Are you the worst Sakura Player? Vent here

Yesterday, I was playing against one of my friends and was able to land her super from F.dp. That made me happy. It didn’t last too long though. I ended up losing the round and the match. I might have actually taken the last round if I just did ex.shupu -> otoshi instead of ex.shunpu -> dash -> Ultra :sweat:

Hehe yeah that’s pretty annoying. What’s more annoying is when you do go for the Otoshi to be safe but for some weird reason you’re just out of range and it misses >.<

Yeah. Same issues here. Back to that combo thread I go. :crybaby: That, or pick up a different alt. At least I’ve a new Ryu/Sakura friend I can ask help from now. :blush:

Edit- Also, the Sagat was clearly dicking around, he did the traditional dp->FADC->:r:+:hk:->Ultra deal at the end of the Ken fight anyway. :lol: I’ve posted it before at this thread. Drop by for laughs.

Yeah. That.

Usually they do block which kinda makes it hard. And being used to A2 Sakura, you know the story.

As a Ryu player, I only have one character that I have a losing record against and that’s Sakura. Granted most of my losses have came against the same guy who I’m like 2-9 against just because he’s better then me. But anyways, recently it seems every Sak I run into does the exact same thing.

What I mean is they play really lame until they can get in and start there Tatsu mix up game. But until then they’ll just sit there and do nothing waiting for you to walk up so they can start throwing out normals, and if you jump, they’ll do crouching fierce. I lost a number of times but beat the last two because I employed the same strategy these Sak players have been using against me. I just threw tons of fireballs and did crouching fierce when they jump at me.

Every time I see a Sak player, I think “oh damn, not this shit again”, and bam they use the same exact strategy as the last one. I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining, I’m actually interested in learning to beat a good player using that style. But I just find it strange that everyone I’ve run into are playing the same way.

Come on man… If you know that a Sakura player is going to do that then you have an advantage… figure out how to beat their repetitive play… Sheesh. Ryu has every advantage in the world to beat Sakura…

Want to learn how to beat a flow chart Sakura? We ain’t going to help you with that… Go to Ryu’s match up forum.

You could easily say the same thing about Ryu: All he does is zone with fireballs and then dragon punch jump-ins… and let’s not get started on Balrog - all he does is punch! :shock:

Why would a Ryu come to Sakura’s forum and complain about her? That doesn’t even make sense. She is low tier.

Maybe you have the wrong idea about what I’m trying to say or maybe that’s just the message you wanted to send to me regardless. Anyways, I’m not saying they’re being unfair or something like that. I just find it odd that they all play the same way and was wondering if this is the trend with a lot of Sakura players.

Sorry for bringing it up, I’ll just GTFO now.

Sakura’s playing style is somewhat similar across the board yes… but which character isn’t? Whats your point?

Well it’s only natural that her moveset is going to lend itself to a certain playstyle. Just like Sagats usually try to zone and bait jump-ins, and Giefs usually try to get in close and stay there.

Sakura’s long range options are really weaksauce so she can either go to you or bait you to come to her. Her tatsu mixup game can be extremely effective so if the Sakura sees an opportunity to start it then they’d be mad not to…


Dude, there’s nothing wrong with asking for advice in another character’s forum if their character is giving you trouble. Rice Eater just asked in a roundabout way…

Okay Rice Eater, you fireball the hell out of her, and when she gets close you dragon punch any hell that is left in her… lol.

Maybe they’re doing the same strat 'cause you’re approaching them with your same strat? o.O; It’s like playing Rock-Paper-Scissors and complaining the other guy keeps throwing rock =\ …Well maybe it’s 'cause you keep throwing scissors? =P

I notice a lot of the guys on the forums play a certain similar style as a collective. It’s rare that you’ll find any stamp of individuality here simply because the gameplay is most efficient taking the shortest road. In your case, that road has billboards saying “turtle” and “play patient.”

I don’t mind helping you understand your options, but you have to present the problem more clearly first =\ Sounds like you’re getting out-Hadouken’d by Sakura? :xeye:

That’s not it, I think my problem is that I try to fight up close with these Sak players and they’re simply better then me. I don’t zone much, I get too impatient when losing a life lead, and too predictable with fireballs up close so they read me and jump in for a guaranteed combo. I gotta hand it to these Sak players, they’re pretty patient and seem to not lose there cool when behind because I’ve lost leads which ended in defeat.

I’m sorry for parading my problem in the Sak forum. If you don’t mind giving me some inputs, I’ll gladly take any advice you have to offer. As for the first thing you said, I guess you nailed it. I try to be aggressive so they’re content to use the same strat.

^^ Hmm… I think you might already know what you are doing wrong… If all else fails dragon punch twice the amount you already are :nunchuck:

EDIT: And to be perfectly honest man… It sounds like you need to go back to the basics as far as spacing/zoning, footsies, smarts, and other basic things. The way you described your own playing style makes it seems like you just spam fireballs and have a weaksauce defensive game. Ryu has great tools, learn the basics dude. Then it will all make sense on how to defeat any Sakura you find pesky.

I think I’m the guy you’re talking about, I’ve definitely played your Ryu before, but then again sometimes when I try to remember I forget. But yup, that’s my style against Ryu’s, seems to work great for the most part.
If it’s not me you’re talking about then maybe i was one of the clones.
I’ve stopped playing Championship mode but if I am the “guy” I’ll add you and we can spar some player matches to help you with the match up.

I’m not that patient :stuck_out_tongue: which leads me into carelessly jumping and a whole world of hurt :frowning: If you’re too impatient to play the zoning game with Ryu then maybe you’re using the wrong character? x_x?

I ran into another Sakura yesterday :slight_smile: He had an odd link combo that he’d always use c.LP x2 > c.MP xx HP or EX Shou, makes me wonder if he took it straight from the trials hehe. Wasn’t bad so I sent him a nice message, rarely see other good Sakura players in these parts ^^

I have the same problem Suga has and since he has played he can vouch for it. So if you play me ever, there probably wont be a second I am not right up on you eating random SRK’s and not being able to tech throws :smiley: If I am actually holding block and not moving forward it is mainly because somthing cool is happening on TV or I am taking a drink lol.

Basically I am free for turtles… :wonder:

@ riceeater

ryu is a massive zoning character… he usually wants to be close, but not too close. sakura is dangerous up in your face. keep her away.

Basic Ryu Strats = Don’t throw fireballs from Distance: 3. That’s the fireball deadzone where you’re stuck in recovery and they have the option to jump in on you.

If you have the meter to FADC, Shoryu out of shenanigans 'cause of autocorrection, Shoryu will always hit/get blocked from no matter what direction. When in doubt and have meter, Shoryu~

Without actual video, I can’t really give more advice than that =\ I dunno what Sakura is giving you such a hard time, I dunno what she’s doing and ultimately, I dunno what you’re doing o.o; There’s so many things that could be happening =\

You should check out the Ryu tutorial video, if I remember correctly it’s 5 parts on Youtube (should be linked in the Ryu section of this forum), and see if you agree with what is said. It’s a good watch for Ryus and Sakuras alike =)