Thanks, but no thanks.
He’s also one of the hardest to use. No doubt others will get buffed, so Akuma may need something to keep up. But who knows?
Thanks, but no thanks.
He’s also one of the hardest to use. No doubt others will get buffed, so Akuma may need something to keep up. But who knows?
I’ve just never thought of him being hard to use, but he’s really the only character I play so maybe I’m just jaded.
His health is fine, if anything, and really it’s very petty of me, I’d like to recover from lk.tatsu faster or far more reasonable of a suggestion; I’d like lk. tatsu to juggle someone higher to give people more time to land the srk afterwards. I felt the 3S timing was far more lenient, and I’ll openly admit that I miss that link far more than I would like to in 4 due to the oddity of how long Akuma takes to do that move.
That’s sort of an issue with all of the hurricane kick type moves (it’s most noticeable here); they take forever compared to 3rd Strike to go through.
it would be awesome if lk tatsu hit crouching opponents, either that or make it recover faster
You should try using Ryu sometimes. It will give you a good idea of how hard Akuma is in comparison.
A FADC-able Ultra, preferably FB Ultra (Messatsu Gou Hadou?). God-tier Akuma here we come hahaha
KKZ sounds pretty sweet.
Faster recovery on Zanku would be nice.
KKZ as a juggleable or fadc ultra would be all i would want although anything that can be juggled,comboed,fadc etc. is def. a plus. Like wat most of you said Akuma’s already well balanced and i dont think he really needs any fixes
As a Ryu player trying to make the switch to Akuma I have to say Akuma definitely has more options than Ryu and I’m finding that a little overwhelming due to lack of experience mostly with his demon flip mix ups.
Ryu is very basic in the sense that you know he’s gunna zone you, footsies you to keep you out and combo whenever he gets a chance. Akuma can be so much more than that. Rush down, keep away or any sort of mix of the two. He has 4 specials that can branch into even more options (Demon Flip) and because of all these options I can certainly see how he would feel overwhelming.
What I’m finding, and stop me if I’m wrong here, but Akuma can play the footsies game and zone very similar to Ryu, again, he just has more options. cMK, Hadoken to poke. Regular fireball to zone. SRK and cHP of course on jump ins. Very similar options so far. What really makes him stand out (and feel complicated at least right now during these early stages) is that I can also use the Red Fireball and EX Demon Flip from fireball wars to get things moving. Air fireballs and teleport to retreat if need be. His sHK is a great way to lead into a mix up option and one hell of a poke from footsies if it lands and you combo it. On the offense when you get in close to really mix it up, his demon flip is unparalleled. God-like options. It’s really taking a mental struggle to wanna move away from Ryu (I’ve been playing him for several months now and have finally gotten to a somewhat competent state) because I feel weaker with Akuma at the moment because of the overwhelming options that I don’t feel I’m making full use of yet.
I kinda went off on a tangent there, my bad. I guess what I was trying to say is that yes, at a base value Akuma is harder because to be really effective you need to make use of all his tools, as you do with all characters, and Akuma just simply has more of them than anyone else and I can see how that would be percieved as difficult, complicated or whatever word you wanna use.
Please no more raging demon giving the opponent 3 bars of meter I can deal with the revenge but 3 BARS of super? come on man
okay so I haven’t been playing or looking online for the last few months cuz I’ve been chillin with a new girl…but since when did akuma all of a sudden start getting the phrase “overpowered” thrown on him?
Did some new combo or something get learned since June that all of a sudden changes him drastically?
Honestly akuma always seemed about right to me and he’s def. more fun to play as than ryu, ken, sagat ect (although I started picking up sagat before i took my hiatus and its fun to feel so powerful). Low health, good offense… maybe online it can feel a little off because you lose a few frames to react due to lag which makes offensive beasting seem a little easier sometimes but yea…
Anyway, if they are giving people 2 ultras then I’m pretty certain they’ll give ryu his ultra hurricane which means my GUESS is that they won’t want to give akuma the same deal if they don’t have to. That being said KKZ would be my pill of choice. He doesn’t need it though. And who the frick knows if I’ll be willing to spend 60 prez on a new game in the style of Halo ODST (as someone mentioned earlier…and was EXACTLY why i didn’t by the game…lol). 5 characters with the same engine is a large add-on… not a new game. But mhee…
Maybe they’ll give akuma a completely NEW ultra… or a really weak version of the KKS (since technically this game DOES come BEFORE SF3). Hell… don’t even need it to combo… just would be nice to get some chip off his ultra if you need that last little tap of health.
Actually the reason for a sequel in a fighting game especially SF is to tweak up the characters and possibly adding new ones. Call it what you want but Capcom will have to balance and tweak all characters from SFIV even if it’s just a little. Especially when new characters from SFIII and 2 new characters are coming.
BTW if your not gonna post good stuff or contribute here then you may need to go somewhere else…Thank You!!! :nunchuck:
I agree with you on a faster recovery on his Zanku
Well, I guess Capcom is considering the weekly ranking arcade list in order to buff/nerf characters.
I personally dont like the idea of nerfing characters, if you want to rebalance, just buff the low tiers.
IMO, if they give Akuma a Super Fireball or the famous KKZ, he would be overpowered. I believe an Air Super Fireball would be fine with a 5% increase in health. No more, no less.
As for Akuma being overpowered, I’m sided with ShinAkuma mostly here. They might want to take out the sweep after a cross tatsu because it means when Akuma guesses right on the mix-up, he can reset them back in the same mixup, rack up stun, possibly spiral till death.
Akuma was in upper mids until those spirals surfaced recently. Take that resetting away and he’s just got a base mixup with more threats to better his odds, which makes sense.
What else is there that’s overpowered? when it’s things like the roundhouse loop on big characters, they just serve to give him an even match with Sagat. Really, what’s Akuma’s most dominant matchup? doesn’t seem overpowered to me.
Unlike some of the ridiculous Ultra setups around, he’s good for the right reasons. Weaker characters should have their flaws ironed out rather than giving him additional flaws. Even if he’s still top of a levelled cast without sweep resets, it’s hardly unfair.
I know what you’re saying here. While Akuma can do what Ryu can do, make no mistake: those base fundamentals with Ryu are much more potent. The strats are borrowed. You can’t for example play Akuma using only moves available to Ryu and be nearly as effective, you gotta merge everything together to a finished article.
I suggest you don’t treat the double roundhouse as a footsie poke, unless you are playing a character who can’t duck it. (whereby you can apply it regularly for good pressure)
When you’re playing opponent’s having cut your openings down, they will have a chunky punisher waiting for something like that to come along and you’ll learn not to use it that way.
In footsies try to treat it as ranged punisher, something to break and combo focus fishing and to cut them out as they’re walking in. Use sweep to apply pressure and fish at range, the knockdown game off that compensates for the loss of roundhouse combo fishing.
I’ll keep that in mind about the sHK, thanks, I meant more along the lines of using it as a poke from footsies range but not neccisarily as a footsies attack, I get owned by cMK from other Shotos when I tried to use it as a footsies attack. Slowly backing away and getting them to chase me and then dinging some being too aggressive laterally seems to be a good time (along with when they focus right in front of me) Stop me if I’m wrong though. I’m not a complete n00b to Akuma though I’ve never played him seriously. I’ve toyed around with him a fair amount. It’s just a question now about learning when and how to maximize damage (combos, footsies, demon flip mix ups and escapes for examples) and drilling his best options for difficult situations into my head. It’ll come. Thanks again though!!
And you kinda hit the nail on the head there. Like yeah Akuma CAN play the footsies and zoning game exactly like Ryu does but, you’re right, he’s gimping himself. He cant afford to be as aggressive as Ryu can, take as many risks or eat a few pokes just so he can get inside to mix it up. You really do need to use all his tools. Be there but not, pressure but zone at the same time. He’s really bad ass. I just hope I can get as profficent with him as I am with Ryu quickly. I have a tourney on Nov 7th and I wanna use Akuma for it if possible. I guess with SSF4 coming out though this could all change.
To be more on topic. I don’t think Akuma is at all overpowered. This is how he should’ve always been. He caters to both super turtle and super rushdown playstyles and everything in between. He dies like a little girl (I wouldn’t mind say 50 more health) but when he knocks you down, people fucking cringe. You can pretty much assume you’ll take damage if a nontechable knockdown is scored by Akuma. He’s gunna fuck you up. The tradeoff is fair and I think I’d have to say he is very strong but one of the best Akumas both in terms or power and balance that I’ve ever played. Very very happy with this version but if they had to give him another Ultra and do some juggling I’d like to see the following
Super: Metsu Tatsumaki (like the one from 3S so we could work people with crazy juggle combos)
Ultra 1: Shun Goku Satsu (same as it is now)
Ultra 2: Metsu Hadoken (a la Ryu – This is a dream though because Akuma that could FADC Ultra would be godlike and I’d never ever play Ryu again… no reason to as this means LP SRK would likely work as well)
My wishlist and thoughts.
PS: The Akuma boards are much more accomidating and I feel inspired to follow suit. A forum dedicated to a warrior possessed by a Demon is kinder than the forum dedicated to the last of those who truely hold the Samurai spirit… Hmm… interesting.
Nice, that’s like Gen talk right there.
I was also leaning towards how Ryu’s fireball has faster startup, flight speed and damage. Especially apparant with their EXs and Ryu gets more form his in using them to help shut down the opponents footsies. Ryu’s cr.MK and cr.MP stay active longer, his SRK doesn’t have to be deep for full damage and can still be focus cancelled to safety at max range.
Then you get the Ultra extensions from those those things and the Super and stuff. So Ryu rules those raw fundamentals, though what you get with Akuma’s additional options is an extra dimension in your zoning and ground game control.
akuma is not overpowered. i feel he is near perfect as far as balancing goes, especially as a high tier character. that being said, i couldn’t care less what 2nd ultra he gets.
Akuma is by far NOT OP…do I think he has a lot of offensive weapons…yeah BUT he can’t afford to be aggressive like a Ryu or Sagat do to his health, so let’s agree to disagree on the OP…Let’s just focus on what should they nerf/tweak and in which department (take out the sweep after lk tatsu or faster recovery on his Zanku…etc).
I see some or majority wants a KKZ(which I personally would love to have in his arsenal) but outside of his super or 2nd ultra what would YOU like in Akuma arsenal to be nerf/tweaked.