Akuma's Option Selects

I’m pretty sure that I’m doing the jump-in attack correctly because I record Akuma to do the setup after a forward throw and dashing twice which is pretty easy, the attack is meaty so I can’t jump out as Chun and the sweep won’t comeout if I got hit, sweep beats backdashes but loses to the reversal.

I always thought that I had to input the sweep during the hit/block stun pretty fast so it would actually be on OS and avoid getting the infamous online jumping roundhouse > sweep combo lol, I’ll try to delay my inputs a bit and see if I can still get it as an OS.

I think the best way to fix this problem is to record what you are doing and posting it.

I was able to do the option select and block the ex bird kick reversal in time doing what spidey suggested (delaying the input of the sweep), but the timing got a loot stricter, I guess you have to input the sweep like a frame or 2 before it combos, I had a very small amount of time to start hit confirming after inputting the sweep OS before Chun gets out of hit stun!

Thanks a lot for the help, even though this seems very difficult to execute constantly, at least I now know what I was doing wrong.

Glad to help, but you know, it feels natural and may i say easy to time that. You will get it down with minimum effort i think ;p

heres the OS ultra2 on balrog that Richard mentioned

Was that a teleport into U2? Because am pretty sure if timed right a raw U2(great unscaled damage) should beat all of Rog’s wakeup options, I just tried it and timing seemed strict to beat his backdash, for some reason the setup I tried lost to his mp headbutt, but beat everything else, maybe I didn’t time it perfectly.

you can go straight into U2? oh i didnt know that. good shit.

EDIT: redid the video, heres the link


Nice vid. Definitely seems like a reason to use U2 in this matchup along with crossup tatsu–>u2 working on him. Also, I don’t know if you know this but if you want to test option selects against Ultras, set the AI to stand/crouch and all block during the ultra freeze so that you can see if Ultra will really beat the option select or if the AI just did something after the freeze. Again, if you already knew this, my bad.

notice how it did a counter hit when you tried to do ultra during the recording? that meant the palm was safe enough so that you were able to block; wake up ultra doesn’t beat it.

When playing a mirror Akuma match (one of my least favorite matchups lol), a meaty jump-in OS MK DF will beat both Back teleports, they’ll lose to the automatic DF slide, I recorded the dummy to do the setup, so I’m not sure what will be the results for doing a reaction dive kick for full combo (HK DF could be better for this) or DF palm > sweep which gives a better knockdown AFAIK but less stun.

Any idea for how input the DF so it would chase an anticipated forward teleport consistently? I’ve barely seen this OS get used, maybe because it’ll obviously lose to a wakeup SRK and backdash, but I think it would be nice to have an OS that’ll punish a teleport pretty hard (tatsu ain’t good enough :P) automatically every once in a while.

You can add a Fierce shoryuken after OS tatsu if it only hits once. I don’t know if that justifies it being good enough for you or if you already took that into consideration when you said it wasn’t but it’s a reliable way to beat backdashes and both forward and backwards punch and kick teleports. And if you use a demonflip dive kick as the jump in, you’ll mostly likely stuff or trade with shoryuken unless it’s EX. So the other Akuma will be punished if he does anything else other than block aside from EX shoryuken. And mix it up with demonflip palm to block EX shoryuken. Even if the other Akuma doesn’t do it, he’ll realize you know to use palm to block EX SRK and that it’s risky to use it especially if he doesn’t have meter to FADC out. And if you think he’s going to block, demonflip throw him to get a knockdown for further vortex mixups. Mixing up the three demonflip options is a good idea to do on a lot of the cast. Also when I said you wouldn’t be punished by anything other than EX SRK I may be wrong if you cancelled the demonflip into dive kick early. I managed to cr. MK anti-air demon ShinAkuma204 a couple of times after demonflip dive kick on wakeup but if you time it correctly, it should be able to beat out the demon. I don’t know if delaying the kick that much more will have an effect on beating out SRKs though.

EDIT: Re-tested OS tatsu and it’s pretty hard to late cancel the dive kick so it’ll counter hit cr. MK to prevent anti-air demon and have it beat out SRKs at the same time. Not to mention it’s pretty hard to get the perfect timing for the tatsu so it’ll auto-correct for forward teleports. So I take back what I said about this OS being reliable. But there’s no problem with this OS beating out backdashes and backward teleports. And if they did forward teleport and you timed the tatsu correctly it’ll beat it and if not, it resets the match with both players at the opposite of the screen and with no disadvantage. And as long as you didn’t do the dive kick to early, it won’t be easy to cr. MK anti-air demon.

ok folks i was messing around with the c.hk ultra OS

i saw it when Tokido and Momochi where doing it on some tournaments.

so my question is how do they do that

the opponent have to focus or dash so if he focuses the sweap ultra comes out, if he dashes the sweap hits and knockdown the opponent.
i messed around with the dummy recording him to do a lvl 2 focus than a dash.
my input: holding :db: c.:hk:+:lp: c.:lp: :l: :lk:+:hp:

i was thinking i must be doing something wrong cause sometimes he does the ultra and sometimes not and if i knock down the opponent i he does the ultra anyways what am i doing wrong could anybody help me pls.

thx in advance

EDIT: is this even a OS im wondering myself now

I posted alot of OS’es on my youtube page:
YouTube - ?rugiOHHHH’s Channel?‎

What they are doing is c.hk and buffer lp x2 then complete the Demon inputs after confirming an enemy focus. It isnt possible to OS with demon like that, simply because if cancels every single normal move Akuma has, so demon will come out no matter if the sweep whiffs or hits/gets focused.

Tokido and Momochi just immediately buffer two jabs after pressing c.hk and if they see something they finish the inputs. Its not a true OS, its just a reactionary counter.

Its also a very good habit to get into, especially against those who fish for pokes with focus attacks.
You can also do the same thing with the super demon.

Man this option select is mad confusing!!

I think you just became my new Internet hero. Awesome stuff mate.

Could someone please elaborate on Noriyasu’s OS please. Just wondering how you plink cr.lk st.hk together. cheers

Is there an OS that covers both backdash and roll on abel’s wakeup? I usually do df palm OS throw and it beats everything he does except backdash. If i OS sweep it beats baxkdashes butnhe can get away with the roll.

Any way to combine both?

Also works well for those idiots who think they’re smart by jumping over your sweeps. ALWAYS buffer jabs into sweeps after you got ultra.