
top player do cheat


Can’t handle the heat get out the kitchen, same goes for HDR if u cant handle gettin whopped, b4 getting better leave and stfu no need for you to post a thread. everyone’s been there done that got salty, got some type of bs from hdr but what separates a good player and a scrub(you) is that the better player push through and got better, you on the other hand well you know what u did…

@Bob Sagat: Turbo, lag switching, prog controls, ect., shitt here’s tons of ways to cheat. I’m sure I’ve seen cheaters around. So call me troll if it makes you happy, IDC. @eltrouble: What makes you think I didn’t consider the advice, you presumptuous egotist? ^ You like calling me a scrub, that’s cute. Keep throwing out your insults without any way to back them up.I never claimed to be a top player or anything, so watch your ignorant mouth.

You didn’t consider it. You questioned it without giving it much effort. It’s not a presumption, it’s deduced from your attitude. I like calling you a scrub because you keep proving that you possess a scrub mentality. I’ve been backing up the insults fairly well by quoting your very own words, and then you try and get defensive about it, which is exactly what a scrub would do.

I never expected or claimed that you were a top player either. That point is irrelevant to the topic. Your skills aren’t being put into question here, it’s your inability to analyze the weaknesses in your own game play, combined with your reaction towards our advice, and your unwillingness to train to put those strategies into effect.

But by all means, spend more of your time defending yourself on the forums instead of practicing the game. Surely that’s an effective way to improve as a player.

You’re free to your opinion, but everybody goes on the defensive when people are attacking, FYI, genius.

My weaknesses are apparent to me, mostly. I do partially blame particular mechanics for certain things, but overall, I have the power to pick other characters technically, and I don’t have to play this, so I shouldn’t complain. It’s just frustrating sometimes.

My methods of improving are simple; do my research, and amass a friend’s list of good players. Only by being destroyed can I learn, but it is still a piss off for a competitive person…

Anyway, there’s no point in arguing further. Provocation has ceased, so I think we’re done here.

werent u done since the first post???

Enough question marks? Anyway, you know what I meant. I’m just sick of arguing, in fact I shouldn’t reply to your sarcasm, but I will. Guess I can’t help it, I probably am a glutton for punishment. I did start playing this game again, so it’s pretty obvious…