Amazon Drones

There are an endless number of little Chinese boys who are eager to please. We just need to start grafting them onto bicycles NOW to avoid a global collapse of industry.

Nah, I don’t think this will fly.

Let’s say Amazon does end up having drones. Then other large corporations will follow suit, and then we’ll have tons of drones in the skies. Not something I want to see.

they probably won’t ship to places where they might get shot or stolen. the papa johns stopped delivering to my old neighborhood after one of the delivery guys got robbed. i can see the amazon drones taking off in higher-income metro neighborhoods.

The Wireless.


I await the first new reports of someone doing something stupid and wrong-hearted to the drones, causing the cops to fall upon them like a care package full of ass-whuppins.

NOTE: Black people, can we for ONCE let someone else do the ignorant stupid shit first? Please?


I gave your mom drone surgery

The same thing preventing Google’s automated delivery service in Arizona from theft: You have to verify who you are before the vehicle releases anything to you.

It’s a 5 pound box, it’s not worth stealing. And no, diamonds are not commonly found in Amazon delivery boxes.

People are just talking too much. If you actually put a gun in one of these people’s hands, pointed at a drone, and said “Go nuts, risk and reward is yours”, they’d hand it back right away. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but because they know full damn well they’re probably not going to get away with stealing from a computer whose only two jobs are flying and recording. All done in broad daylight. And if they are that stupid, woo, congrats on your new picture frames, three of them, even.

EDIT: Oh, and to the people trying to say that this is going to cost jobs, it probably isn’t. There was a time when everybody was a farmer and farming was so barely productive that if a significant (say, 2%) of the population stopped farming then there was a serious risk of some people starving. Now we’re in the opposite where you only need a couple people out of a hundred to be farmers. There aren’t 98 unemployed people in that bunch. The nature of increasing efficiency is to create jobs. Think about it, pizza delivery boy is not a job society will miss. On the flip side, increased automation makes some new jobs possible that were not possible before.

Yea tell that to all the people who lost their jobs when the phone companies automated the switch boards.

What new jobs will increasing automation produce?

Oh I know you can be the one guy that sprays your wind shield before you go through the laser wash!!!

They cant really stop from crashing into shit like trees, which seems to be the biggest problem

What happened to that guy?

I will, as soon as you tell all the people who are employed as a direct result of automated switchboards that they somehow don’t have jobs. Tech support, phone ordering (now obsolete because of the internet of course, which is even more automated and employs even more people), cell phones require electronically handled switchboards which includes everyone ever associated with cell phones. Hundreds of thousands of jobs in exchange for a couple thousand, all told. There’s also the unintended benefits, such as corporate and government offices having internal switchboards to increase efficiency which in turn allows said offices to employ more people because there is more to do and because each individual man-hour produces more money.

The industrial revolution was an enormous increase in efficiency that begot an equally enormous increase in available jobs, all at the expense of a minority of craftsman laborers who still did things the old fashioned way and lost their jobs. And it was one of the best things to have ever happened, creating the standards of living we enjoy today. Automation always increase available jobs on the whole. If you seriously think economics works the way you’re describing, then head on back to the 15th century, when people still believed in mercantilism.

the beginning of the end:

I remember years ago reading that a patch of algae the size of Texas, could be grown and harvested out in the ocean, and would be capable of supplying all US energy needs. The only problem is that it’s still not economically viable (they need to use sugar to assist in the growth of the algae, and using fuel to make fuel is generally considered a no-no in the industry).

world needs the mass use of solar panels, solar energy is literally an infinite source of energy