Are you the worst Sakura Player? Vent here

I can honestly say that almost every fight came down to the wire. Of the 34 fights, I fought Ryu, Sagat, Ken and 1 Cammy and 1 Gouken. The Ryu/Ken was the same person and we played 15 matches and he was extremely solid with both and manage to DP me out of every mix up attempt. If he had ultra waiting which was most of the time he would DP me out of mix up right into his ultra with Ken or Ryu, it was actaully pretty cool lol.

The Sagat was 10 matchs and he was text book online Sagat and I sadly ate several random ultra’s. Then it was just random Ryu’s from that point on with a Cammy and Gouken tossed in. Cammy, I lost from a random Ultra and Gouken was very well played. I cant even really blame LAG, seemed to have a solid connection with everyone.

Yeah OTR she is my main for the most part, although I leaning towards trying to learn the SF4 version of Bison, since he was my main on the other SF’s.

Well as annoying as it is losing a match when it’s so close it’s nothing to be all that ashamed about, just a little unlucky.

Something to cheer you up :stuck_out_tongue:

Player Match rage quit :stuck_out_tongue: Beat his Ryu with Dan, then he played a rather crappy Sakura and got lucky due to my sloppiness so I decided to show him how to play Sakura and soundly beat his ass, his tier-whoring ass no less :stuck_out_tongue:

So you do have XBL… add me playa.

And I can’t beat Crayzkat no matter what. What he said basically says is the same for me against him.

And to contribute to your Japanese discussion, I got the CvS2 soundtrack with voice collections, and the clearly western announcer says Ryu like “Lyoo” and Sakura like “Sak-oo-lah” too. Her voiceover sounds somewhat similar. Maybe you should download it from Galbadia Hotel and give us some insight, cause its hard to explain sounds with text.

But listening to the A2 voiceovers they have leftovers too, where Dan says “Dankukyaku” for his kicks. I think he just says “Dan” in the other games now. I think. (Sorry not the Dan forums but felt the need to say it while I was at it.)

I could do but I live in England if you don’t mind laggy ass games :stuck_out_tongue:

[media=youtube]lrMkJAzbWQc&feature=rec-HM-r2[/media] Japanese “alphabet” song they use to teach kids, funny but helpful :tup:

[media=youtube]gbofjOR7WEw[/media] Sounds like “dah dah dah”, sounds the same in SF4 but dub sounds kinda stupid and more like “dan dan dan” to me :stuck_out_tongue:

Soooooooo last night I got on and played some player Matches. I ended up playing only 3 people but 40 matches in total. I only used 3 characters, Sakura, Rose and Dan (my counter to anyone picking Gief).

Player1 18 matches: Rog, Ken, Akuma, Honda, Sagat and Bison.
Me: Rose and Sakura.

Rose: 12-0 > Akuma, Sagat, Bison and Rog
Sakura: 0-6 > Ken, Honda, Sagat

Player2 15 Matches: Vega, Cammy, Akuma and Dan (WTF?)
Me: Rose & Sakura

Rose: 6-0 > Vega, Akuma and Dan
Sakura: 2-7 > Cammy & Vega

Player3 7 matches: Sagat & Gief
Me: Rose, Sakura and Dan (lol)

Rose: 2-1> Gief and Sagat.
Sakura: 0-1 > Sagat
Dan: 3-0 > Gief (Rage quit when about to be double perfected)

Begining to think it might be time to let the dream die and walk away from Sakura :sad:. I was really focused in these matches and not my normal self doing a million other things while playing.


Well the important thing is to have fun, if you have more fun with Rose then switch to her but don’t stop using Sakura, even if it is only for a bit :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m getting depressed to… My Chun Li is at least 4x better than my Sakura… And even my Ryu is better than my Sakura… and I never practice with him… But thats all fine and dandy. I keep playing Sakura because… well I dont know anymore. I just keep playing her. She definitely won’t become my main which is sad.

She is low tier for a reason…

My Sakura is better than my Ryu, Ken, Sagat or Akuma, then again so’s my Dan :wink: Can’t say I’ve actually tried playing as Ryu or Sagat though, I’ve messed about with Ken and Akuma and not really comfortable with their link combos.

I think my Dan’s getting better than my Sakura, though my friends tell me if I want to win tournaments, go with Sakura. They say I won’t be taken seriously otherwise :sad:

Being underestimated can be an asset. Use whomever you want to use.

Your Dan will be taken seriously if you win. :wink:

My Sakura is better than my Ryu, but that’s just because my puny brain can’t handle more than one thing at a time so when I switched to Sakura my Ryu immediately became spastic. :razzy:

I lose all the time too, but at least the games are heaps of fun right up until she loses her rice money. Better than Ryu mirror matches all day.

Ryu mirror matches aren’t bad some times though. I like trying to play like Daigo sometimes. :wink:

Precisely, as Dan would say “Underestimating me is a good way of getting yourself hurt!” :tup:

Doesn’t matter if they take you seriously or not, use it to your advantage and just have fun.

Lol at rice money. I’ll try and make something outta that.

Thanks for the encouragement guys. I guess I can main two, just depends on the day of the week :razzy:

“rice money” :rofl:

I envy all you people who have alternate characters… I can’t do shit with anyone but sakura. Whenever I try, I still end up trying to play them like sakura…

I keep saying I’m going to try and pick up someone else… then I never do it. :lol:

i hate playing online so much.

I found myself doing c.HP xx QCB+KK with Dan once, then remembered I wasn’t playing Sakura :stuck_out_tongue: Luckily that’s a combo but would have been better with only one K :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes (most of the time) I prefer playing AI than random people online, at least I get to play against a wider range of characters that way :stuck_out_tongue:

Ditto :tdown:

I hate c.lp spammers online. That doesn’t work so well offline. :devil:

I play mostly offline, though I assume online is still like this.

I feel like I’m finally turning the corner with Sakura. I depend too much on waiting for people to jump in so I can punish with cr.hp and go into a combo.