right now I can’t beat Yun, Yang, Bison (sometimes, just can’t beat turtle Bisons) Balrogs, Fei Long, Evil Ryu, Oni, etc. I need to fight good players who use these characters. I only have shiine to fight with Yang / Gouken and I only beat his Yang once out of 9 times maybe?
For Yun, Yang, Fei, Bison… they basically have free pressure. You can’t really read or try to poke him back because there’s no well-timed poke or a good read. Nothing really works into your favor when you’re being pressured.
ultra 1
rush that shit down
s.HK everything
punish f.HK
all pinwheels punish u1
all dive kicks punish with s.HK
watch out for fuzzy guard into ex dive kick
dont jump dammit
all trades in your favor
ultra 1 escape = thunderbolt fadc backdash like a mad man
learn your links
watch ma bloody punish combo vid and air to air vid.
if she’s backdash happy just go for safe jumps daigo OS’d with HP jet upper htis backdash, traes with ex pin
punish counter with f.MK or grab
Cool cool. Problem with links is that I’m playing on a PS2 pad. I can get links 90-95% easy on a PS3 pad but today I was around 50% consistency on a PS2 pad.
Pinwheels can’t be punished on block with U1 can they?
lol at me repeating myself.
can you go to training mode now
if not
LK reversal
MK wait til her foot touches ground
HK (see MK)
EX ( wait until foot touches ground) or if blocked it all late reversal(whatever that means) or (see MK)
you should be able to stun her from 2 bars from a hit confirm and a correct guess on wake up.
dont forget you can grab her on wake up.
EX short swing blow is your friend midscreen brah
arent you supposed to just mash ultra as soon as her pinwheel whiffs you (ex eventually pushes you back to whiff you but still her animation keeps going)
I went like 30-2 online today at a friends house. Fawking hate Juri and Adon. Wish I would’ve known what I know now about beating Juri. Thought that matchup was unwinnable.
In the Dudley vs Fei match-up, I’d really see no point in using ultra 1. With all the OS potential with U2/Combo ability it has, it seems a little too good to give up. Especially for punishing random or poor spaced rekkas/chickenwings.
bro, only dumb fei long players will do a second rekka now, most good ones can hit confirm from the first one since vanilla and punish focus from that too, and you can connect ultra 2 from ssb, that catch chicken wing and flame kicks on fei’s wake up, no way in hell ultra 1 is even close of a better choice.
that’s right, they will be hit confirming into Rekkas now so that the first hit is safe or use a couple of block strings. Fei can’t pressure like before, but U1 can still be viable. I’m having second thoughts, though.
So, just on this Fei matchup, anyone got any keen insights on counter poking or something, his cr.mk gets all the standing attacks it seems, can counter poke with cr.mk of my own but if they see that they can do cr.feirce punch which hits too fast, so then I try cr.hk but it gets stuffed.
Is it just spacing I need to work on or is there something I’m missing, I can’t seem to approach reliably, you might get to focus absorb one attack but next time I try it usually just get rekka’d. Really not sure on how to approach the matchup if the Fei is playing totally safe and not jumping / moving anywhere near. any help would be appreciated, can probably actually upload some of the video’s of the games later as they were on PC version, but at work for now.
LOL @ the Dudley thread… this is exactly why I stopped posting in here. I said on day one of AE that SSB was better in this version and I got eaten alive for it. Now everybody is saying it’s useful. GG.
I’m still having difficulty in the Bison match… I’m being stubborn and using U2 when I think U1 is a much more viable option… I just have no idea when to use it or what to punish (aside from HK/EX scissors)… does it punish EX PC and cr.RH every time? Help me out!