Any “Fixes” on Akuma, i think it’d be a tough choice really as to what they’d do to him now, he is so well fleshed out. possible one of (If not the) the most multi-purpose character in the game.
He has a sitational use for every variation of his Shoryuken. (Light After lk tatsu, Medium for fresh shoryu->Shaku, heavy for conventional damage.)
Every variation of demon flip has a use, including unconventional use of his Palm to initiate near instant recovery.
lk Tatsu is a no brainer, HK has the general range advantage with the plausabilty of basic combos. MK i guess isn’t to useful. EX is great for crouchers or of course corners.
Nearly every one of his basic moves has a use, Crouch HP for standing the opponent (Without Dive kick of course) far HK for obvious reasons, stand jab for looping, as well as the crouch strong/shorts etc for the basic hit confirming.
Super is great if you can Kara effectively (Sadly i can’t) & Ultra is a monstrous punisher on a multitude of characters.
I’m amazed he’s not broken, but he isn’t… With all honesty i don’t know what Tweaks they could do to him that wouldn’t make him more one way or the other. the idea of having multiple Ultras to kick back off for every character seems like a balancing nightmare… & i’m pessemistic.
Hopefully all variations will be cautiously implemented so we don’t see an endless one Ultra spam.
eventhough i like super ragin demon mixup out of d flip, id get more satisfaction outta taggin the misogi (super) onto a broken blockstring (it should b a special aswell) . he needs a lil more health and a lil more speed…more health than speed though
If Akuma loses one of his Demons in place of another Super/Ultra in addition to the second Ultra that is being added the he better get to keep his Ultra Demon.
Armor Breaking Tatsu please. I’m pretty sure he’s the only shoto that doesn’t have this property on his Tatsu. IMO it wouldn’t make it OP even though he can juggle after connect. Thoughts?
The “EdMa Set-up” ^^^is usually the only time i ever see EX Tatsu.
They definitely need to fix the few instances where EX Tatsu throws ppl out of the corner, especially since ive never seen it happen with Ryu’s (not saying it doesnt but i cant recall if ive ever seen it happen. BUT Ryu does have that glitch where you can walk out of his )
The PHD only works once on an opponent, EX tatsu on a crouching opponent works every time in a combo. short jab strong, jab jab short, strong strong, whatever hitconfirm you want, can end with a fantastic ex tatsu.
Ex tatsu throws people in or out of a corner depending on your distance when you perform it, I don’t think that’s a bug or anything – Ryu has sent me out of a corner plenty of times.
SBO 2009 Quals at Denjin Arcade, when Ed Ma pulled this technique on Alex Valle twice, Gootecks (who was commentating on the stream) yelled out, “ED MA, PHD!” It stuck with my anyway, and every time I perform it in a match (successful or not) I yell “PHD!”
PHD of course is supposed to be written Ph.D and stands for a doctorate in philosophy.
ryu’s ex-tatsu (i believe) has always thrown the opponent in the same direction for me. Akuma’s will throw the opponent in the opposite direction unless he performs it at point-blank or at most with a hit confirm. I tried with and usually the opponent will fly oppositely.