or AA

Far LK - Hurt box reduced
Sweet, I use this as a way to get in with > > chain, should be useful.

** cr. LK - Startup 5F->4F**
Pretty nice, gives her a faster low option, and more useful in frame traps.

cr. MP - Reduced frames by 4(+7 on hit/+3F on block)
Basically what I said about above, also sick buff.

cr. MK - Now +1F on hit
Up from -4 on hit, we use this to make reversals whiff and to tripguard AA, nice to have it at + on hit I guess.

Hurtbox after 1F adjusted so it is lower
LOOOOOOOOOL, this move is already so gdlk because it goes low, we should have more success with tripguarding and making reversals whiff. Pretty good buff.

cr. HP - Startup 9F->7F
Can be canceled
Blowback on hit same as heavy attacks
Hurt box reduced
Damage 90->80
This is a nice buff, we can use cr.hp to fish for CH since it crumples on CH, and we can charge oni a little to confirm whether it CH’ed or not and dash in for a combo on hit or dash in/out on block. Not sure what blowback means, I assume it means it causes a slip on CH, damage nerf is w/e

cr. HK - Hit box enlarged
** Damage 90->75**
Hit box buff is nice, we can use this to whiff punish now although it’s a tad slow for that purpose but still something, damage nerf is a bit sad since this is our ender for the combos, I think this will put emphasis on using falling rain combos for oki.

j. HK - Damage 60+40(100)->60+60(120)
Adds damage to our usual BnB, grand.

** Dragon Wheel Kick - No longer will only do 1 hit sometimes**
1~9F are invincible against air attacks
This is fucking amazing, Dragon Wheel Kick is her f+lk, now that it’s a reliable AA, we will never trade with this move anymore, it fucking crushes jumpins and we get like 300-400 damage off this, this is her best buff

Whiplash to Toe Kick - Hit box enlarged
** Reduced block stun by 2F (+1F on block)**
** Increased forward movement distance**
I don’t really use this move a lot, but the distance buff is nice and the hitbox fix was needed, sometimes the followup will whiff for a punish, blockstun nerf is a bummer but it’s pretty w/e

Raging Storm - Increased push back on block
** Reduced block stun by 6F (-4F on block)**
This is the followup move to her exocrisor, depending on how good the pushback on block is, we could use this as a safe move to chip, but I don’t really see any reason to use this over oni to chip. I guess if we mess up on reading a fireball, we’ll be safer :smiley:

** Tsuwabuki - Reduced hit stun by 2F(+5 on hit)**
NO MORE UNPLINKABLE 1f LINKS ANYMORE, we can connect so much more shit now with meaty f+mp, will be a lot more reliable now, really sick buff, I’m thinking meaty f+mp into into > xx hk upkicks

Thunder Fall Kick - Damage 40+40(80)->60+6(120)
LOL ok, this is her f+hk overhead, 40 extra damage, thank you very much!

Leg Cutter 2nd Hit - Increased block stun by 6F (-6 on block)
Reduced push back on block
Now we were bound to get a nerf somewhere :/, this is one of her main ways to get in, df+hk xx 2 cadc’ed will leave her at 0 on block and with a 3f st.lp, that’s pretty good. Now it’s not looking like a reliable way of getting in but compared to all the buffs she got, we had to get a nerf somewhere.

Double Lift Kicks - Damage 20+40(60)->30+40(70)
More damage in our BnB, thanks!

Falling Rain - Damage 40+40(80)->70×2(140)
This is probably one of my favourite buffs, we had to choose if we wanted oki with falling rain or damage with oni in our BnBs, but now we can get BOTH with xx falling rain after in BnB, this is a really useful buff, our BnBs are going to be changed, we should be going for this ender instead of oni (unless we want to tag cancel) because oni damage got nerfed.

EX Falling Rain - Damage 60+60(120)->90×2(180)
More damage on one of the best AAs in the game in terms of reliability, but we have f+lk now so this becomes less useful, but still useful for this with weird jumpins that’s tricky to AA with f+lk, I think we could get like 200 damage with ender, but now we’ll probably get something like 230-240 (guessing).

Sweep Throw - Damage 170->200
This doesn’t affect me at all, I never use the normal version of sweep throw, it’s pretty ass but I guess ok thanks for damage.

EX Sweep Throw - Damage 170->200
This is great for me, I use ex sweep throw a lot, the situation where I use this move to kill someone and they end up with a sliver of health always happens, so damage buff is great!

** Onikubigari - Damage 90->80**
This is w/e, we’re gonna be ending combos in falling rain anyway.

** EX Double Lift Kicks - Damage 60+50(110)->60×2(120)**
Full invincibility extended to 12th frame
Pretty damn good buff, Asuka’s reversal was always susceptible to trades/stuffs but now this is non-existant, it’s fully invincible on startup and one active frame, damage increase is nice too.

Hyakujitsuko - Reduced block stun by 3(-4 on block)
This kinda sucks, this was one of her main ways to get in, she could do > > and be in there face at -1, but she had a 3f st.lp so it was a good frame trap on most characters without 3f normals, this is an ass nerf.

** Heron Dance - Can be canceled**
** Heron Dance - Hurt box reduced**
** Hit box enlarged**
Don’t really see a use for this, but I’m sure we’ll find something with this.

Cloud Taste - Damage 120->150
** White Mountain - Damage 120->150**
OMG, max damage throws, this will make her now better frame traps even more scary.

Asuka is going to be so much stronger, she’s going to rely less on her strings thanks to her normal advantage buffs, and everyone’s meter build nerf is an indirect buff to her, they’re going to have less meter to AC and Asuka will be able to cling onto people longer, she got meter buffs on a lot of her special moves, so she’s going to have a lot more meter to play with now.

Special move meter gain:
• Exorcisor: whiff 10->15
• Mist Palm Thrust: whiff 5->10/On hit 10->25
• Raging Storm: whiff 5->10/On hit 5+5(10)->15×2(30)
• Attack Reversal: whiff 15->20/On hit 40->80
• Falling Rain: whiff 15->20/On hit 20+20(40)->30×2(60)
• Sweep Throw: whiff 15->30/On hit 60->90
• Onikubigari: whiff 15->0/On hit 40->50

Pretty nice buffs, she didn’t really need meter at all, even less now with f+lk AA buff (less reliant on ex falling rain), counter, falling rain and oni meter buffs are pretty sick.

Asuka is looking to be really strong in this version, her main flaw of being AC bait is less of a problem now because of her normals advantage buffs, so we can avoid using strings to stay in, and people are going to have less meter in general meaning Asuka is going to stay in on people for longer. Her neutral game is slightly improved with buffs to her AA and normal buffs, but it’s still going to be pretty bad but we get so much more reward off that single hit when Asuka gets in.

All the blood and sweat and tears we had using her in the first few months are going to work out now, she’s going to be really strong in 2013 and all our work is going to pay off.

Ok I found a use for being 9f now, if we hit f+mp (2013’s f+mp) on it’s last active frames, it’s going to be +9, a 1f link to

And CH should leave them at +9 which again is 1f link to (would be really hard to do this)

If in reading it right… Won’t the 2 hit wheel kick change her juggles?

I know when you get that against fat characters, you must do a shorter combo.

Just a note.

Yeah I was thinking about that, she’ll be able to do f+lk (2 hit) xx oni tag cancelled, or f+lk (2 hit) xx falling rain, it’s probably height dependant whether it’d hit once or twice, we’ll just have to see when the patch hits.

Or… use cr.hp for a much more reliable 3f link, sacrificing all 10 extra damage that hk gets you >.>

Haha oh shit, I completely forgot about cr.hp buff. Good call

Kyah really really looking forward to Asuka xt2.0, has anyone got a good pandora setup for her? I can’t think of a way to land her super art reliably after a crumple, and the groundbounce, well I’ve gone there already haha