Yeah … lol … It’s plinking also required for OS or am I at wit’s gend. If one can’t plink then forget OS??? Right?
actually i’m pretty sure plinking has nothing to do with OS, at least not crLP option select sweep. then again your post is pretty confusing as to what you actually want to do, and im not sure whether what you want to do qualifies as an OS. some clarification would be helpful.
What does plinking have to do with OS?
OK after reading every single post in this thread, I’m still confused on the timing of inputs.
In the very 1st post it says, “Do a safe jump against a fallen opponent…” I didn’t know exactly what a “safe jump” was so I looked it up. And I found it says “You can time a jump-in meaty enough…” But I have no idea wtf ‘meaty’ means. Therefore, I have no idea when to be doing the inputs. X-Tatsu and whiffed DF palm I got down packed. But I’m getting bodied by Boxer headbutts, Honda headbutts, Dictator’s EX crusher on wakeup when trying to start the mixup. And more people are starting to pick up on back dashing to counter akumas exploding heart (dash,dash, DF kick). I feel I can’t make anymore progress with Akuma until I understand this. Can anyone shed a little more light on this for me?
Well a regular meaty attack is when you stick out an attack on a knocked down opponent that his in its later active frames. You probably don’t get much from that explanation xD
Just looked up this vid for you, the part about meaty attacks begins at 4:22 . [media=youtube]jCapuhsOMcg[/media] Altough the game is SF2Turbo, it is still valid for all SFs.
I am still confused on how option selects actually work, the inputs on the first page that bokkin posted for example if i want to do the Jump-in FP/Shoryuken Option Select i would jump in with FP and whilst in the air input df,d,df,d,db+HP? that would activate the option select? its baffling because then it states hold db upon landing so do i hold db and not press hp? Soo confused on how option selects work input wise and how to check if they are working on training mode so i know im doing them right!
^as soon as you press HP do immediatly dp motion and another HP so fast it’s like double tapping HP. Learn the timing for the jump so that if they do nothing they block/get hit and if they do something invincible you land and DP comes out immediatly. Best to test on cVIPER HP TK. First sweep them and then work on timing. With viper I used to practice with LK tatsu->sweep to set up the safe jump/opselect.
if Ryu’s jump.hp connects (blocked or hit) the ex-dp won’t release as the hit stun time nullifies the ex-dp inputs and allows the next block string to come out (in this case etc)
if the jump.hp whiffs (cause rufus does an invincible move or backdash) then there wasn’t that hit animation and the ex-dp inputs Ryu does in the air comes out.
so Ryu is doing jump.hp, ex-dp, in every example above.
our very own lordofultima explains also.
thank you guys i will try that tonight and check the videos.
I’m kinda lost on the OS, I understand the concept, but not quite the execution. Should it be performed only on an untechable knockdown? And what’s the timeframe i have to execute the jump-in OS after a knockdown?
how to train?
This is very clear. Thank you… But how do I actually train for this? I understand the whole concept but I don’t know how to train the CPU to do a random reversal or block… Yes I selected the reversal option from the training menu before. It wasn’t working.
Thank you.
Whats the question exactly?
Go in training, pick the character you wanna test the OS AGAINST (A), then pick the character you wanna do the OS with (B). Record the OS with “B” and try to do reversal moves/backdash with character “A”.
AAAAAAAH! I was doing it the other way. I thought there was an option so that the character I’ll be doing OS AGAINST is the CPU with random reversals.
Understood now. Thank you.
When you option select a sweep with your jump-in attack, it would beat backdash, but I have never been able to block if they did an invincible reversal because my jump in attack whiffs and the sweep comes out which loses to the invincible reversal (even to slow reversals like Rog’s EX headbutt), am I doing something wrong or you actually won’t have time to block and the sweep will lose to invincible attacks?(I am holding down back when I’m recording the jump-in OS btw, the sweep does not come out if they blocked or get hit by the jump-in)
As for option selecting an EX SRK, I could beat backdashes and 7+ frame reversals (like Viper’s fierce thunder knuckle )but I’d still lose to reversals that can be safejumped (like Chun’s 6 frame ex bird reversal, I hate the damn thing lol)the EX SRK just won’t comeout if she reversals (maybe it has something to do with how fast she gets up).
I’d really appreciate if someone could clear this up for me, my PC’s been dead for 2 weeks and I had to type this on PS3’s damn screen pad lol, couldn’t wait till I fix the PC because backdashing Chuns have been driving me crazy lately!
Delay your jump-in. Sounds like youre jumping in too early. Remember that a safe jump makes your opponent do an invincible reversal, block or eat the kick.
@nu-skoool, by reading this i understand that he is doing a safe jump cause if he wasnt the sweep would even come out.
@metallicaband, if your sweep OS loses to ex. Chun’s ex bird kick you can delay the sweep a little bit so you can block the ex bird kick while the sweep doesnt come out, but if she tries backdash instead the sweep will come out and of course if your attack before the sweep hits/gets blocked the sweep wont come out… if that makes any sense
About DP OS vs faster reversals, yeah i dont think it can be done (not really sure though), or if it can it most definitelly is a bitch cause i havent pulled sth like that off, which means it cant be reliable.
edit: ok so DP OS should be possible vs 5-6frame reversal, because if you have a frame to block then you could use that frame to do a DP where its 1st frame has invincibility right? Still not sure about that stuff.
Spidey you’re missing what I’m saying. His is whiffing because he is jumping in too early and hitting wakeup frames triggering the sweep not because he is hitting I-frames.
Nu-Skoool, he also says that, so i do think he is doing it right.
He may think he is hitting iframes but he’s not. He’s hitting too soon allowing his landing frames to pass and the sweep to startup.
Yeah i understand what you are saying but HE said “the sweep does not come out if they blocked or get hit by the jump-in” so that means he does the OS correctly.
It could be that he is failing to do it correctly sometimes and thus getting hit when the sweep comes out, but he also says “but I have never been able to block if they did an invincible reversal because my jump in attack whiffs and the sweep comes out which loses to the invincible reversal”. With those two combined i get that he is doing the sweep way to fast so he hits both inv frames with the jump in AND the sweep comes out at the same time, it happens