Akuma's Option Selects

So I trolled around in trags for a few minutes and didn’t see anything so I was hoping someone would shed some light on what Akuma’s options are for option selects I know ken and gief have some nasty ones. I’m not going to include plinking because that is not opponent situationaly based just a good thing to do for better damage.

Jump-in FP/Shoryuken Option Select: (Ryu forums)**

Do a safe jump against a fallen opponent so that if they reversal you are on the ground before their reversal move hits active frames.

Input df,d,df,d,db+HP and hold db upon landing.

If opponent blocks: -> Nothing comes out other than jHP.
If opponent reversals: -> You block it
If opponent backdashes: -> Shoryuken comes out and hits them.
Jump-in HK/Demon Option Select:**

Do a safe jump against a fallen opponent so that if they reversal you are on the ground before their reversal move hits active frames.

(I don’t know what the exact input for this is)
Input: needed
(Guessing: HK+LP, LP, db+LK+HP and hold db)

If opponent blocks: -> Nothing comes out other than jHK.
If opponent reversals: -> You block it
If opponent backdashes: -> Demon comes out and hits them.

-Mr. Questions

Wake Up Cross Up Tatsu:(Demon Setup)

on knockdown
crossup HK tatsu buffer lpx2 hold down + away from opponent
this beats reversal SRKs. if it hits u sweep. block you are ok. they teleport or back dash push up,b+lk+hp
hot lava

Wake Up Cross Up Tatsu:(Possible option Select:needs confirming)**

Option selects. Sounds sexy.

Other then option selecting LP+LK while in block stun, can’t really thing of any, and that’s just normal game option select, none character specific, of course.

What kind of ‘Option selects’ are we thinking of here? just ways to buffer throw techs?

Let me know what it is Ken and Zangief can do and I might be able to suggest some things, I may even know some already by chance.

like on wake up ken can do the combo clk slp clk mp fb where as if you back dash on your wake up instead of the normals coming out ex tatsu does and it hits for full. Since clk is pretty safe wake up game option I was wondering if akuma has an option select like that even better if it somehow links to his BnB. What would be awesome (not possible) if he had an option select into raging demon that’d catch backdashers :D, but that is a pipe dream.
giefs are along the line of his normal links in to green hand but if backdashed just green hand comes out and catches them.

Okay, I don’t get this one. I’ll back out of this topic till a guy can come along and fit everything together, I can at least leave enlightened.

Its basically how the game reads inputs when they connect you keep going with your block string or combo when backdashed and the whiff something comes out like greenhand or tatsu so its basically an anti-backdash weapon.

I know sometimes folks can somehow get his Super when they want his fireball. There might be a way to figure how to manipulate that.

Oddly enough… from Gamefaqs…

Sweep while buffering raging demon.

thanks miz I guess that explains it better but most of the option selects in SF4 from what I’ve heard are backdash related for the secondary to come out. and samma thats a demon anti-FA setup not a option select because it requires you to follow up with demon whereas option selects moves come out situationaly using the same inputs. I use cMK to buffer demon anyways as my go to its so much easier on the fingers.

How does an EX tatsu come out for a Ken doing that? He only pushed 1 kick button…

I’m curious as to how this works. Do you know what inputs the Ken has to do exactly (including joystick motions) to make this work?

That would be awesome if Akuma could option select to beat a backdash on wake - another weapon in an already lethal mixup toolbox.

If anyone’s confused just read through this and watch the videos. It’s from the Ryu forum.

Nice, there is an option select for Akuma listed right in there that beats backdash on jumpin with demons :).

This one i bet works for Akuma too…

edit: That thread on the Ryu forums is pretty damn good! There have to be a bunch of these for Akuma that can be borrowed from Ryu and others that we can find…

Great idea for a thread, Bokkin.

option select happens in SF4 because when you input/buffer multiple commands, they can’t all come out at once, so the game gives you the benefit of the doubt, and selects the best input to come out depending on what your opponent is doing.

here’s a gief video showing how his green hand one is done, and explaining it in great detail to boot:


I think this is going to become more and more of a useful tool as more people start using backdash to get out of wake-up games. It seems like something that higher level players are mastering but hasn’t trickled down to the middle and lower levels of play yet – at least I don’t see a lot of people using it.

I know I need to work the backdash on wake into my game, opps are starting to bait my teleport too much.

They serve the same purpose though – going for one thing, but being covered if another thing happens – except RD requires you to react.

I haven’t tried this but I read in the ryu forums that daigo was using a jumping option select with shoryuken.
It might work with akuma too.

not “it might” but rather “it does.” it actually said so in that post.

read up a few posts, it’s there too.
