Keep Akuma in for HDR’s first Evo… and fucking ruin it? What for? To make even less people interested in this game and to ‘prove’ to what, a handful people what everyone else already knows?
And it’s not just that he’s ‘too good’. First and foremost, he’s too buggy (inescapable demon setups and wonky hitboxes). No Akuma = better game for everybody. Who disagrees with this besides you? Scrubby ragequitting Akuma players online don’t count.
Clearly zoolander hasn’t faced enough Akuma’s spamming air-FB’s in the corner. It should also be mentioned that he can Air FB > cr. jab > throw. Very deadly mixup.
Let’s not get sidetracked here. This is not a discussion about whether or not Akuma is broken, but whether or not banning his Air Hadoken will make his matchups more fair. I think they will. Without Air Hadoken, yes Akuma will pretty much replace Ryu with his better hitboxes, Shoryukens and juggles, BUT it will make Akuma more tourney viable. If a grounded Hadoken into Demon setup is 100% escapable (and I don’t think it is, but it needs to be tested properly first), I think banning his Air Hadoken is a great idea.
This. Everybody jumped the gun too soon in banning Akuma. damdai developed some awesome strategies with Akuma, and everybody was like :wow: woah, how do you beat that. He caught everyone by surprise. But I bet all those top players that damdai beat with Akuma, if they got a second chance, I’m sure they will have better counters and strategies now, even with low tier characters like Zangief or Cammy. Plus, if his Air Hadoken is banned, he will be an even more fair matchup.
Do you care more about “ruining” EVO, or do you care more about unnecessarily banning a character without adequate proof? If it was Honda that had been banned from EVO, I’m sure you would be arguing for the same thing Zoo and I are: don’t ban him for a year. It’s more important to only ban a character after adequate proof, and not because it might “ruin” EVO. It’s not like this game is going anywhere, it’s still going to be at EVO next year. What was the rush? Seriously.
Classic Akuma is not Remix Akuma.
If Akuma can throw you, then you can throw him. He has the same mixups as just about any other character. And if his Air Hadoken is banned, he won’t have that mixup any more. Sounds like win - win to me.
Soooooo…back on topic…SRK juggles do crazy damage and stun. Should they stay or go? By the way I phrased it I’m sure you can guess that I think they should go.
I was checking some stuff
and while aki,a does have other crazy shit, like his tatsu, pokes, etc etc
so does cvs2 sagat or 3s chun, but they didnt get banned.
I know we cant help it, Akuma is still gonna be really good, but removing his air fireball (probably air tatsu too) would help make him not completly s tier.
Theres a difference between having a really good char and a bannable char.
people keep thinking that the only way they’re gonna allow akuma is if he becomes a low mid tier at least.
I’d contest that in 3S there was an additional character or two up there with chun to balance her out, wait did I just use word balance in describing 3s?
I don’t know cvs2.
The point is that if you make a matchup chart for akuma, he loses to no one. His air fireball lets him get almost safe jumps against anyone, and 75% guaranteed super on air hado blocked low.
Eliminating the air hado, and he’s still the best shoto. Not to mention srks, tatsu, red hado chip, blue hado, and hitboxes on normals.
I wonder if claw and boxer have an advantage against him without air hado.
akuma has 0f startup, fully invincible dp, crossup escaping fireball, invincible legs on jumping kicks, air fireball zoning, best fireball in game because close range knockback, hurricane kicks juggle into dp for huge damage, also his super is almost fully invincible.
I would say that even without his Air Fireball, there’s still not much of a reason NOT to pick Akuma instead of Ryu and Ken, and that’s the big reason why he’d still be banned.
Is that really reason enough to ban him? I don’t know about other Ryu and Ken players, but I would definitely stick with them even if a tournament simply banned Akuma’s Air Hadoken. Remix Akuma’s damage penalty is much greater than Classic Akuma’s damage penalty. I tested this out, and he can be killed from perfect by Ryu’s 9 hit Super combo. Crossup Roundhouse on a crouching Akuma, Rushing Fierce, cr Fierce, Super.
Dead.* From perfect.* Now that’s a touch of death.
You can’t ban one move and disregard the other stuff. If thats all it took to make Akuma “playable”, it would have been easier just remove the air fireball altogether.
Sirlin is talking about reducing the damage that Akuma’s Tatsu does.
“At this point, I also added back in his hurricane kick?s ability to hit on the way up, so that it can hit ducking opponents and lead to a juggle. I also toned down his damage penalty so he didn?t take quite as much as before.”
He’s talking about offensive damage, I’m talking about defensive damage.