^Dude it’s all about spacing with akuma…cLK can throw them opposite too if too close. cMK almost always throws them opposite unless reallly far away spaced and cMP->cMK->ex tatsu is a coin toss at least for me. I’m really hoping they don’t touch akuma… I feel like they might nerf his teleport which makes me sad
I sort-of wish they would nerf teleport, mainly because I can stop using it as a crutch and will be forced to get better on my own wake-up.
^yeah but if they do they will probably give him a little more health…then a bunch of randoms will pick him up and scub-tastic with him…then you’ll get the ryu/sagat effect online where you have a 8/10 chance of getting ryu/sagat in an online match and you know how much fun mirror matches are right Lord?..Honestly I love low stamina…It makes me play better and I learned this game alot quicker with akuma.
If they put more health on Akuma the Ryu’s and the Sagat’s are going to be less attractive especially with the online players.
You can see the total shift of advantage.
It’s official, I main Akuma :party:
Hopefully they don’t nerf him too badly in SUPER, I’m just getting the hang of him =(
When you can use 2 bars of EX to turn a cr.LP on a crouching opponent into a 330 dmg combo, then the Super is useless, especially as it is always naked for 300dmg rather than being tagged on at the end like a SRK xx SC cancel for 500ish dmg.
Ah, but the thing is you have to land the cr.LP. The super is useful as a trap where cr.LP does not have the same luxury.
Damage is only good if you can land it. If it takes a full bar to do 300 damage or half a bar, it doesn’t matter to me so long as I can land it. Everyone loves big damaging combos, but a lot of good they do you if they don’t work.
Landing a cr.LP is 6430463865628637957 times easier than tricking someone into landing the super though, let’s be honest.
I have to heavily disagree on that one.
I’m a new Akuma user, but I’ve found a cool shenanigan for the Super… forward throw, dash, dash, HK Demon flip with early palm (should land right behind them) Super as soon as you land. Beats everything but a SRK I believe… the Super is cool, but I like using my EX to use SRKs on people… lol, being able to FADC 2-3 times per round from no meter at all is amazing. It lets me take risks where I normally wouldn’t be able to and unlike Ryu, I can just not FADC if it lands, there are 3 hits to confirm!!!
I wouldn’t say it’s that much easier to land…the super is like a free combo as well. Blowing 4 bars and getting 160 damage extra over two combos, is not as much as 330 damage.
Try cross-up tatsu, c.MP reset -> HK Demonflip palm, super. You’ll reset them and cancel out of the c.mp into a demonflip that goes directly behind where they land.
iono if this goes here, but this happened to me trying to juggle with an aerial EX Tatsu…
– Akuma vs Abel. [corner] lp.srk xx FADC > f.jump – Abel warps behind Akuma while falling
I’ll try that Ultima. Usually from there I go with MK Demon Flip Throw/Dive Kick, sometimes I try the HK and land behind. The follow up gets stuffed so often, maybe I’m not doing it right…
What do you pick for SSF4 tweaks?
Keeping health/stamina as-is for another ultra/super that could be combo-able or have a near guaranteed setup.
Increase the health/stamina (a little), but have another ultra/super that isn’t guaranteed comboable like the current set.
Akuma with a comboable Ultra would be ridiculous! I’d love to see it though. He’d be bumped up to very near the top that way I think
A trade like that would be along the lines of the ultra not doing significant damage and would have the chance of not getting all the hits (much like Ryu/Sagat/Rog setups).
Current ultra does so much damage, it would be silly to have it combo-able.
the Demon obviously wouldn’t be the combo-able ultra, it’d be one of the other 2.
i dono, i think his fadc shaku is a nasty tool that he can use several times during a match (to attack or from blocked SRK) whereas a fadc ultra’s once or twice most.
I like that akuma doesn’t need to rely on Ex’s
Yeah sorry I meant the “new” ultra. Comboing the Ultra Demon would be ridiculous and I wouldn’t wanna see that…
i could realistically see an air hadouken ultra that could be combo’ed from srk fadc that does dmg similar to ryu’s ultra, possibly less. it wouldn’t break him, and it wouldn’t put him over the top.
to be honest, i haven’t seen an ultra hit, against me or for me, in a looooong time here. the last time was when i went through a hadouken on wakeup. otherwise, people know how it hits and no one is letting it happen anymore. as far as i’m concerned, unless something gets found for it in sf4, or tweaked in ssf4, it’s going to become useless outside of some really, really specific situations.
Well the current ultra in SF IV you have to set up for it to land. For example the other night I had a match and I had literally no hp left. I decided to take a risk do air fb on tripped opponent and I was betting that he would block. He blocked and I demoned and before the Demon ended and after his block recovery, the ultra landed. Also don’t forget the tricky fake cross up EX tatsu and bait a cr. Mk or something from opponent and you can ultra after you land from Ex tatsu. U can’t rely on that trick but you can do it when your opponent least expect it. I think you’re right about how the shoryu into air hadouken would not make akuma S tier. They’re either gonna make it equivalent to Ryu’s ultra damage (i doubt that it would) or probably less which is what i think is gonna be the case. But i guess nothing is sure until the game’s out.