Akuma fixes in SFIV DAsh!

No health increase for Akuma. A health increase spells nerf to his moveset.

What Akuma needs to keep up is improvements to his already impressive moveset.

1 - Demonflip needs to be throw invincible on the first frame. I’m not looking for a speed increase, but just throw invincibility. This way Akuma could escape tick throw setups with demonflip, and it would make it risky to attempt obvious throws on Akuma but not actually increase the speed of the demonflip.

2 - EX fireball needs a speed increase on both execution and recovery. More along the lines of Ryu’s fireball. I say EX over normal fireball because Sagat and Ryu need to be superior to Akuma in some regard, so their normal fireballs should still be better for pressure. However Akuma needs to have a true block string with his fireballs, and using bar to achieve that I think is fair.

3 - His medium and large hurricane kick need to be improved in some capacity. Honestly hitting on the third frame like they always have in the past would be useful, but that may be too good. As they are right now pretty much useless beyond air applications.

4 - Second ultra needs to be KKZ, ala third strike. Massive chip and monster invincibility would be very useful to win matches. Akuma in other games was always a big chip damage threat, but with no super fireball that KKZ fits the bill.


I’m not making this list based on balancing, rather I simply think it would be strategically interesting and serve to further distinguish Akuma from other shotos.

The basic idea is to further tone down his defense, ranged game, and runaway, and instead give him amplified offensive options.

red fb - like in 3s, it does not override other fbs, EX still does
Removes a long-range fb war tool.

fb - EX no longer double hit but auto-cancels to FADC-like dash
Further disadvantage in fb exchanges, but cheaper FADC-combos means improved combo damage and a willingness to use meter to maintain pressure even on block.

air fb - no longer delays fall, mp/hp angles removed (faster moving instead), EX same angles but still does not delay fall.
Less effective in zoning, more effective in getting in and setting up block advantage (due to faster fall).

demon flip - no EX version, can attack earlier in flip, add EX palm with invincibility, EX kick with armor
Removes a long-range anti-fb tool, adds options which improve offensive mixups, and also allows Akuma to win A2A exchanges where he was demon flipping by using EX palm.

srk - no change

tatsu - EX dumps them on floor, no quickrise
new confirmable combo ender that leads to vortex

teleport - vulnerable startup, moves twice as fast, no vulnerable recovery, distance diff between 3K and 3P is smaller
Remove a tool for getting out of mixups, but add a tool for getting in on your opponent.

super changed to messatsu gou rasen
ultra grabs on first frame (kara capable), damage reduced

A super that will probably see more use (hit confirm off of FP srk). An ultra with more offensive application, but less powerful as a punisher.

Increase walking speed yet further.

Can’t have a vulnerable teleport at startup. Every single game with a vulnerable at start up port has made it worthless. No special move should be useless.

EDIT:Alpha 1 teleport may be suited for your idea however. It had no vulnerability and very fast recovery. Maybe 3 frames?

It’s a concept vision of the character which is fair enough. I and many enjoy the blend of offensive and defensive approaches, although it can be argued that currently Akuma has one of the best defensive toolsets together with one of the best offensive toolsets.

and it’s hard to say such things because I really do like the balance of how he currently works. I’d still prefer to wait and see how things pan out before calling for more weakenings and stuff. I hate nerfs to characters that aren’t just blatantly reatrded.

I would like for a faster tatsu on mk and hk, just a tiny bit faster. Also since Akuma has always been a big chip damage in the past then a Air Messatsu Go Hadou would be the ideal Super instead of a super RD. The KKz would be the best 2nd ultra for Akuma.

I just can’t wait until they release the details of what they did/add to Akuma in Super SFIV :rock:

See in my view Akuma is ok now just the way he is BUT he still need some tweaks and a tiny bit of balancing done.

And about making a argument about Akuma defensive tools well to me he has the BEST defensive tools out of any character right now in the game and probably in the next one as well but for the offensive side well that’s debatable.

allowing akuma to connect over head chop into tatsu would b great as well

Since other players will be getting improvements then Akuma should too and it’ll be very interesting to see what we get.

I could see his 2nd ultra being KKZ, which would be great.

Or a comboable super/ultra

I think with a sufficient speed upgrade and some tweaking (shortening) of the distances, it could become a useful mixup tool. For example you poke with a max-range cr.MK. You could cancel into 3K port and end up next to them. Because it’s fast and invincible all the way until it recovers, you could go right into srk and beat any attacks. Or you could attack or throw. Or you could have done a 3P port to begin with and end up just outside of his range so you can punish his whiff.

He can prevent all this by attacking you out of your startup, but then he’ll eat a big combo if you cancelled into an EX fb instead.

kkz is when he slams on the ground the 3s move that cost the whole bar
or did i missunderstand it ??

I agree , but I think he still needs the D.flip speed increase.(even a slight). It looks so obv…
In 3rdstrike you couldnt tell if it was a S.jump or D.flip. until you seen some mixup.

I think Dive Kick should be changed to any of the down directional and mk at the apex. Cause sometimes I want to play sloppy.

Guys, for Akuma’s second Ultra how does the likelihood of us getting something called ‘Demon Armageddon’ sound?

Sauce: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showpost.php?p=7540302&postcount=193

(apparantly credible)

Oh god, don’t we have enough demons already? For chrissake, over the course of all the games he’s been in, Akuma’s gotta have the most supers out of any character Capcom’s ever made. They had plenty of source material to choose from, and they still can’t get more creative than Raging Demon, Wrath of the Raging Demon, and Demon Armageddon?

If this is yet another grab that’s even harder to land, but has even more hits and damage, I think I will shoot myself.

EDIT: If “Demon Armageddon” is how they chose to translate KKZ, I will also shoot myself.

I agree with not boosting his health and here are my not exactly balancing but differentiating ideas for SSF4 Akuma

  1. all DemonFlips airborne on 1 frame = ground throw invincible :wonder: just look out for Abel, Rose, and Gief’s retro Aerial Russian Slam :tup:

(I don’t see them changing supers so…)

  1. make his EX more formidable…

EX.fb more speed if anything,
EX.airfb no change
EX.redfb shorter recovery, does not kd…
EX.srk asthetic kenjit srk look, more forward range dmg, think SFA tiger-upper but less of an AA
EX.tatsu acts like his SF3 super AA, ie rising no quickrise on kd, rather than ryu’s EX.tatsu

  1. increase his Super/Ultra dmg rather than his health.

KKz seems the logical 2nd ultra, but I’d like to see both SGS do a little more dmg each.

Super SGS ~360
Ultra SGS ~480-630 :rolleye: yes it’s more the gief’s
Ultra KKz ~420-560, comboable, and lots of block dmg

ninja edit: really hope Demon Armageddon is to KKz what the Raging Demon name for SGS

Yo for all the people that say Akuma shouldn’t get a boost in health then check this video of Thawk doing a Ultra on Juri and see how much Damage he did in the ultra. Now imagine if that was Akuma who Thawk landed that ultra…


I don’t care how good you are AKUMA will need some health added after seeing that Ultra…

Ummmm seriously… the kkz chip setup would be nice but honestly as an Akuma player all these buffs seem outrageous. Seriously beef up arguably the best character in the game. Honestly I’d rather not have a character everybody bitches about like Sagat. Really guy above me those dmg numbers/ kkz being able to combo + huge chip is just…wow. It’d be cool but truly I expect a tatsu ultra (ken->SRK Ryu->Hado Ultra Akuma->Tatsu makes sense or Air FB something) But seriously Akuma is just fine for me although a different super would be refreshing.

I respect your opinion but after seeing what T Hawk ultra can dish out…Akuma will lose 75% to 85% easily so if your fighting T Hawk and you already lost 30% health well 1 ultra and its game over. I definitely would like health even if its 5% to 8% more. But the KKZ would be a nice addition to Akuma’s arsenal.

I’d bank on the girl having below 1,000 life.

It took 60% from her in just two hits (think life scaling), which would be very uncommon on standard life. If she has 900 life, that means his Ultra does mid 500’s, which is normal. His Ultra will be easier to land than Zangief’s so this makes the most sense.