yeah the ratings system is fucked up. I have always stated that parents should be allowed to get their kids cards that allow their kids to get into Rated R movies, kinda like saying ‘yeah i am not fucking retarded and realize a movie about aliens killing humans won’t turn my child into a maniac, so i allow him/her to see it’
Basically most movies try to get the PG-13 because it allows more young stupid kids who make poor decisions, into the movie. Meanwhile all the adults who actually HAVE money and give a shit, get turned off.
It’s the fucking Nintendo kiddy thing all over again
A really, really well done R-Rated sci-fi film hasn’t been around for a while. Studios need to understand that the rating won’t make money, the actual quality of the film will (just look at R-Rated comedies like The Hangover and Bridesmaids, mega-earners because they were actually GOOD instead of bland, generic shit).
R Rated comedies stand a better chance than R Rated sci-fi/action/horror, due to the fact they usually are based around R Rated humour, whereas a R horror movie can cut down on how long they show blood or how graphic a death is, and still keep the same basic movie.
Although I somewhat agree, I don’t think the original “Alien” film would’ve been as significant and impactful if it was PG-13. Kane’s chestburster scene was a seminal moment in movie history, PG-13 wouldn’t have done it justice.
Blame The Ring for the whole PG-13 horror movie trend. Although now the trend seems to be make a shit quality low budget film that’s poorly acted and filled with pop out scares with doors slamming and make tons of money off of it, even though it’s rated R. I’m looking at you, Paranormal Activity movies. I bite my thumb at thee.
Actually, blame the Columbine kids (trench coat mafia, whatever the hell they were called). Years ago, I read an article stating that the incident caused the MPAA to tone shit down, big time.
actually, blame greedy corporate Hollywood. You can make more money by allowing EVERYBODY to see a movie, rather than just grown ups. R rated movies rarely make a lot of money, and it’s generally hard to get them made unless they’re horror, or show lots of tits. And horror usually shows lots of tits. So if you have a horror movie, and you wanna make money off it, it’s usually a pretty simple thing to cut down on some scenes, and show less gore.
I still think they need to just sell passes that parents would buy for their kids. Parents would have to show ID and shit to back up who they are, and they’d get a pass so their kid can get into R rated movies. You know, so we don’t have fucking churchies and retarded assholes deciding what my kids can or can’t handle watching.
Everytime a new ‘sci-fi’ movie comes out, I get terribly excited. Then I wach it, find out it has nothing to do with the genre at all, and I cry. Science fiction seems pretty dead, but I eagerly await a movie to come prove me wrong.
im pretty sure every genre can be too predictable. Take a war movie, let me guess there is going to be a war or a gun fight, take a chick flick, let me guess their going to fall in love, take a action movie, let me guess theres going to be action.
not talking about predictability. Science fiction peaked at Space Odyssey 2001, and then Star Wars just kind of shit on everything and changed the expectations of what was once thought to be science-fiction to something more akin to science-fantasy. There are so few movies that actually embrace the genre and its nuances, and instead are just movies that take place in space.