
Yes, there are a bunch of japanese players who play hdr

Nigga of all the SF’s that make you rage, THIS one takes the cake…?

There was a video awhile back of some Japanese players trying out HDR. It was 3 well-known players, and one of them was Aniken, I can’t remember the rest. They seemed to enjoy some of the changes, but due to lack of availability, they’ve never had an HDR tourney afaik. It’s difficult to tell whether they think the changes are fun but stupid, or whether they truly enjoy some of the changes as far as its competitive use goes.

They played HDR. Aniken, Otochun, ARJ and some other dude. They all like it. I think they are still playing it. Aniken has a stream and he does tournies every now and then. I’ve played and beaten otochun a few times in classic mode hawk vs chun. He uses jump hk really well in that match up. kind of like a no charge blade kick. chun is much easier for hawk in ST then in HDR.

Aniken plays HDR regularly (under the name buhilaro, I usually catch him on Sunday mornings). I’ve never seen Yuuvega but I hear he has an account (under the name yuh vega dj or something like that).

And you can also add another active Japanese player who plays HDR, PECO(under the name PECO S KEN). I played him about a week ago on HDR Classic, amazing O.Ken player, but not as tough as Aniken.

It would be really awesome to play Otochun too, you’re so lucky PAPER, but it would be even better to play someone like Sasori or Kurahashi Ryu

@DNGR S PAPERCUT: Name calling, real adult. That video is more of an exception to the rule than anything else. My own personal experience and match viewing online against good Zangs proves that shit like @5:33 in the vid is NOT viable. My l.mks just get SPD’d 90%, but that’s practically all that Chun won the match with, without ONE being caught. Same for the Ryu, not ONE was caught by SRK, even when he was trapped in corner, with an obvious avalanche of l.mks coming. The only alternate explanation I can come up with is that these “good players” I’ve seen are cheating.

Dear Random scrub:
i thought you said

then…STFU and GTFO!

learn from your mistakes and stop being an attention bitch…

I made him quit :nunchuck:

@Philcito: “I plan on getting into other Street Fighter games later, so I may be back some day.” I got SF3 and returned to SRK, Internet tough guy, LOL. @LMRO: I’m an anon SRK-n00b named “Random.” I don’t want your attention, basement-dweller. You’re all hostile, stubborn elitists. I figured that’d be the case when I first came here, venting & requesting advice. People actually seemed cool at first but then I dared to question people and relay my opinion; BAM. Shitstorm. Grow up.

Might want to re-read your original posts there buddy. Originally, we were all very helpful and gave you lots of good advice. It was you who wanted to question what the more-experienced players were telling you, and you didn’t even bother trying it out. You just wanted to play theory craft. Video examples and match advice were given and you didn’t even bother to apply it, you just wanted to argue the point.

So far all you’ve done is complain about your top tier character, refuse to adopt and experiment with our suggestions, and presume that your limited experience and knowledge surely must dictate how the meta game is being played. We don’t mind helping out new players, but we have an extremely low tolerance for idiots.

So go play SF3 and go complain about Chun in those forums and leave us alone.

^ You try re-reading my posts. I was polite, but simply questioned some points. That doesn’t make me an idiot. If I blindly went with everything everyone ever told me THEN I’d be an idiot. Like people singing the praises of Chun’s Upkicks; it’s an inferior reversal.

I do play SF3 and I’ve asked for and recieved help on the forum WITHOUT the attitudes, insults and general faggotry displayed here. You people are hostile, that’s not up for debate.

i am a noob myself and i’ve received lots of help regarding my gameplay… obviously i won’t get better in a day but losing is part of the process… if you can’t deal with losing DO NOT PLAY ANYTHING… even a computer can beat you in solitaire…what you did is like a standing in a top building for everyone to tell to jump or not to jump… the posts before that are a consequence of your childish behavior… 25 years old and you can’t handle a game??..

This thread hasn’t been closed yet because???

Because it needed my post…

When I was reading the OP I was thinking this in my mind.


A salt Truck

@LMRO: Childish behavior or not, such personal attacks are more childish. It sickens me to see people play tough guy over the Internet, it’s why I do NOT name call or threaten back. It’s pathetic.

Says the guy who annihilated his PS3 controller after losing, LOL :rofl:

Let’s put it this way: If you were a musician and you don’t want people to criticize you music, don’t publish it anywhere… same aplies to you… if don’t want people to criticize your actions don’t post them on the internet…

Here’s an idea: How 'bout everyone just stop replying to this guy alltogether? Saying “top players” cheat is pretty conclusive evidence that this dude is a major troll who just wants to start some shit.

It doesn’t make you an idiot to question our advice, it makes you idiot to not even consider trying our advice, even with our video examples, before you question it. You have prior misconceptions on how the game is played, we’ve offered you assistance, you don’t try our advice, and then you question. This is textbook idiocy.

If that’s not enough, it makes you an idiot to rage on a forum, ignore good advice, and then proceed to make a post proclaiming how you’re going to leave ST/HDR forever. Oh, and you broke controllers over a video game. lulz.

Oh, I know he’s trolling. I just want to see how dedicated he is to his character.