Akuma fixes in SFIV DAsh!

If you taunt before you hit it, yeah pretty much. :party:

Health increase would probably make him godly. I wouldn’t put money on it.

How about a jump backwards dive kick, that would make the d+mk more useful. you just jump backward but then lunge forward with the dive kick while airborne. Just a thought.

Bokkin :confused: I just increased the max (and min) for each SGS by ~30 pts. Is that more outrageous than adding 50 pts to his stamina?

There is a good chance that T.Hawk’s Ultra does about 600 (like Akuma’s and Zangief’s do now) if not 650. His ST super was 720+P just like Geif’s. given the guts system jury could have 900-950 health. I’ld be surprised if T.Hawk’as Ultra did less dmg then Geif’s like 550.

my suggestion for lots of block dmg on a plausible kkz ultra would be similar in retrospect to an ultra that does do close block dmg.

It seems Sakura has claimed the tastu shoto title if such a thing existed in SF4 series.

(Ken->SRK Ryu->Hado Akuma->SGS Sakura->tatsumaki) and imho what ever this new ultra Demon Armageddon is, it does not quite suite his Messatsu Gou Rasen as an alternate name.

I would like to see a Tenma Gou Zankuu but the big FB can’t be air-blocked in SF4, Messatsu Gou Shoryu but it’s about the same as Ken’s, or even Messatsu Gou Rasen but Gouken has a very similar special, and so suggested improving the EX moves to aesthetically reflect them.

Gouki seemingly based on building his own attacks after mastering the SGS in SF3 is another reason i’d understand Ono going with KKz over the other supers he’s had, if not a new one entirely. We’ve seen him strike the ground in SF4 more than once.

thank you !

i could bet if akuma gets more health + new super or ultra
then the flowchart akuma era would start =)

the only thing that keep the flowchart guys away from akuma was his stamina
but really would make him powerful if his dive kick would be like yuns yangs rufus
dive kick imagine that what a tool of pressure and what kind of option it gives to you

I forgot all about the KKZ Being a possible second ultra, Id still rather have the HCBx2 Elbow Drop from CvS2. That way, its way more reliable anti air, and it just looks cooler. Im fine with either tho.

HMMM a jump backward dive kick…can you imagine the combos and resets after such a move??? Holy shit other player would really be saying “holy shit i rather akuma have more health than that fucking move…shit that move is bananas”…

I can hear all the complaining already from other players…LMAO. LordofUltima that I must say is a good thought and not a bad one.

People don’t understand the significance of 50 points of health in this game. Scaling starts only after 425 points whereas for 900 vitality it starts at 450… After that that extra 50 points vitality can lead to around 100-200 points of ass saved (I don’t know exactly but it’s significant) due to scaling in this game I know I’ve lost by lower margins in this game.

Also one guy bitching about t-hawk’s ultra dmg… Seriously if you get hit by a lvl 2 ultra when you have dp/ 0 frame tele… and air tatsu you straight deserve to loose. Gief’s does that much dmg but you should never be that close to gief unless you are doing damage.

KKZ would be a tight second ultra and a super that isn’t a demon would be pretty cool.

Sakura has never had a tatsu super except her custom combo’s or v-ism’s which don’t really count as supers. Akuma (in 3rd strike) did have one and it looked pretty tight it’s just that his FB super was just so easy to hit confirm/use reliably.

That’s all good and dandy BUT the fact that T Hawk can do that much damage can only mean 1 thing…just imagine what other characters ultra can do.

Also juri health will be more than akuma’s health and I’m willing to bet that seth and Akuma’s health will still be the lowest in SSFIV. Hell I seen Pro’s make mistake and get caught by an Ultra(it happens) so no one is immune to getting caught by an ultra.

All I’m saying is Akuma doesn’t need much of a tweak/balance but a little health won’t hurt either and as far as a little health making him GOD like well that’s debatable but we can debate on that after the release of SSFIV.

I dont like getting beating by a normal when I demon flip. Maybe normals should beat normal Df but not EX df.

edit: for those that complain about Akumas health, doesnt that make him the most challenging? Personally for me, having the second lowest stamina/life in the game yet some of the most destroying combo’s/mixups etc makes him more rewarding than any other character.

Also just cause you have a air tatsu, dp and a 0 frame teleport doesn’t mean you won’t get caught by a level 2 ultra. I don’t care how good you are from noobs to pro everyone has been caught by a ultra 1 point or another in every way.

I’d just like to point out that Kimosabi has the absolute worst posts in this thread.

@LordofUltima, that move would give backwards throw more significance, too bad this thread won’t make any difference, I’d really have liked to see that.

I dont get what you mean about damage scaling bokkin, i thought it solely depended on the number of hits of a combo, irregardless of a char’s vitality?

After half life, your damage is reduced. I’m not sure about the percentages, but lets say you hit with an air-hado at the beginning of the round, opponent at 100% health, you’ll do I think 40 damage. After half life, the damage drops to around low 30s. I’m not exactly sure. Bokkin would probably answer this better.

lol @ double negatives

The only way akuma gets a health buff is if they decide to get VERY lazy and make Shin Akuma a playable character in super SF4… which they WON’T do.

unless they raise EVERYONE’s walking speed his shouldn’t go up… unless they start adding in MvC series style dashes. I do agree (did I say it earlier?) that my real hope for him would be to combine his super and ultra into his only RD, which would be an ultra. And as for ultras, honestly I think they could even give him a non-comboable KKZ that just has HUGE upward hit box so that ppl would be FORCED to just sit there and take some huge chip damage.

He NEEDS his teleport as a defensive tool due to the low health. The air fb delayed fall HONESTLY is a disadvantage that ppl just use to avoid fireballs cuz they are jumping a little too much. If he didn’t have the slower fall then I’d be happy personally…lol. Ppl only use it cuz he HAS it. If he didn’t it really wouldn’t be missed.

That leads me to ask what you’d propose his air EX tatsu would do? Same thing? Or launch down?

The fireball ideas just don’t really work with the game engine. Starting to add extra planes to the game would just serve to confuse newer players a LOT. Expecially if it was something that was only one character specific…

Overheads should not be combo-able… and it should STAY that way for ALL the characters (which is will).

[quote=“DevilKnight, post:120, topic:80859”]

I’d bank on the girl having below 1,000 life.


yea… i see no problem with the damage I saw. My guess is girly has around c.viper health especially since it seems she isn’t some super fighter but rather some form of a “evil” version of viper. and she’s a chick. Chicks get low health…lol. That ultra was full and given the manner of t.Hawk should be what it was ala Geif

Simultaneously I just saw this horrible picture in my head of a really fat version of akuma doing quick dive kicks like rufus…lol. And yes… his low stamina is the only thing stymying the evil hordes of players that play ryu as their main…lol.

As a complete aside, it would be nice if akuma had better air2air option than what he has but i know he won’t and almost shouldn’t get them.

What I REALLY want to know… is what the “incentive” for those that already own SF4 will be. Cuz I fully expect Capcom to fuck us over this stand alone expansion because I don’t think it will get ppl that STOPPED playing SF4 to play this one, so they are not gonna get anywhere near the same number of sales even if everyone that still plays SF4 buys the new one at full price (probably half the ppl that bought the game bought it and sucked or didn’t like the engine and never played it again).

Not true, Ryu and Guile have combos involving an overhead for instance.

I am perfectly happy with Akuma how he is. In my opinion, this is the best version of him Capcom has presented. He does NOT need more health, nor a faster demon flip, nor an easily comboable ultra.

How can one not be satisfied with the Demon Flip as it is now?..It’s one of his best offensive tools! The amount of mixups it creates is insane!

I’ve even seen a couple posts suggesting he be completely overhauled and for the life of me I can’t understand that. If you want a character’s gameplay to be changed that drastically, why the hell are you playing them? Akuma has some of the best offensive mix ups in the game, the best projectiles in the game, the best teleport in the game, great walk speed, one of the better focus attacks, combos doing 320+ with no meter…the list goes on and on and on. He’s a fantastic fucking character, and all that comes at the meager cost of a low stamina rating. For the life of me I don’t understand why any Akuma player would want Capcom to even TOUCH this character.

An increase in health would mean a nerf elsewhere, and there’s nothing in his toolset I am willing to give up in exchange for 50 more HP.

Think about this…the biggest health boost he could possibly get would be about 5%. That’s like two jabs worth of health.

Akuma is one of the most effectively balanced characters in the game. Most of his matchups are 5-5. That fact considered, any significant improvement to him would have to come at a cost, and that cost would most likely be something you don’t want to lose.


Naw kid YOU have the worst post in this thread…why don’t you start contributing first then you can talk about some 1 else…

did akuma really need more combos ??? i dont think so

we still talk about what to improve on akuma but did someone thought about a nerf on akuma??
ok this is a akuma forum and its normally that everybody want to get the most out of his char.
but really what if the nerf him down in any kind of way :frowning: