
No problem. I keep it real. :slight_smile: And I have gotten in trouble for raging in the past. I am trying to help people out with that. I have learned with online gameplay you just have to shrug it off. And Ignore the elitism a lot of these people bring to the table. A lot of elitism is merely hypocrisy disguised for whatever reason. Don’t let it get to you.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

You are factually wrong about many of chun’s moves by the way, it would be good if your complaints were actually real, then we could respond to them properly.

Also, I agree with your premise that chun li is hard to play! You really have to understand her normal moves and when to use them, almost to the level of dhalsim and guile. She starts out easy, then ramps up significantly, which may be the source of your problems

^ Wrong about fireball/upkicks? No. Her fireball’s the only one to disappear, it charges, and has a big recovery. Facts. Upkicks? Often they’re beat out in priority or before they can work. It has use, better than nothing, but it’s no Flash Kick. I played Classic out of curiosity as Chun; I never played, so I wasn’t aware of how she used to be. Seems they nerfed her: 1. ASBK, I immediately noticed can be used for meter like Ryu. I prefer the Classic. It’s an argued upgrade but not IMHO. 2. Backflip was removed. Why not upgrade it like some other moves? It had potential. 3. Lightning Legs’ priority, power, and dizzy reduced for easier mashing? No thanks. 4. Neckbreaker was better. 5. Super cut in half, and made upkick followup less brutal. Shit, after all that at least make her fireball go all the way and/or shave time off the recovery. Either way, Upkicks is an even bigger issue. It’s too inferior. Ah, here we go…bash me, here it comes. -_-;

Ryu’s fireball disappears as well actually.

Well first of all … my problem with his post here is that he’s complaining about a really good character,
not the fact that he’s raging and that he broke a pad and blablabla.

Second… Sure , everyone rages , but i’ve never broken anything because of it. Selfcontrol lvl 99 , nig.
If you got problems with anger , playing a fightinggame is the last thing you wanna do.
And posting that you broke this and that just looks like a cry for attention as a very wise man mentioned above.

And lastly … Again … Noone in here is trolling.
IF there had to be a troll and if someone really WAS trolling. I’d figure random to be that troll.


I understand where you’re coming from, but this is not the case. Everyone “trolling” this “poor little guy” in this thread responded to another thread he started stating that he needed help. A lot of very good advice was given, videos linked even. He basically never bothered to watch the vids, and said “nah, your advice won’t work because my opinions are right, so I won’t even try them and continue complaining.”

The ST community is tiny, so if someone shows interests in the game, we all pull together to provide info. But we are all old as hell too, so if that guy is being a little shit, the old men will respond accordingly.

The only thing I want to say is the guys going on about ST chun, he is talking about HDR chun.

There is a difference.

Unless he plays classic.

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

42/40/38 for LP/MP/HP, which is on average faster then ryu, ken, and hdr sagat! Plus they only have 5 frames of startup, which is the fastest in the game

Well, what you said was that upkicks were really slow originally, when they are actually 6 frame inv startup (10 invincible frames total), so they are about the same speed as ryu and ken’s dp, but yeah they are harder to use!

Also, can someone tell me where the lightning legs priority is worse, because I totally can’t see it :

Also, just to add, her throw actually can do more damage in HDR than in ST, since in HDR un-teched normal (non-hold) throws will randomly do more damage than normal. And her MP throw doing more damage than her HP throw bug is still in there (I swore I read Sirlin was taking that out), so her MP throw can randomly do almost SPD level damage in HDR.

CWeezy hit the nail on the head about Chun, she’s really easy to play at lower levels and just MK kick, LL, and throw your way to victory, but at higher levels she becomes one of the harder charcters to play at a high levels (kinda like Honda). You really have to know all your normals and exactly when to use them. I think newer players get into bad habits because the stuff that works so well at lower levels of play with her don’t really work at all at higher levels and they get frustrated. They almost have to completely relearn the character.

Random, I think I mentioned this before but if you’re on PSN try to get in rooms with Jinjah. Or watch vids of Voltech playing (since he is only on XBL these days). They’re probably the two best HDR Chuns out there, very solid fundamentals as well as higher level Chun tricks.

I think I do see it. Its not much different though. but in ST her blue hit box is way behind her ass, and in HDR, the blue hitbox is a few pixels closer, like before the tip of her ass.

Edit: never mind, its a lot different. In HDR your bow hit box is right behind her cooter, and in ST, her hit box is way back where her booty is. regardless, its still godlike in both games.

Ps, in HDR, her leg hit box is actually better then ST, its a little back for so its harder to sweep.

I agree, in practice LL doesn’t seem to be any more vulnerable than in ST. I also agree that it is harder to sweep her out of LL as well, I get caught all the time going for the sweep when I feel it should work and getting hit by the LL in HDR.

So basically I think Chun ends up being about about the same, tier level wise. She loses the cross-up ability on the neckbreaker (which I think is good, no Vega-like winning a match with BS repeated ambigious cross ups), she loses damage on her super and juggles with upkick follow up (which she can actually make back that damage if she can hit them with Super just right before a corner, where she can actually juggle with her new SBK), but she gains a sometimes even higher damage MP throw, easier to do in the air SBK, new ground SBK (which is pretty situational but still has uses) and a LL that was supposed to be nerfed but actually seems to be slightly better. Overall I actually think the end result is about the same character, I used think she kinda got the shaft in HDR but after looking at everything and from experience I’ve talked myself out of it, LOL.

Chun Li got really nerfed in HDR, there’s no way she’s the same character as ST, or even “about the same”. She got a huge shaft, especially on her most powerful tools (Super damage nerf, Upkicks juggle nerf, Neckbreaker nerf). Lightning Legs did get nerfed a little, but it’s not the same and certainly not better. In ST, Bison and Balrog could never hit LL with Psycho Crusher or Straight Rush, but in HDR they can sometimes hit/trade with her. It’s rare and depends a little on luck, but I’ve seen it happen. And I’ve even seen Balrog’s TAP trade with LL. A level 5 or 7 TAP is not a good trade for anyone!

But I do agree with you that she hasn’t dropped much in the tiers, it’s possible she hasn’t dropped at all. But that’s only because her core gameplay and strategies are still intact and haven’t been changed (her speed, powerful throw, option select throw, stored/crossup Super shenanigans, excellent pokes, etc). It’s only her most powerful tools that got nerfed, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t need them anyway. Put it another way, she didn’t need to be nerfed IMO. Not the way O.Sagat or Vega needed to be nerfed.

PS: ST Chun’s SBK vs all Shoryukens will always trade and sometimes stuff them! But HDR Chun’s SBK will always lose to all Shoryukens. Big difference IMO.

Better characters being nerfed I think is a big change for chun li, if she was buffed any more she would have had no bad matchups.

Also, the damage nerfs have nothing to do with how she plays, she still plays the same way, the super is just as good, it just does less damage now instead of doing all the damage off a throw/super option select.

EDIT: You are wrong about psycho crusher vs lightning legs in st btw

I am not saying ST Chun isn’t better than HDR Chun, I’m saying the difference isn’t near what it’s been made out to be. In fact all of her hardest match ups are easier in HDR while the ones she was already good or equal staid about the same (except for maybe Ryu being harder, but that’s true for almost everyone since I think fake FB is a little too good) so she probably is actually higher up the ranks in HDR.

When HDR first came out everyone saw her changes on paper and freaked out, saying she was hugely nerfed. I’m saying that after years into playing HDR, playing against lots of really good Chun players (after years and years of playing ST offline, on Kaillera, SF AE on Xbox1, GGPO, etc. against top Chun players) she seems about the same, tier level and match up wise. Maybe not leaning on her Super and neckbreaker as crutches made everyone better players, LOL.

Edit: I still can’t think of any time seeing something hit LL that wouldn’t have hit in ST. If it really was nerfed it comes into play so infrequently that it is a non factor. No where near the nerf that HHS got. And I do seem to have more trouble sweeping her out of LL in HDR than before, at least for some characters. I’ll have to test it to see if that is just perception or reality.

I still think her biggest buff was the removal of O.Sagat and her biggest nerf was the addition of Ryu’s fake fireball. The actual changes to her don’t seem to matter that much, IMO. Although I will say the change to her jumping SBK is annoying and makes building meter harder in fireball wars.

@mad possum: I run into jinjah fairly often. I’m not sure why, but he only uses Vega VS me. I see him pick other characters against other players, but when my turn comes up he picks Vega every time. Maybe he’s going easy on me by sticking to Vega, dunno, but I can only win 2 out of like 25 matches anyway.


Here it is. The best, most successful way to fight against shotos is to get in their face and stuff their moves with chuns superior speed and high priority pokes. I already told you in another thread, here is another video proving that. Even though I know you already made up your mind and won’t listen to reason or proof. Hopefully this helps someone else that isn’t a douchebag with this match up.

Skip to 6:50

God, that neutral jump HK is so crazy.

Does JPN even play HDR? I would love to hear Oto’s lowdown on the Americanised Chun.