Adon FAQ's Thread: Quick Questions & Answers!

Sup guys. I’m new to adon and wanted to know what are some adon basic stuff that I should learn? Also,what bnb should I practice and how is Adon mostly played?

welcome. For learning adon everything you wanna start to learn is listed in the matchup thread. as for combos here are the ones you should learn:

cr. lp cr. lp lk rj
cr. lp cr. mk lk rj
st. hp rj

Then learn to be able to FADC them and combo into U2.

No offense DirtySanchez but if you looked up 7 posts you would have seen all this.
I usually dont tell people to search as I know it can be a pain in the ass, but as this question has been asked a fair few times, I am tempted to make a thread.

Thanks destroyer and no offense taken evil sigh.

glad to hear it :wink:
I am glad to see more people new to Adon though! Adon needs more love :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey all, I’m curious as to if there is any advice for taking my Adon to the next level. I’m currently stuck in between the 1000-1100PP range :frowning:

Without videos of you we cannot really help you. :frowning:

Hey guys, another question…

What are some useful frame traps for Adon?

Hmm I don’t have a capture card unfortunately. Also, what’s a respectable PP amount?

Dont worry much about online. If ur stuck with adon what kinda problems are you having.

frame traps for adon:

cr. lp cr. hp
cr. mp cr. mk

there are others just look around I think people posted some in the option select thread. =)

As destroyer said, I wouldnt base your skill on the amount of PP you have. I have 1400, yet I know I could get it close or just over 3k if I actually played Ranked.

Where are you based and what platform you on? if you are in europe? or east coast America (im in uk) we could have some games and you could show me what your Adon is like.

Also I dont upload videos with a capture card, any half decent camera will do (or a crap camera like mine). :smiley:

What adv. or disadv. does adon have after a blocked lvl 1 and lvl 2 focus? I’m sure on of you guys know.

According eventhubs : -3 after FA level 1 and +3 after level 2.

I have an another question after a rj hk fadc what adv or disadv Adon is ?
Because sometime I eat some jabs and the combo following after that, it’s happens to GamerBee too, it’s clearly obvious against Its showtime360.

Hi EvilSigh. You’re right about not basing skill on PP. I just went from 500ishPP to 1450PP on my secondary account to practice without worrying about PP and BP lol.

I’m on the west coast so unfortunately we probably couldn’t play with a decent connection.

I think the main thing I need to work on first is anti-airing. I know I’m supposed to use HK Rising Jaguar, but does anybody have any advice?

Glad to be of some help heh. I hate ranked with a passion, I seem to come across so many ‘lamers’ (in my eyes) that do nothing but up back rh or srk mash etc etc maybe i just need more points so i can play with people better?

Anyway regarding anti airing, I have started using cr.hp and more. you just got to learn the distances and timing. Obviously these two dont worry on wakeup unless they jump from far away… at least I dont find them successful as alot of people go for meaty jump ins or cross ups.
Just do your hk.rj as late as possible tbh. Practice getting the timing down, sometimes you will mess it up, hell gamerbee has done in matches ive watched. If you are unsure just FADC backdash, but obviously dont rely on this much, I believe sometimes with a backdash you can still follow up with the last hit of a lk.rj or a st.rh (tip of foot).

Thanks! btw I checked out some of your videos. You have a really good Adon :slight_smile: I need to practice harder!

Using normals to anti air when you have a shoryuken it’s almost useless especially when you are able to auto correct it ( not only in wake up).
I never use crouch hp, it whiff almost every time, far mk and far and close hp can be usefull against smalls jumps and too distants jumps.

First step, learn to rj almost every jumps.
Second step, learn to rj very priority jumps (Dudley jump foward hk, elbow drop (close hp can be use) , Heavy Body Press …)
Third step, rj neutral jump, use rj ex it’s the best option against distant neutral jump, rj hk sucks but really against neutral jump.
Fourth step, auto correct your rj against cross-up jumps, a speciallity of GamerBee.

Neutral jump hp and hk can be usefull but like I say when you have a shoryuken why don’t use it and take a risk to get anti air.

well normals are alot safer than whiffing a rj imo. Plus you cant rj every jump in because of the range some people jump.

hello there…
is there a list of which chars. get hit by adons fuzzy guard combos ( xx lk air jaguar kick, xx lk/mk rj or just straight up xx ex air jaguar)? i only know of it working on sagat:D

not sure, I have never seen one, nor have I ever had the energy to try haha. If it helps I tend to use this rule of thumb.

if s/he is big it will likely link on the way down and on the way up.
if s/he is medium, it may link on the way down but not always on the way up
if s/he is small, dont even bother, though sometimes xx ex.ajk will work?

This obviously is very rough and most likely incredibly inaccurate, however if I remember later ill have a go and see.

If it works on Sagat though, id imagine the following have it too… Gief, Hawk, Dudley, Rog, Bison and maybe someone like Vega or Oni?