I know General Vivi is there.
I’m in G2-A so I’m making my way.
I know General Vivi is there.
I’m in G2-A so I’m making my way.
All of a sudden, G2-A is becoming a huge pain. Everyone fishing for random “setup” to Ultra and weird lag popping out of nowhere:] lol
oops. multi-post
I just got to G1 a few days ago… but now I play just player match… I’d just get all pissed off if i drop below 15000 points right away, so I’m just gonna spend time in player match from now on.
You know you stay a G1 even if you drop below, right? There’s some 13k’s in there >X)
I am still undefeated in in champ mode! /flex I am a perfect 3-0 and I will never tarnish that record lol.
exactly, I don’t wanna be one of those :lol:
So far the farthest I’ve gotten in G1 is the semi-finals. My progress tends to be 2 steps forward and 1 step back meaning I can play several matches and simply break even or I can be on a losing streak and suddenly recoup all my losses ending up ahead.
I actually think my execution has got worse since I moved from the Hori EX2 stick to a now modded Madcatz SE stick D: I really need to put the square gate back in and somehow lower the height of the stick, it’s just too high for me :looney:
Gawd I epic fail with Sak. I fail even at the basic c.MK->Sho. >.> And I can’t even make it past the first Sak Hard Trial without trying to break my pad in half. /rant
I’m up for XBL Sak mirror matches. I can hopefully learn a few things with mirror matches.
My god, today was atrocious I went online and lost 70% of all the matches I fought and ended up with less points than I started with. The competition wasn’t any stronger than what I’ve faced before but I was suddenly incapable of beating them.
I guess a lot of people are restarting championship mode. Beating a lot of 10+ thousands only to be creamed by 2000-3000 point players. lol
Gah! I just got into G1 and I’m getting absolutely demolished! None of my usual baiting tactics are working against these solid players…I’m at a loss.
Well, u have to get better
those players usually have got better matchup knowledge.
I played a lot of G1 and awesome player matches with Sakura last night. I got her mixup game down tight (as tight as lag will allow, lmao), but that shit’s pretty rare to land (unlike G2).
That new mountain we all find is footsies… and Sakura’s are pretty damn weak (from my findings). Not weak, just sloooooow. Seriously, it’s like time slowed down and I could see Sakura’s foot inching toward Ryu’s ugly face, and you see his hidious foot flash out into your gut like “CHA’KA!”. Unless you’re close enough to poke with lk, shit ain’t happening, and you gotta zone back out of blockstrings. I’ve never used her stupid fireball so much. I was launching more hadukens last night than I ever have to zone people out of my face. Once they attempt to do something about it is when you need to close the distance back up.
Just keep telling yourself “SSFIV is coming out soon! Sakura will be better!”
Exactly I tried playing Champ mode Free and I was struggling against guys with only a 10th of my GP but when I switched back to Grade I suddenly found the matches less hard
Yep I play G1 and usually do work, but i usually have my hardest matches in player match…
Dang guys, I’m still in G2 >A<
Since you don’t lose any points in G2 getting to G1 is simply a matter of putting in the hours playing the game unless you’re so bad you always lose the first match in every tournament.
just remember that it may not be that you are bad but are playing with a handicap called sakura lol. if you run into a sagat this is what u do, jump at safe distance only, let him back himself into a corner as you slowly walk forward and block tiger shots, once you get to the corner get inside of cr mk distance and hold down-back. this is when they get scared because your not doing anything. all sagats know how to do is counter something that the opponent is doing, so if u do nothing their game plan is out the window. i did this to one guy and it mind F*** him so bad that he through an ultra and all i was doing was sitting there. no joke, he threw is ultra for no reason. he was at like 8000 gp or so. oh another great thing they will do is try to jump in on u and then u just stick your fist up their butt lol. its so funny to watch. they just dont know what to do its great