Well Asuka can ex exocrisor to give her partner a pandora combo.
But a pandora with Asuka herself, I guess you could do wallbounce, f+mp > cr.mk xx delay super. I haven’t really explored Pandora much with Asuka.
Well Asuka can ex exocrisor to give her partner a pandora combo.
But a pandora with Asuka herself, I guess you could do wallbounce, f+mp > cr.mk xx delay super. I haven’t really explored Pandora much with Asuka.
Hmm with these changes it seems like i can maybe team her up with Jin!
Just some theory crafting on combo modifications…
1 bar punish: 496 dmg
st.hk > ex.oni > cr.mp xx oni > st.mk xx falling rain > cr.hk
post-launcher(includes dmg from raw launcer): 418 dmg
st.hk > oni > st.mk xx falling rain > cr.hk
Big question time:
Will these changes be enough to rescue her neutral game?
Some of the changes (b+mp buff, AA buffs) will help her neutral game, but she’s still going to be pretty reliant on a point character to get her in. The good news is that with the roll nerf and the buff to her normals, she should have an easier time STAYING in.
Given that some of the system changes imply fewer tags overall, my concern is that Asuka is going to get stuck having to do more work all on her own from neutral.
Oh my glob I got a few matches in with Asuka today, ooooh I love that counter! Can’t wait to try her out, any of you guys on PSN? I’d like to play a few asukas before she changes
Dunno about you, but the system changes don’t affect the way I tag at -all-.
Well, slower health recovery means I’m going to want to tag less often. That’s the big one to me. Aside from that, less available meter (presumably) and nerfed LMHH chains mean fewer tags as well (that last one doesn’t really affect Asuka much admittedly).
Add me emp, lets go! psn tag is in my sig :3
I’m down for some matches, I just started playing again this week after not playing since update 1.02 lmao.
Heh… I might actually get back into SFxT to play Asuka as one of my mains this time. The changes here are looking pretty swell!
I have a friend who happens to be a pretty decent Asuka player as well! We fight each other almost daily - Should I play SFxT again - Asuka is going to be my “go to” character!
This changes scream MASSIVE DAMAGE. Awesome. I knew sticking with her would pay off. Kinda mad at the Hyakujitsuko nerf since i used that a looot but overhead buff and actual meterless AA moves its god like. My crappy Ogre/Asuka will no longer be gimmick-fest… i hope
This probably means my Ken/Asuka team will actually be useful now
Wow, looks like I’ll be playing Asuka again. I’m loving these buffs.
The best thing about Asuka in 2013 is being able to AA reliably without burning any meter and fishing for CH with cr.hp xx CADC. Also love the overhead buff that will make linking after it easier. Those buffs alone will make Asuka a very strong character.
The damage nerf to sweep barely matters because both her DLK and Falling Rain deal more damage now.
Yeah the oni damage nerf is hardly worth mentioning with the 60 damage buff to falling rain, we’re gonna have to get good at tag cancelling falling rain if we want to optimize our tag cancels.
Her damage and combo potential shot up, meter build nerfs is nice, f+lk buff is nice, she’s gonna be a monster in 2013, although I don’t think she’ll make top 5 or 10 but she’s pretty damn good.
If anyone has any advice on how to consistantly cancel that damn move I’m all ears… T.T
It’s such a difficult tag cancel D:
Just speculating, but since cr.mk has a lower box, does that mean it’ll work after hcb+k?
Hitbox (attack box): the box that inflicts damage when it connects with opponent’s hurtbox.
Hurtbox (hittable box): the vulnerable parts of your body that can get hit by opponent’s hitbox.
Your question doesn’t make sense either way lol. To connect after Oni in a juggle, they would have to enlarge the hitbox horizontally. Making it lower or increasing it vertically won’t increase its range. But as you see on the change log it doesn’t mention hitbox, it says hurtbox.
So the actual buff is lowering the hurtbox on cr.mk to make Asuka less vulnerable during the attack. So she might be able to duck under certain attacks and projectiles that hit her before.