A way to make Akuma playable: "Ban His Air Fireball"

Tatsu had a damage penalty?

Where does he say he increased the handicapp for his health?

He’s talking about defensive damage.

Yup and if air fb was banned I think all his advantages would be better tempered by how much damage he takes which is a nerf I think many people overlook because they’re too busy focusing on his rd setups. However the idea of banning a single move to make a character tourney viable is pretty ridiculous even top players fuckup motions once in a while and while sometimes they’re punished with a round loss usually it’s just a little bit more damage who are we to say you automatically lose for accidentally slipping or doing it out of habit?

Just did a quick test (these %'s are not based on anything other then observation):

3 sagat dp’s do a little over 90% and 2 tk’s do about 40%
3 geif spd’s do about 95%
3 boxer low rushes do about 75% his super does a little over 60%
3 blanka rolls do about 70% and dizzy 100% of the time.

Which reminds me I forgot how easily stunned he is.

You must keep in mind when Sirlin was balancing him he had no intention f getting rid of any of his moves in the process his mindset was to balance akuma WITH air fb. Never taking into account taking it out completely, not because it wouldn’t make him playable but because it kind of seems like a copout and would make him less unique, not that I know what is going on in Sirlin’s head but it kind of seems like common sense.

I doubt many developers would take out any feature of any game they make rather then tweak it in some way.

“Akuma takes more damage than other characters”
“He does take more damage than any other character, but not by a large margin.”

It’s common knowledge that Akuma has the worst health handicap of any character in the game.

“At this point, I also added back in his hurricane kick?s ability to hit on the way up, so that it can hit ducking opponents and lead to a juggle. I also toned down his damage penalty so he didn?t take quite as much as before.”

Sirlin is not talking about Akuma’s health handicap in that statement. He’s talking about reducing the damage the Tatsu does. In the first part of the articlethat I linked, Sirlin took away the Tatsu’s ability to hit crouching opponents and it’s invincible startup, as well as a whole bunch of other nerfs. Later on, he returned the Tatsu’s ability to hit crouching opponents, but then lessened the damage the Tatsu does in order to balance it out.

I’m not sure if english is your first language, but the way that quote is worded, he is without a doubt talking about Akuma’s health handicap.

Sirlin is probably the only one that can clear that up. IMO he’s talking about the Tatsu’s damage, but we’ll have to agree to disagree. My point though is that Akuma’s health handicap plus banning his Air Hadoken, will level the playing field for characters that have a hard time against him IMO.

And yes, English is my first language…last time I checked. :looney::rofl:

“I also toned down his damage output so he didn?t deal quite as much as before.”

See the difference?

The quote in Sirlin’s article is the former. It’s quite clear that he’s talking about his health. It has nothing to do with the sentence that precedes it (regarding tatsu).

Yeah of course he’s talking about Akuma’s health handicap.

Here’s my view on this:

  • Akuma with an air fireball is apparently broken.
  • Akuma without an air fireball is boring anyway because that was his defining move.

– Therefore, screw Akuma.

Sirlin just landed a cross up on you using the English language.

…Says the honda player because watching a half naked fat guy with face paint who isn’t even supporting a hockey team spam a move that lets us simultaneously notice how uneven his butt cheeks are and what color his thong is is sooo much more appealing.

This is what threw me off, did you test the combo on both versions of akuma?

What? Ha ha. Where’d that come from.

Also, this thread makes me doubt my ability to read and interpret English.

I’ll just go with a simple statement.

You don’t need to ban Akuma’s air fireball. All you need to do is ban Akuma.

Yes I did. Don’t believe me? Test it out yourself, and report your results. Don’t take *my *word for it. Seriously.

Haha, so true.

Well I suck at combos. I ask because I’m wondering if it did the exact same damage, or if one “died” in 8 hits.

Can’t you just run Orochi’s tests on both Akumas? Repeat a move 3 times and hope n = 3 is large enough to compensate for the fluctuations in HDR’s damage?

sig worthy

For what it’s worth, this quote is referring to an earlier build of HDR Akuma where his health was even lower. Sirlin’s stating that he returned a bit of health to Akuma so as to not take as much damage as before (in the previous internal build of HDR). If you followed his blog during the development of HDR, there shouldn’t be any confusion with this quote, since he referenced it and the Akuma health situation many times.

Also iirc, it was mentioned by Sirlin that Classic Akuma had Ryu’s health.

Remix Akuma was killed, but Classic Akuma was not. I can’t remember exactly how much health Classic Akuma had left, I did this test almost as soon as Remix was released, but I do remember that Remix Akuma was dead before the combo even ended, by like the 3rd or 4th fireball of Ryu’s Super.

Coth, just do the most damaging combo you can think of on Remix Akuma, with Fei or Ken or whoever, and you will see just how bad his health handicap is. That’s all I was trying to say.

It’s too bad that the moderators on this site went out of their way to lock topics regarding the banning of akuma early on in the game’s cycle. We probably wouldn’t still have topics like these now.