I stopped playing sakura alot and yet she’s still one of my best chars (yes, I do suck a fat one at sf), most of the time I miss c.HP links and just keep trying, by the time I finally land it my opponent is dead cuz HP’s dmg isnt bad at all
Also, I’m looking for “complete suckass”-level sakuras (EU/UK) to play against my shitty sim; you need to practice getting in, I need to practice keeping out. PM we with a/s/l and let’s get it on.
You know, I haven’t played SFIV in a week or so, and after playing a night, I gotta admit, there’s some crappy Sakuras in the non-SRK world. I’m nothing fantastic, but there should seriously be more tatsus than shoukens…
Flow Chart Sakura Mirror:
Match starts, no bow = \
Punish with mixup game until dizzy and hurt some more
Poke punish FTW
The only better tactic I’ve seen is a full screen ex-otoshi and one Sak obsessed with the most random tatsus… with no mixup on connect.
Unless you’re using shouken to escape a poor crossup, midscreen AA, mixing up, or poke linking, stop @__@. You’ll become godly with Sakura.
So a weird thing happen last night, I got online to play some games and I was also on PS3. (Guess I like self-torture) Anyways I played about 30 matches with about 11 different people and only lost 8 total but here is the weird part and everyone sit down before you read on!
Not a single Ryu, Sagat, Ken or Rog. I mean not one! I think that is the first time I went online and not faced at least one!
I can relate. I’ve been getting a lot of Abels lately too.
In SSF4 even less people will play those 4 characters… and Ken is acutally the less popular out of the 4 you mentioned.
Hah, same here. I actually saw a butt load of Guiles, and when they lost, they choose Ryu–I sent them assy messages about turning the difficulty down to easy mode >X).
Wow no Ryus or Sagats, shocking :o Not really that surprised about Kens though, I rarely come across the old “flowchart Ken” anymore, if I do come across a Ken then there’s a good chance they’re at least half decent.
SSF4 will still be full of Ryus and Sagats in the long run, unless they’re horribly nerfed but I highly doubt that.
So the other night I got on PSN again, dont ask me why I do this when I have 360. But I got on to play a local friend who I didnt even know played this game. Which brings me to my question, has anyone recently lost to an absolute text book online player? My friend picked Sagat and I kind of chuckled thinking really? I wonder if he knows how to play him. We also only had 2 bars, way to go PSN! :rock: We live less than 10 minutes from each other.
But he beat me and he only did jump in f.K ~ sweep jump back tiger shot and random Knee or Uppercut. I mean it was complete text book and I had to ask myself how am I losing? I was using Sim, some one I only recently started playing for kicks. It was like I forgot how to block, focus or punish jump ins. So after 6 losses in a row and my friend actually saying “Told ya I could play” I had to do it. I had no choice and I switched to SAKURA!!! :badboy:
For someone reason I remebered how to play after this and he even tried countering with Gief and it was also text book. Sakura really had my back in this 2 bar connection and 11 consective wins later and mass dizzies she has my love again! But has anyone had bouts where they just forgot how to play and lost to complete text book online play? Sorry for wall of text.
Sounds like someone has a crappy connection Dhalsim’s pretty hard to play with lag from what I understand, you need a good keep away game and learn those AA moves (he has tons!).
Sometimes I lose to such BS and I wonder why it’s working for them, usually a mix of lag, bad luck and impatience.
Yeah, I don’t think pure shotos will ever go away, regardless of nerfs. They’re like the foundation of SF after all. And yes, it would seem that the Flow-Kens have been weeded out at this point. Most ones at the arcade seem to know the EX tatsu shenanigans n’ stuff. The newer guys have mostly moved to Zangief, or the aforementioned Sagat n’ Ryu. :razzy:
I don’t even want to see what a Flow-Sakura looks like. :sad: It would seem that your execution and combo knowledge for her need to be spot-on for you to get anywhere. Especially in this game, where her throws and some of her normals have been changed. (I think that’s where part of my difficulties lie - I’m so used to A3/CvS2 Sakura, and have been unable to switch gears.)
At least, I found an offline buddy who uses Sakura too. I could definitely use some pointers, mirrors (as I am looking for alts), and Chun-Li practice (my main- will help both ways).
I wish everyone would stop running away from Sakura. I’m not sure why so many characters with decent up-close games keep doing this to me. Are they really that afraid?