To add to shytzoo’s advice…
Balrog can be your bitch, esp newbies using him. Just like most newbs, balrog rookies are looking to hit the one combo balrog is known for…cr.jb, buffalo headbutt, ultra…and that’s almost all they’ll be looking to hit. Walk in close enough to bait the headbutt and tear em a new one. Throw a few st.RH to give them false hope in nailing the leg to start the combo.
Here are some things to look for versus other characters:
vs Ryu: psychic otoshis can make fireball spammers think twice. During a break in the action, jump back and wait…ryu players are engrained to throw fireballs whe ever there’s any space. Anicipate and punish.
vs Ken: the most common pattern is f.MK, cr.MK+hadoken (or another f.MK). Learn the start-up animation and punish the f.MK
vs Gouken: they will almost always throw the horizontal hado and then ‘predict’ another jump with a diagonal hadoken. Jump the horizontal and shouken to close the gap and punish.
vs Akuma: most are impatient. What I mean is that they’ll play keepaway but expect you to run into the fireballs. Don’t. Hang back and wait for them to attack. Depending on how long they play keepaway will be their other offensive skills. Most of the time, runaway works so they aren’t as accomplished with Akuma’s plethora of moves except for the obvious ones (watch out for the st.RH). Once they charge in, expect the jump-in fireball followed by a throw, sweep or overhead.
vs Sagat: when you see them spazzing with the crouch, they’re going to ultra, so stay away. When they spam tiger shots, jump in and kick those hands. You can counter the rh tiger knee with your cr.HP-tatsu combo, but don’t try it on their lk tiger knee…but you can expect an uppercut after so block and punish.
vs Cammy: no contest cuz cr.HP stuffs all her jump-ins and hooligan throw. Cannon spike can be punished by blocking it, then walking forward and hitting with st.RH. A blocked cannon drill can be cr.HP into a combo.
vs Vega: Same as Cammy. Her cr.HP stuffs everything he’s got, from normal jump-ins, to specials and supers. Block the Ultra and ex shouken to punish.
Her j.MP is an excellent anti-air, so get in the habit of using it.
Just enjoy the game And learn from every round. It’s not About getting to
s rank as fast as possible, but about knowing why fights turned out the way they did so it won’t happen again. Enjoy the game at your pace and don’t feel the need to get up to speed as fast as you can…otherwise, you’ll never enjoy the game