Are you the worst Sakura Player? Vent here

Vega matches suck if they’re a particularly pokey one since c.MP practically owns us hands down and a well spaced j.HP beats c.HP. Just have to be patient and wait for an opportunity, if one ever comes… Best thing to do is try to learn their habits and know the frame data, look out for that hop kick into throw, they all love doing that, probably because throwing is the smartest/easiest thing to do on block (hit gives them juggle).

What’s funny sometimes are the ones that are all tricks, i.e. just cross-up all the time with the wall dive, once they work out their tricks don’t work they tend to spend the whole game back flipping away. Had one guy do that until time out even though I had quite a comfy health lead :rofl:


I got to the final round of a G1 tourney earlier. I was facing a Ryu (obviously) and was doing quite well. We were even in rounds and I had a health lead going for the finish. I land an Ex Shunpu going for the Ultra finisher (it was in the corner, pretty much a sure thing) and instead of Ultra the game spits out another Ex Shunpu instead. Then of course I get DP > FADC > Ultra’d for the loss.

GAAAAAAAAA and there would’ve been a video for me to post of myself playing finally, dangit.

I feel like I have made plenty of improvements in my Sakura game, but fellow SRKer Ema Lovely continues to murder me with Chun-Li. I’m not left with many options because I can’t stay in long enough on Chun to start a combo. If I don’t go into a combo immediately Chun kicks me out or hits me with that overhead flip kick.

Honestly Chun is the ONLY person I’m scared of in SF4.

Dang, I really hate that stuff too. If you stop at a SRK movement when going into Ultra which pulls out a EX Shinpu instead. DX, A waste of EX gauge and you’ll definably regret that move after that.

i know i feel your pain man chun is a hard match because she as amazing footsies and a great turtle game. what ive noticed about chuns is that they love thier sweep and i dont blame them. but once they poke string u to the distance were the only thing that will hit you will is the sweep start to focus, u can punish it all day. and for the over head flip kick i would advise u just to watch for it. if it comes out u can focus and dash away or just block correctly. thats really all u can do unless someone else as got a punish for it

you can c.hp her out of that crossup kick on reaction. I’m pretty sure its on reaction because when it hits, sakura is already turned around.

or maybe you mean hasansho, the other overhead hit… that one I try to go ahead and land the focus attack for a crumple. Gotta punish that shit hard, otherwise it’ll fuck up my day because I can never block high fast enough :frowning:

Ryu scrubs make me so angry.

Playing one guy, he’s a little LP Shoryu happy. I catch on fairly quickly and start punishing him. Little did I expect he would mash out LP Shoryu not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in a row. I get caught with the third one and eat Ultra for the loss. This is ridiculous. Why do people get rewarded for playing like this?

Cause ultras and lag are awesome /sarcasm.

YES! Finally won a G1 tourney. Got to upload a replay just now too. If you wanna see it, find the replay by GoombaFromMario. Beat a Seth for the final match. At last, video proof I exist!

You fucker you!:lol: I wish you was one of those Seths! Maybe I’d beat him once or twice lol!

Think you did with those sneaky Demon Flip throws. Well excuse me for knowing how to play a character :rofl:

I’ll probably be giving Seth up come Super, his extremely low health and constant wrong special move cock-ups are pretty annoying >.< Juri will most likely be taking his place, currently Cammy and Fei have kinda over-taken him on my play list :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m probably giving Juri a spin myself once Super hits. Makoto too if she’s in.

I think you have it in you to beast with any of those characters mate.

“Beast”? I don’t think so :rofl: You can tell I quite like the rush down characters, with momentum behind me I’m at my best, it’s just a shame this game seems so much more geared towards defense :frowning:

Can’t really be a competent Cammy as I’m not at all consistent with Instant Cannon Strikes and with Fei I’m not very good at Flame Kick FADC Chicken Wing (nor am I good at EX CW on reaction, no chance :rofl:), don’t even know proper strats for them either :stuck_out_tongue:

I played a Dan in G1 and he beat me not by a large margin but that doesn’t change the fact I lost to Dan of all people.

That sucks, but there’s a lot of players I have met that chose Dan of all people to counter Sakura, but hey, free wins for me.

I expect I was just having a bad day because the guy didn’t seem exquisitely skilled. I think one of my problems is I can’t handle distractions well if I’m not in a quite room and in an acceptable mood I start losing and that does nothing for my mood propagating the problem. When I’m absent of distractions I can get perfects off of people who were beating me in the first round or have vastly higher GP than mine. I don’t think I could play in a Tournament with all those distractions even if I were good enough

Don’t underestimate Dan, you’ll get yourself hurt :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously don’t diss, Dan’s my secondary main and I know some serious Dan players. Look for videos of Sanford’s Dan if you want to see how awesome Dan can be. Yeash, no love amoung the low tiers? I’d think you guys would know better :nono:

Oh I’m not talking about the good Dans like yourself, but other people who randomly pick Dan just to try to counter Sakura for some unknown reason. Sorry if it came out as offensive to Dan. Dan Hibiki is Beast if you know how to play him and cross-up with his QCB->LK

Hmm~ how’d you know they’re trying to counter-pick? :stuck_out_tongue:

When I play people they usually trade up after losing, not down :rofl: Played a guy started off Gen (sucked) then switched to Ryu, then Sagat, I got bored of his poor attempts at tier whoring I booted him from my room after that :rofl:

Saying that I have met the occasional person who picked Dan but purely because I did, they either knew how to play him (so kudos to them) or suffered defeat at my hands because there’s no way I’ll lose in a Dan fight against a non-Dan (hopefully) :rofl: