Well I just found out it’s “Super SFIV” but does it really matter at this point? BTW Akuma OP it’s debatable but in my opinion he’s not OP cause it takes time and practice to even become a tourney level Akuma player. I will be the first to say it takes more time and dedication to become a great Akuma player than any other character based on how low his health is.
BTW people keep it coming. I see some good posts being put up in here!!! :rock:
akuma doesn’t need anything. the most plausible 2nd ultra would be air messatsu-gouhadou ( same recovery as zanku hadouken ) for chip damage. Nothing more.
i’m against a comboable ultra for akuma since he doesnt need any and would be too powerful.
But an air hadouken without a retarded recovery like ryus would give him a great corner pressure.
this way , he won’t be OPed if everyone has a 2nd ultra and if his air messatsu-gouhadou can’t be comboed into.
ugh why would this thread be necessary for arguably the best character in the game?
It’s not the only Ultra that does it. While I don’t pay attention to how much EX bar an Ultra gives the opponent, Seth’s Ultra gives them 1 full bar.
What is overpowered about him? All his mixup revolves around the opponent guessing wrong and none of his pressure is spammable.
Demon doesn’t do chip damage.
What made KKZ good was the huge chip it would do (about a throw) and the huge invincibility window. KKZ straight from 3s would fit perfectly as an ultra as it already had 6 frame start up.
Because all the other characters will get tweaked and a 2nd ultra and if akuma doesn’t get ANYTHING(including a 2nd ultra and tweaked) he would be in Dan’s position.
Nobody has any idea how any of the characters will end up in the new version. They are just basing their opinion on what needs to be changed by what would make them more viable in this version, or making silly wishlists. Since Akuma is already more than viable in this version, all this thread serves is silly wishlisting, which is the last thing this forum needs.
Actually the last thing the forum needs, is people bitching about what the forum needs.
Great contribution.
Also, a little more health please. Just a little.
heed your own advice??
no then randoms would start playing him like everybody plays ryu online and then you’d have no drive to make you game perfect because of low life. Having such low life makes me play more and more solid as I go because 1-2 mistakes can cost you a round.
lol reason why i was :shake: when he said that
I’m not actually bitching about what the forum needs, just pointing out your stupidity.
alright kids, let’s not hijack the thread here.
there’s nothing wrong with making a “wish list”. there are plenty of threads discussing other game-related points, and this thread, technically, is no different. the only difference is that these are predictions, but there’s nothing wrong with planning ahead/wishful thinking. besides, it’s not like this thread is going to pull everyone’s attention from the other threads.
while i agree with your opinion, you could be a little less crass about it. i’m certainly not telling you what to do and you can post however you want, but if you wish the topic to stay “on-topic” then perhaps doing so will yield the desired results as opposed to yet another flame war about absolutely nothing. otherwise, this remark seems counter-productive.
A faster standing fireball would be awesome, maybe a little slower than Ryu’s.
IMO Akuma is the best character in the game hands down, other characters need to be brought up to his level, Akuma doesn’t need to ascend even higher and be more beast mode.
I already mentioned in another thread KKZ is all I want. Imagine how badass it would look as an Ultra… plus it would be a great way to finish an opponent via chip damage