on and if they throw the st hk u can on reaction cr mk to srk then after that just back up to cr mk distance again and wait
Yeah, what’s worse is when you step forward to try and poke with s.HK and they pick that one moment to jump at you, because the move is so God damn slow it’s a free jump in combo for them >.<
It’s funny because it’s true. Most Sagat’s get extremely panicky in the corner, we just need to be patient and wait for that big mistake they’re bound to do.
Oh yes, I just fought a match that was soooo delicious.
Fighting a Sagat, and he’s mashing out DPs like a total scrub. He beats me in the first round because I’m not expecting him to act like that, but I come back in the second round. Round 3 starts, he starts backing up and tossing Tiger Shots. I get in on him though and start laying down some combos. He starts to get nervous and starts doing random Tiger Knees. So again I’m able to punish him. In a last desperate act he throws out his Ultra, praying it hits. It doesn’t, of course, and I take the last bit of his health.
It feels good when you know you won a match because you’re genuinely better than someone rather than just taking advantage of a top tier character.
…so true it hurts. :shake:
st.HK is a move that only works through amazing psychic powers imo. Not that you shouldn’t use it - just that you’ve got to know that every time you press that damned button you’re fully committed for the next 28 frames.
I’m slowing becoming more and more convinced that Sakura is great on rush-down offence, and pretty damned good at punishing (for someone without a real reversal) with the long range and 3 frame startup on her cr.LK (which leads into super reset happy land), but she’s at a serious disadvantage in that middle-range where everything is ‘even’.
[media=youtube]17sEq7HX2QE&feature=related[/media] ?
If only Sak’s beastly SFA3 s.HK was still in SFIV…
I’m learning Balrog now. So I don’t get too frustrated not being able to do any Sakura combo apart from c.mk>dp and c.lk>tatsu.
Not giving up Sakura entirely. Just taking my time to re-learn her.
This is the only existing video of me playing Sakura.
January 28, 2010.
Man, that was so bad.
Worse than you guys.
I’m the most of SRK Sakura.
u jump to much. sometimes if u just wait there balrogs like to throw headbutts for no reason and u punish. but in your defense that match up is like a 9-1 in his favor. once your in a corner your screwed
That is good to know.
I’ve no experience against Balrog.
I do jump a lot.
But what if Match turns into a waiting game?
Both of us waiting on each other.
That guy doesn’t play Balrog.
His Character is Blanka.
He chose Balrog to make it easier on me.
I’m feeling pretty shitty lately. Can’t win with Sakura, but then I switch to Seth and I feel so comfortable. I don’t really want to drop her as a main, but when Seth has the needed tools for the situations that she doesn’t, I just don’t feel very excited to play her. Especially against Gief and Honda…
Spending the entire match trying to land an ex shunpu or a cr.mk is really tiring. Everyone seems to know the Sak plan right now
Well I’ve been having some more success. I can consistently win 1-2 matches in G1 play now…At least I’ve managed to get myself out of danger of falling below 15k GP.
if it becomes a waiting game out wait him. he will move eventually and if he doesnt walk forward a little and then hold down back and just close the distance. just make sure your not doing it in a rhythm so he doesnt read it and dash punch. once u get in cr mk range throw some out like to or three and then he should try to counter poke with his sweep, when he does counter poke with your cr mp because its faster than the cr mk and as a shorter distance in range so harder to punish. or if u see a pattern to his sweep then u jump in and punish but u gotta show him u are not going to jump. that way he wont be expecting it.
is that your 360 gt because i tried to add u but it says that you gt doesnt exist. i would like to hit u up for some matches sometime
Yeah I changed my GT recently. I’m now GoombaFromMario on XBL. I should update that in my profile, lol.
No it’s not c.MP and c.MK both are active on the 5th frame, c.MP just seems to have better hit-boxes inside it’s own range
Well, just fought a Seth who did nothing but spam stretchy arms incessantly…and I lost. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to get in. I tried air Shunpuus but just wound up trading, sometimes getting beat. Seth is someone I have virtually zero experience fighting…meh.
I hate those Seths, all they do is j.HP and cross-up j.HK > c.HP > Lightning Legs. One trick ponies are rare but not uncommon, also come across an Abel that’d just abuse front kick dash > Tornado Throw (same guy that nubbed it up as Seth) and a Gen that’d cross-up all day long :rolleyes:
To address Seth’s j.HP you can probably beat it with a well timed j.MP or j.LK, c.HP too but if they empty jump you’ll be wide open (nubs probably won’t though). Blocked Legs can be punished by just about anything, his SRK recovers quicker than it looks so careful with that.
I really suck when I’m up against a Vega player. The only way I know they will have a hard time with Sak, is when I start backpedaling all the way to the edge of the map, and start timing a correct j.HK when they come up to me. Anybody have a better way to fight against Vega players with Sak?