
“grabs are just lucky” - Random 2012

In street fighter 2, there is a 1 in 3 chance that during whatever you are doing, you will get grabbed, from anywhere. It’s completely up to luck.

So when I press start from the main menu, I might get grabbed? Respect my personal space SF2.

yup. 1 in 3 chance. completely random.

Edited because I just read the date stamp on the first post.

I’m still glad I saw this thread because Random says some really awesome stuff in his 20 posts.

Wait wait wait…you’re telling me you’re a 24 year-old man who rages at fighting games and complains about all the “flaws” of your top tier character? Good God, you have the mental fortitude of a child. Even I wasn’t that whiny when I first started playing SF2 at the age of 7, and WW was a hell of a lot less forgiving.

And I’m not normally this rude, but God, you’re an idiot. I must say sir, if you’re trolling, and I pray to God you’re trolling, it’s working pretty effectively.

Was Chun’s throw range/damage and/or walk speed changed in any way from ST? Because ST Chun seems almost a better grappler than the characters that were specifically designed with grabs in mind.

The walk forward med punch tactic might make you think that, but her pokes, zoning tools, and the fact that you can store her super (has any other SF character since ST Chun had this?) make her so much deeper than just a tick throw setup grappler.

If you abuse the too much you will get blown to bits by anyone that is capable. Fortunate for Chun she has the other tools to mix it up.

I’m not sure if SF was quite ready for grapplers at the time. The game put so much emphasis on the fireball and very precise footsies. The average grappler has to work that much harder to win.

So… did anything get changed? Because that’s really what I was asking, since I couldn’t find anything about it in Sirlin’s change list about that and I never said she’s just a tick throw grappler, sorry. I meant that she can just pretty much run in and throw you from miles away, while doing huge damage at the same time in ST. Random complaining so much about throws made me think that maybe she was nerfed in this aspect in HDR.

Jesus this is fucking good.

Hummus. Tastes great.

Mmm BTW Fuck this OP. Complaining and shit. Everyone has lost to BS and most people who claim they lost to BS are scrubs. The best who lose at BS shrug it off and keep eating Hummus. And playing Street Fighter.

The damage on her throw and super were reduced from ST, a change in the arc of her SBK, removal of her weird d/f backflip thing, neckbreaker stays on same side despite whatever spacing or timing you choose.’m not sure where you looked about the change list, but he listed quite a lot of them in his description.

The throw damage wasn’t touched. It’s still redonkulous. Just the super.

Ah, I only saw the short list I guess. Thanks for the link.
So yeah, basically this guy had no reason to complain about anything he was complaining about.

Her normals are indeed awesome. Me, Damdai and some other European players were trying to take out Kurahashi’s Chun in casuals at X-Mania. Took for-fucking-ever. Neutral jump Roundhouse is almost better than Flash Kick without needing charge, close Forward is one of the most ridiculous anti airs I’ve ever seen, he was playing her in a way I’ve never seen her played before.
To quote Damdai: “Fuck you! Fucking Chun! They gave her everything!”

ElTrouble: I’m 25, I was rounding down. As for my “Top-Tier Character,” I’d rather not get into that again, but I learned tons through SRK, wikis, vids, players and experience. I’m not gonna argue her tier ranking, but even if it’s accurate, my experiences dictate otherwise and that’s all that matters to me anyway. BTW, not trolling, and does everyone resort to name-calling here? Geez.

It’s difficult not to name a call a guy who complains about a game/character, doesn’t really try to apply or heed other people’s advice, and then proceeds to create a thread talking about how he broke his controller and is threatening to quit the game forever. All these cries for attention aren’t warranted and aren’t going to gain you any pity. We’d rather just call you out on the bullshit.

And if you need more proof that Chun is an awesome character…

And Damdai’s pretty right. Chun literally has everything at her disposal and is able to fight all of her matchups on fair ground.

^^ My complaints are valid. They did give her everything; just the worst of everything. “Chun Li’s Fireballs are just as good as ever”? Just as shit as ever, disappearing, charging, huge recovery time. Easily has the worst fireball game going but at least she has it…As for her normals, they’re good, but they don’t make up for sweet reversal SRK/grabs. Gotta be conservative with them or you’re down and then Zang wins. Chun’s throw with her walking speed is great but not godly, it’s a bit ridiculous to emphasize it so much. Her Upkicks take a billion years, really shitty. Her SBK is practically useless. If it were removed completely from HDR it wouldn’t break her.

^^ I took the advice, thanked everyone and applied it. You want a BJ for input? Jesus.So I ragequit for a while, big deal. I got anger issues, I guess. I picked up Ryu (reluctantly), now I’m doing better.

I don’t see many Chuns and the ones I find lose to me, tie at best. That tells me that nonmirror losses aren’t my fault, at least not always ( I have little Exp VS certain characters, like Hawk). Try me, I’m done arguing. PSN’s SSj4_Ryuk.

Can’t a mod lock this before it becomes a fucking flame war? Please?

I hate to butt into a thread that is not related to me in any way or fashion. But noticing some of the posts here you can smell a lot of the elitism these SRK Warriors are spilling out of their pores. Damn, everyone involved in this conversation for the most part is doing absolutely nothing productive and its just a giant display of ego. And In the case of the poster a giant display of QQing.

However, I feel you man. The BS of these games can get to us. I broke one of my sticks in one of my salt induced moments. What did I learn from that? Not to break shit and fix it for starters. And also to let your anger out in other ways.

I am not gonna put anyone on blast but a lot of these people or a lot of FG gamers in general they play under the influence of some sort so they don’t know what’s like to have real emotions on the game like the ones you experienced.

It’s funny that everyone is bashing on this dude while I am pretty positive everyone here has raged mad hard at 1 point while playing.

If you say you haven’t raged, the following applies to you:

[]You are lying about it
]You suck and you don’t care to improve so you take your losses with no real thought or emotion behind them.
So to the guy making the thread my best advice first of all is to not take online super seriously. It’s mad random and internet in America is not perfect. It’s not fast enough and we have a lot of ground to cover so lag is always gonna be an issue. Fix your broken pad, taking responsability for your actions and if you gonna let your anger rock. Take it out with something a little less important. I usually just yell or something that does no physical harm. And study up on your gameplay with a different perspective.
To the trolls, Please don’t be hypocrital. Instead on trying to belittle the guy. Perhaps you should just let him let off steam. Everyone has the right to express their disgust with something. And I am pretty positive everyone in this thread has acted out and raged at one time or another. So any preaching I hear will be taken with a grain of salt. No pun intended.

a mod just locked a lag thread that i was reading, so i’d say definitely. -_-

EMR: Yeah, it was my worst case of ragequitting. I’m over it, learned my lesson about controller smashing. Anyway, you seem like a pretty cool guy, fair at least. Thanks.