They just want to prove a point that Dan is Sakura’s teacher.
bah, I can’t get off shouoken xx super in a real match, only training or vs the cpu :mad:
Even in training, it usually takes a few tries before it comes out… Most people online don’t give me a half a dozen tries in a row to land shouokens (lol, though some do…)
Hey guys, I’ll try to be on XBL by tomorrow @ around 4 PM PST. If anyone wants to hit me up on SFIV by then, send me a invite, I really need to play more Sakura mirrors.
Add me on xbox and PS3. But I play PS3 more. You beat j0ns11 right? You’ll definately get a few perfets on me then.
I really need to add more of you fine fellows. I need some like-minded competition.
I’m down to play this afternoon!
Well finally made it to G1 :). In 4 days, it’ll be exactly 2 months since i joined the fray. Just wanted to say thanks to all you Saks. I learned a lot from all the great posts. And to anyone who is still trying to reach G1, good luck. If a non-gamer like me can do it, anyone can.
Good job choaslimit.
I won 3/5 Championships in G1 (I’m G1-A) my last time getting on SF4 so I am FINALLY starting to get a hang of that “next level”. Trying to make my way to that SG class with Sakura.
I just made it about a week ago myself. I feel like I’ve accomplished what I set out to do: I purposed in myself that I’d make the climb from about 3000 GP into G1 before SSF4 came out. I stated in mid-December and got it done. Now I’m sitting on 16800 GP and feeling great. Was losing a ton the past couple of days but I realized why: I was allowing myself to get really upset, and therefore was making stupid mistakes. I decided to go in with a clear head no matter what, and plowed straight on through to a final. Lost to a Sagat there, but eh, who doesn’t from ime to time?
It’s funny cause I played against this dude named Joecrack305 in a final Championship match, who had a real tough Sagat and I beat him, simply because I can mental prepare myself for the Sagat matchup really well. Whenever I play a Sagat, I always seem to be extremely patient and work through the wall of Tiger Shots.
I was able to force it to a third round myself. Would’ve actually won in two rounds but I got caught up in his TU > FADC > f.RH > Ultra nonsense.
Okay, just had to talk about this “gem”.
Playing a Gief, countering all his retarded nonsense beautifully in the third round after learning the guy’s tendencies. He empty jump Ultras me, which okay, I was stupid for eating that. But then, all of a sudden out of nowhere, the match gets hella laggy and now I can’t counter ANY SPDs or Lariats. WTF. Seemed like an awful fortuitous coincidence for the match to all of a sudden start getting laggy just at it’s coming down to the wire. Meh.
Whaaaaaaaaaaat! omg! Thats amazing!
sheesh g1 is tough… and awesome. People spam when they want to annoy you but every match has some great lessons to learn.
Still in G2… TT__TT … Only 6000 points. I blame my BlazBlue friends when it first came out and sucked the days out of me.
The hoards of Ryus and scrubby random players in G2… kinda makes me want to be in G1, think I’d have more fun getting my ass kicked by someone decent then the bland scrubbiness I seem to come across constantly. I normally just do player matches
You Sak players should all definately try and make it up to G1. We need more folks repping her up here.
I’m only using Dan in Championship mode ATM (video purposes) although I’m tempted to do with Seth to see how many rage quits and hate mail I get but probably wouldn’t be a lot 'cause my Seth isn’t that good
Add me. I have blazblue on psn and haven’t played it in ages. I like Hakumen, Rachel and arakune. Actually I don’t know anything about any other character lol.
As for Champ Mode. I’m still on 17.4k. Haven’t touched Champ mode since Modern Warfare 2 came out. I just play people in my friend list now. If I kept playing I might have been near to 30k by now.
Shot you a FR Flowers.
My bad I was drunk/high when I wrote that.
I’m in G2-A