Amazon Drones

Do you expect them to air drop their packages from 600 feet up?? :wtf: Think, sucka.

in this post if it’s light, it’s not expensive.

i swear to god this board sometimes

Amazon bringing drones to people’s houses
Google bringing internet to every corner of the planet
No one bringing food to the needy

Life is great or shitty depending on who you are

The logistics behind this seem mind blowing at this point, not to mention the cost alone. At this point I would say this program lacks substance and Amazon seems to have a lot of money to play with.


Fun fact, the last time Amazon went down for about 30 minutes it lost around $66,000 every minute!

And youre on drugs if you think the drones are being sent to your front door

How can you even make such a claim? Did you just seriously say ALWAYS? You are not a scientist but damn you are pessimistic ass mothasucka.

Call of Duty?

yeah I’m curious on what they will be landing on/with

Hack em and prosper. :tup:

I can see deliverymen losing jobs. If this spreads to other services (Pizza delivery) that’s a lot more unemployment.

I think it’s interesting, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it.

And God help them if they fly any of them near Florida.

This is just one of the steps to a cyberpunk topia. Its going to be really shitty with unemployment for everybody for a while but then robots are going to be doing all of the menial shit that nobody wants to do and everybody is either really happy in the utopia or just completely fucked in the dystopia.

I see food becoming a problem in first world countries before this shit gets fixed.

As you know we here at SRK are knowledgeable in Anti Air tactics!

gonna see alot of drone hood ornaments in the ghetto. drone Medallions n shit

Who gives a shit about drones. I want to be able to have a full prosthetic Cyborg body by the twenties. That way I can watch ghost in the shell again and go “remember when that was science fiction?”

you know you cant just shoot randomly at shit with a gun, and not expect people to call the cops. Though when they land, what is to stop people from stealing them and say someone else stole it?

Presumably cameras and a tracking device.

I’m going to shoot those shits out of the sky with energy beams.

Why amazon drones wont work