Are you the worst Sakura Player? Vent here

no. you want to get good at fighting games, you get a stick…end of story
if you don’t care, then whatever, but if your serious enough to go on srk, then you are probably serious enough to get a stick

seriously sick of people saying its not worth it (100% of the time, they don’t have a stick either)

Wow. Perfect example of someone that just doesn’t know. Your opinion from here on out is now null and void.

Almost sad to say I think links are probably more important to Sakura than any other character in the game. Without them you can’t combo into Shou safely unless you know the jump in or previous attack will hit (saying that I still botch the link up a fair bit). You’ll end up wasting EX bars on EX Shunpuus that get blocked and worse case scenario jump straight over them and get punished. Of course this is all null and void if you’re incredibly perceptive and on the ball that you’re able to see whether your jump in hits and react in time accordingly, most of us can’t do this sadly :stuck_out_tongue:

There once was a time when I couldn’t do links at all, it took me 2 weeks or so to do Sakura’s hard trials and when I finally did one it was a huge achievement. Now I’d like to think I’m 75%+ accurate at her “essential” link combos (ones that use c.MK are the hardest for me), 3 in 4 isn’t that good really x_x;;

Luckily for me (and us) Sakura probably has the easiest link combos and I love doing combos :slight_smile: It’s really quite satisfying landing a j.HK > c.LK > c.LP > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu > dash > LP > dash c.HP xx EX Shunpuu > Otoshi reset combo and stunning them in the process :slight_smile: Almost garanteed the other guy is sitting there with his mouth wide open :slight_smile:

Practice the FUCK out of those link combos, you’ll love yourself once you can do them with a good degree of accuracy :slight_smile: Bit of advice for landing those links; slow down the first two attacks. For me it’s much easier to do the 3 attacks all in a rhythm rather than a quick two chained hits then trying to make the pause the right length of time for the link.

I looked at mine on both PS3 and 360. My win rate on 360 is 39.5% out of 856 matches and 4.6% on PS3 out of 301 matches. I have notice that on PS3 there is no way possible to block or tech throw :annoy:

I tried to play Joe last night but I couldnt drag him off KoF lol.

I’ve never been good with combos in any game, just simpler stuff.
But it’s the cancels in this game I have a problem with.
Is it just me or do you have to be extremely quick? Like, to clear Saks normal challenge mode combos, I had to work out little ways to mix the first hit with the special command and tapping the buttons right after each other to be able to be quick enough… Cancelling into EX is especially annoying, my fingers havn’t been that stressed out in a while.
I had to practice c.MK into EX tatsu for soo long.
Some I can do ok if I focus, like c.HP into some stuff.

I’d love any tips on these things… Am I just doing it wrong?

I mean, I’m stuck at Saks first hard. I get the first four linked normals relatively easy but I get stuck at the rest, cancelling into the two shou’ou kens :crybaby:

This is the only time I was happy the game had shortcuts! So basically I cheated to do this one! :rofl:

an easy way to do > shou is go :df::mk: to :d::df::hp:

impressive counterpoint, i bet you were on the debate team.

just as a curiosity, were you the genius who wrote ‘idiot’ but wound up giving me a positive rep? if so, wow. smooth.

Thanks for not being a dick about it.

I wrote up a long post in response before i realized it’s largely off-topic. i’ll pm it to you since you seem to have a thought out opinion.

thanks for the tips.

for you, do you time the links mentally or do you go by visual clues? I’m usually better on reaction to cues then timing out a rhyme and I’ve been having trouble burning sakura’s into my brain. i can do them all easily enough individually and with practice, in a single combo. the problem is everything sort of falls apart when i have to switch between them situationally in a match. the only one i really have down 90% of the time is c.lp>>l.dp.

Only a fool thinks you can seriously compete at SF4 on a pad. The only respectable tournament where the top 16 had ANY pad players was the Gamestop tournament, and the only reason for that was because a lot of the qualifiers weren’t letting people use a stick and FORCING them to use pad. So as you can imagine a lot of the actual GOOD players were knocked out early because of that bullshit, so people far less deserving advanced. These players were also beaten up pretty bad at the finals because they allowed stick usage.

All the proof you need is in the results. It’s not about being trendy or doing whats ‘cool’. Using a stick means A) you are serious about the game enough to shell out a few dollars to actually try to get good B) You understand the physical drawbacks of using a pad in comparison. You must be new to fighting games if you are stupid enough to think they are equal means for playing SF games.

tldr- don’t comment on things that you obviously have no idea about.

I thought her j.MK was her crossup…

Yeah man sorry about that, I think you sent me a message I got back at ya though, I didn’t even know you sent it till today (or yesterday, its past 12 now) and I just downloaded Duke Nukem 3D to vent frustration. KOF I seem to have more luck, but now I’m running into the same problems. I always choose low tier lol (King anyone?)

But if I’m on message me and if I don’t respond message me again I don’t mind.

j.LK is her cross up, but the spacing is specific.

<<<<Wants a stick really bad. I’m so sick of using pad. Especially with Fei Long. I used to rock with Fei in the arcades and had the hold downpat to just being able to twitch the stick enough to break those xx hadokens easily. Can’t really seem to do that on the pad and I kind of feel locked down on it.

I will get one eventually.

I also want to say i don’t knock pad players, some people can do alright on a pad. Also not everyone has the money to upgrade to a stick however it is limiting their potential and there is just no way around it.

yeah im gonna be upgrading to stick once i get the money… gonna need it for blazblue cause taokakas damn astral is pissing me off… i can only do it in training mode for some reason

Bit of both, of course I have to go on visual clues to see if they hit or not but I have a 1-2-3 rhythm in my head that I’ll try to work with as accurately as possible. If I hesitate the last hit will usually be somewhat delayed and will most likely end up being too slow on the stricter links (c.MK for Sakura, c.MP for Seth).

Thinking on my feeting and adapting accordingly is something I’m not great at either. I go into a jump in with my mind already set on something; no EX or too far for c.HP I’ll go for the c.LK > c.LP > c.MK xx Shou (already holding DF before landing) otherwise I’ll go for the c.LK > c.LP > c.HP xx EX Shunpuu (already holding D before landing). What I need to get better at is noticing the block on c.LK, stopping on c.LP then getting up and going for a throw, obviously not always do it but I never do it atm :frowning:

I’ll throw out c.LPs to try and interrupt and if I notice a hit I’ll link into c.HP xx Shunpuu, being too fast on the c.LP x2 often means the c.HP won’t come out or comes out too late :frowning: Still somewhat a useful tool to be able to turn a counter poke into a combo.

You’ll want to do a 3-hit link combo rather than 2, the extra time the extra hit gives you makes it that much easier. c.MK is better than c.MP too due to the range, both come out at the same speed. Jab and short (any variety) are the easiest to link with, I find it easier that the final link be different to the one before it. Can start practicing these “easy” ones:

s.LP > s.LP > c.LK xx Heavy Shou
c.LP > c.LP > c.LK xx EX or Heavy Shunpuu
c.LK > c.LP > c.LK xx EX or Heavy Shunpuu

I choose those specials as I think they’re the easiest ones to do (that you’d want to do) from those situations. Once you get comfortable with them you can swap the specials around. Once you’re comfortable with that you can work on using c.HP instead of c.LK (for using Shunpuu) so mainly the last two combos.

My general rule of thumb is c.HP for Shunpuu and c.MK for Shou, c.HP works for Shou too but if it’s close enough to hit then there’s something stopping you from using a Shunpuu (EX of course for that launcher).

When you’re finally comfortable with c.HP links you can work on c.MK ones, always into Shou because off a link a Shunpuu will not combo. All the combos above you can use c.MK instead of the last c.LK, be holding DF during the 1-2-3 so it makes it easy to move to D then back to DF+HP for that Shou.

Besides the Light Shunpuu links that’s all the link combos you “need” to learn. Light Shunpuu you have to work from visual clues to get that link in, which is why I’m generally not that accurate with it :frowning:

Holy shit, big post. Sorry guys ^^;

Last time I checked I was around 19%, that may be up to 20% by now or just wishful thinking.

Lately my favorite match up has been vs Abel. nuetral jump.hK has made all of the difference.

When I lose which is most of the time, I lose really close fights. At least I can say I am competitive. (helps the ego LOL)

opening price 24.0 daily change -0.21%
is that why you’re so bitter?

It might be alittle late, since you’ve already taken a flying leap of the cliff of conclusions, but two days ago i would have agreed that most fighting games benefit from sticks, my sticking point with street fighter was that the commands are sufficiently simplistic to not make much of a difference. Otoshi managed to prove me wrong via pm’s though. I was just alittle too hung up on technical aspects.

@sugami: its probably going to take some sleep before i can digest all of that.

That’s why A2 and A3 are still around, to make you feels good about dem legs.

cool story bro

you forgot to say “Fixed” lol

anyways on topic:
I am terrible
I have barely any skill whatsoever as far as SF4 goes
whenever I try and punish by using my ultra, the ultra doesn’t come out
so what do I do
spend the rest of the round trying to use my ultra
at a full screen gap away
just to see if I can do it
also, I can only use my ultra on the 1P side of the screen lol
its pathetic
I do have a stick
a SF4 Standard edition modded with sanwa parts

I kinda threw in the towel on SF4 for the time being
BlazBlue has stolen all of my attention lol