I say good game Mr. Flowers. Those games were fun. Your Sak is fundamentally different than mine and it was fun. Sorry about the Sakura Bow though. Usually no one does it so I went straight to the fighting. DX. Sorry about that! How did you like my Ken Finisher? XD.
tut tut.
Nobody values the sacred rituals anymore. Suddenly its all about winning the match! You people make me sick!
EDIT: I watched that new vid of yours that you uploaded then on my home page of youtube it suggested another video to watch because I watched your one.
Take a trip with me back a year to February 19th 2009
Actually I think you were alot better than me when I started this game in April 2009. Sak was my main from the minute I unlocked her with Ryu.
My seth is pretty good until people get in, then I panic and die.
My how our games develop. I’d love it if somewhere someone had video footage of me playing this game at first, it would probably be hilariously bad.
Guha?!? Was really my Sak Feb 2009?!? I see some ultra scrubbiness right there by me and SiK Gun Arms. Gawd how I dispise that video now. I feel like such a scrub watching it. XD
I mained Sakura and Karin since SFA3 came out, so once I unlocked Sakura, I went on maining her.
And again, sorry about the Sakura Bow! Really! It’s my first reaction when playing cause no other Sak has done the favor back to me when I play. TT__TT… Need to play more Sakura’s online.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Seth I’m pretty good when I’m on the offensive, I like applying a decent amount of pressure, especially against those people who don’t know how to deal with the Sonic Boom > Teleport Behind trick Could just do that all day on some people
That’s okay, I feel like a scrub watching all my videos and they’re not even a month old
He’s not lying! I’m one of those people!
Yeah Seth is tricky to me too.
That bastard :lol:
I wish I had a camera to record my play with. It’s be helpful to get someone to watch the video and tell me what I’m doing right/wrong.
Doesn’t have to be a fancy camera or a caputre card, just try to record any way possible, just make sure when you are recording videos via cam corder, overlay the sound with music.
Quick Recover, jump forward (over Sonic Boom) If you forget to quick recover then block as you would a cross-up, 9/10 times they’ll teleport behind. Same applies to Dhalsim’s Yoga Fire > Teleport trick 'cept most of the time you don’t have the quick recover option for that.
until they tele in front of u. ahhhhhhhh! wtf
Yeah, if you don’t quick recover against Seth and Dhalsim or don’t have the option then it’s a “free” mix-up for them But heck, if they don’t need to mix-up then why should they? Teleport behind all the way until their opponent finally catches on
How do you guys feel about the Honda matchup? I played Edmond against another Sakura today and s/he clearly had no matchup-knowledge (j.hk on my wakeup for easy ultra, hugging me for oichos, etc), anyone got a general gameplan against him? Felt kinda sorry for her/him, especially knowing I wouldn’t have done any better.
u can head butt all day and there aint nothing we can do. he has good pokes so we lose there, he as ex head butt, and the splash for anti airs, there really aint much u can do here either.
Honda one of the few characters we can actually use Hadouken to zone with but only at full screen, jumping over it can get LP Shou > MP/HP Shou for minimum damage, c.HP up the butt for those butt splashes but need to be quick with that and that’s about it
Think he’s one of our worse match-ups
This match might be slightly better in Super due to the increase in the Hadoken’s range.
I think charge-like characters (e.g Honda, Guile, Boxer, Dictator) are our worst enemy. I especially have a hard time mixing them up. The only one that I can get them with is a charged Hadoken when they are crouching, and if on block, I go with a f.MK. That usually gets them for me…
That’s funny, I hate fighting against Sakura as boxer because I get mixed up like mad for some reason, np with honda though…oh well, thanks for your guys’ input.