Ask Kim1234 about random Bison sh*t!

Dude, you can react to lp boom if you’re close enough. Just watch for the sonic boom start up animation (and the sound cue). If you’re already holding charge, it’s easy.

Hell, when I’m playing chun I ultra that shit on reaction if I’m close enough.

If you guys are reacting to 9 frame sonic booms, then more power to you.

Smoke: Zoning with Bison’s normals leads to stuffing things like Guile’s boom. Never intentional, but always nice. Your training mode example is flawed since the set pattern and the fact that I’m looking for it will always tip me off.

I think you’re theory fighting too much man. I know that zoning with Bison’s normals stuff Guile’s booms. I do it all the time to prevent him from throwing booms that close (which doesn’t really matter because his other normals stuff st. mk/st. rh and it does a shitload of damage).

Anyway, you’re not reacting to a 9 frame boom. It doesn’t reach you in 9 frames. It starts up in 9 frames. Then every frame it travels a few pixels. It also doesn’t literally recovery instantly. It has 29 frames of total duration (active + recovery). Ex- scissors has 13 frames of startup. That means you have 16 frames to see the sonic boom and activate ex-scissors so that you hit him. That may not seem like a lot, but when you’re looking for it, it is plenty of time. Like I said, try it out in training mode. Don’t just say “oh it’s only 9 frames, I can’t do it.”

Also, the training mode thing is just an example that will help you distinguish between the different animations. In a real life situation, you’re going to be looking for the sonic boom too right? Of course it won’t always be a set pattern like in training mode, but you can really only ex-sk through sonic booms at a very specific spacing anyway. Once you’re out of that spacing, you can stop looking for the ex-scissors.

I know about the frame data and obviously that there is a window of punishment, but the practicality of it in a real match is what I find hard to believe. The original comment I was agreeing with was bento’s psychic remark. It’s exactly that, especially so since the risk/reward in Super is greatly in Guile’s favor. If Bison is holding a charge, sitting there waiting to react to the fastest recovering projectile in the game, then that gives Guile more time to create space, pressure back, whatever he wants. Bison’s goal is to keep within a certain space with Guile rather than try to react to his mostly safe zoning pressure.

That’s my issue with it, though I did come off as doubting the actual possibility of punishing a boom, which is technically possible. That’s where all the misunderstanding came from, I suppose.

This is easier to agree with. Though I still doubt the practicality of countering a boom with stock, having a Guile cornered duplicates the spacing you just mentioned and ex’ing through his bad booms works here.

Re theory fighting: Don’t get that comment there. This is from what I’ve gathered when I play the match up myself.

Maybe I’m just slow, but I cannot punish lp boom on reaction, even in training mode. Guile always blocks in time. I’m sitting outside his st.hp range though which may be the issue.

If you guys can do it reliably, then you guys should probably be able to punish with lk super easily AE.

Usually if you can’t punish it reliably (in my experience), it’s because you’re not close enough. Move a little bit closer.

As for playing the matchup. It’s very difficult to be put in a situation where you can ex-scissors on reaction. Just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s a likely scenario. Good guiles won’t sonic boom so close or they’ll at least monitor your charge. Also, Guile has no incentive to stop moving against Bison. He can keep moving backwards as long as he makes sure to not corner himself. Guile can’t really do anything about this but follow him while avoiding sonic booms, normals, and anti-airs.

Yeah, these guys are making me feel like an old man at 23. Why is my reaction time butt?

Thanks for the good feedback on the Guile match-up. Feel like I have a bit more of a shot at it now.

How about people give me some advice for dat Honda match-up? :slight_smile:

Lose. That’s how you play the match-up. You lose.
No but seriously, I’m at a loss on how to play the matchup. When I asked Yipes, he said safe jump all day. That makes sense. I think the general consensus is to turtle the fuck out of Honda but since he’s a better turtle character than Bison is, I think it’s much better to try to rush him down in some fashion. It’s very difficult to anti-air Honda imo, but I think it’s pretty easy to get close to him and pre-emptively st. roundhouse which will stuff a lot of his moves and his jumps (if he chooses to). He can counter this with like st. fp or st. rh or something, but then you switch to st. mk. Honda’s pretty free to scissor kick pressure if he doesn’t have meter. Against a good Honda, watch out though. Eating one jab = like 200 damage gone. Eating one ex headbutt = like 200 damage gone. Blocking on wakeup to bait the ex headbutt may = 200 damage gone from a ochio throw. I guess that’s why you’re supposed to get the lifelead and then turtle. You can very easily lose the match if you’re too aggressive.

Usually my problem w/ ex sk’s through booms is that I do it too early and still get hit by the boom.
So there’s that and a guile who’s willing to take a trade whilst hitting me w/ a normal after I sk through his boom. Ex pc takes care of that I think though.

I have not yet had a match where I both saved enough meter to super through a projectile and realized/remembered that it was an option.

Also it’s probably bc I never saw it before, but I got gief U2’d when I tried to ex pc to anti-air his jump in.

Couple questions for Kim:
Any progress on unblockable dic moves?

Any match ups you’ve been having a notably hard time with?

What costume you using? It’s hella boring here in the states 'cause all we got is red bison or blue bison.

I also feel that I can react to LP sonic booms from around Bison’s s.forward range…

At st forward range it’s totally possible. If you’re holding charge, just scissor kick the second you see him start to throw the boom. Don’t attempt this from ranges that you would normally try and fireball punish a shoto or something. Best way to establish the spacing is to work him into a corner.

My reaction times aren’t that good either, but if you have the charge a horizontal charge motion is very easy to react with.

Against honda, you can kinda rush him when he has no bar, since he doesn’t have access to his best reversal option (ex headbutt). I try and establish a life lead early, then just space him out and play footsies. The key here is to frustrate him.

A couple of good safe jumps on honda i found messing around in training mode:

After a forward throw: walk forward 1 full step (1 cycle of the walk animation), then jump fierce. If you space it right, fierce will cross up. If honda does anything on wakeup, he will go flying in the other direction, whether he does it reversal or not. He can’t delayed autocorrect against this setup due to jump fierce hitbox wierdness. You may be able to punish whiffed ex headbutt/buttslam with u2, but I haven’t tested it.

After a back throw: immediatley dash forward then jump with rh. RH will crossup. Headbutt/buttslam can autocorrect, but the jump in is deep enough that you’ll be able to block them.

Yep, you can.

Bison is in an aerial state shortly after the move is used. 14 frames of startup, 13 are invincible. there is a single throwable ground frame and after that he’s all air i believe.

all PC’s can be air thrown but sshh dont let anyone know that

Hotness. This has the makings of a sick option select.

It’s really fucking hard being the only good bison in japan. I got no one to learn off of.



Aren’t there 3-4 other Master Dictators? Neurosis? Chichimonda Honda? etc.

dem command throws

They don’t know Match ups. Just play for points

Chichimonda might know some shit Vs the other characters , but ive seen nothing for fighting dumb ass makoto Yun

The rage

Just call me edmad

Lol, sick