A way to make Akuma playable: "Ban His Air Fireball"

So I was talking with a friend about this, anf we came to the conclusion that if akuma’s air fireball was banned, akuma would still be really good but not broken tier.

Think about it, no more Unblockeable RG setups or corner lockdowns.
Im no HD expert, so I made this thread to gather opinions from pros

I know there’s a couple of issues with this idea, for example, what are we gonna if somebody was to pull an air fireball on accident on a match etc etc
Im bringing this idea cause I think sirlin’s work rebalancing akuma was almost accurate, but we can make him playable without a patch (I hope)


well capcom have said that they have no plans to patch HDR further…which sucks,

as for the air fb, for some characters it can be a dead end, for those with decent AA’s its not too bad. I play guile mainly and I dont have too much trouble with the air fb, except for those akuma players who can get the timing and spacing right.

the air fireball is a trade mark move for akuma, so I dont think it should be taken away, it should be nerfed some more, perhaps adding a little room for characters to walk under it or add more of a bounce when akuma performs the move.

I havnt played sf4, but how is akuma’s air fb in that game, is it as dominant as it is if hdr?

Wouldn’t a meaty Jab Hadoken in the corner followed by Raging Demon also be inescapable? I say that because a grounded Hadoken probably gives the same amount of stun as an Air Hadoken. Plus, in the corner, there’s no pushback, giving the opponent less time to jump out of the Demon. I’m not saying I’ve done this myself, but the reason Akuma’s Air Hadoken, Demon setup is so good is because of the crouching blockstun that doesn’t allow the opponent to escape the Demon.

I know people have said theres a 25% chance of escaping, but wouldn’t a corner, meaty Hadoken create the same 25% chance of escaping? If it does, there’s no point in banning his Air Hadoken, as Akuma can still do the same setup with a grounded Hadoken. You should probably test it out first, and if it doesn’t create the same inescapable setup, then I agree that banning his Air Hadoken is a good idea, as that’s what makes Akuma so broken overall. His juggles and invincible Shoryukens will not be as hard to deal with as the threat of Air Hadoken, Demon setups.

The air fireball is not half of the troubles with Akuma.

Go into training mode and look at the hitboxes for his normals.

And for his Srk, Tatsu and Red Fireball while you are at it.

Shari is right…there are so many damn problems with Akuma that limiting him to no air fireballs would still make him a broke version of Ryu. Maybe not as broke…but he’d still fuck up most of the cast pretty free.

Akuma free HD Remix is the best way to go for now. Until the game gets some kind of other update or patch which will probably be never. Otherwise SFIV is your only way to play Akuma without being a cheap asshat.

It only starts with the air FB.

  • chip damage on fire hadouken
  • invincible jab srk
  • juggling hurricane kick
  • good priority on normals

He should honestly be banned.

If you’re still interested, here’s a whole thread about how to deal with Akuma that pretty much focuses on why he’s broken. I was going to talk about stuff, but I think I can summarize it all by saying he has crazy mix ups that are a result from his unfortunately overpowered moves.

Edit: The non-fireball discussion is kind of dispersed throughout the thread, so it’s kind of chore to read. Noriega and Shari already hit the nail on the head, though.

3S? Pocket Fighter? :lol:

agree with this, akuma is broken!, it doesn’t matter if the air fireball is banned or not, he has a lot of advantages against every character, akuma is for n00bs and annoying people.

Akuma = no skills.

Well,the idea of this thread is to find a way to make akuma playable without having to wait for the patch which more likely will take forever to come out

you can throw more ideas too

Not possible.

Not unless you want a completely retarded ruleset along the lines of:

Akuma may not use air fireball.

Akuma may not use red fireball to escape crossups.

Akuma may not etc etc.

There are so many things wrong with the character that you would have to completely alter his design to make him balanced.

You can’t really enforce those kinds of things, because accidental red fireball could come out on a cross up attempt right.

There is no way, has to be banned

I haven’t tested it but I don’t think meaty jab fb has fast enough recovery to be a lock, air fb works not just because of block stun but also because when do right before you land it negates the pushback recovery of it. Akuma isn’t broken he probably is but you cannot say for certain until used in a tournament like EVO but since that’s never happening we’ll never know.

Yes it is. Everything you listed every other character can be overcome by any character while wasting the clock turtling with air fb is much harder to stop.

Banning a character just because you THINK he’s “too good” is laughable at best, and like I said before air fb is much more dangerous then everything else about akuma.

So where in that thread are the tournament results proving beyond all doubt that akuma is broken?

This is a very ignorant post because going by your logic dhalsim and balrog should be banned as well. Also you have no hard proof that akuma has advantages against every character so what you’re saying is at best baseless conjecture.

Nothing good ever comes out of an akuma thread please someone close it now.

I love when people respond with an argument and then want a thread closed.


Did you miss all the tournaments Damdai won with Akuma ?

Him himself stating that he made Akuma get banned ?

And asking for tournament results is such a dumb thing to do.

Where are the tournament results for ST Akuma ?

Hell if you want to i will link a video of a ST Akuma losing in high level play:


There you go.

Guess Akuma is now proven to beyond all doubt not to be unbeatable according to your logic ?

If you strictly compare akuma’s non bannable offenses to ken and ryu, well he’s better than them.

His blue hado is technically better than ryu’s by 1 startup frame.

His shoryuken’s although they don’t have ken’s arc, are invincible and hit multiple times at close range.

His tatsu has the uses of ryu’s yet juggles too.

He has less of a health handicapp than the one he originally had.

Then factor in all of the other bullshit, and there’s almost no reason to use ryu/ken if akuma is there.

Is he as severely broken as the ST version no, but he’s still broken.

Oh and due to that “hop” off air hado he can crossup with it now.

At this point we could get into a whole meta argument. :sad: I see where you’re coming from, though. Especially since a lot of the time cards in collectible card games are only banned after they’ve won a major tournament of some sort. Also, I guess we all just have different confidence intervals.

Well, akuma has at least the same matchup numbers as ryu, and that’s before you consider his normals, air hado, teleport, rd setups/cr.attack setups.

Well, it’s hard to quantify exactly how much those help Akuma and how much his health handicap hurts his game when comparing to Ryu. I may disagree with Orochizoolander, but he does bring up a good point. How many of us are arguing against Akuma from a theory point of view? How many of us have actual countless hours of Akuma tournament action? I know I have no tournament experience in HDR at all. All of my arguments come from other people and what I see online.

I know chasing akuma corner to corner with fei is 10x harder than chasing ryu corner to corner.

There are players on PSN HDR that have spent their whole worthless lives getting good with akuma I don’t know their names off the top of my head, but I recognize them when I see them usually.

Air fireball is retarded, and the game was never built for it. Akuma didn’t show up until what the 5th and last iteration?

Oh let’s not forget that air hado has no landng frames, so you can’t make him land on a sweep.

Hoe many offline tournaments did he win with akuma with a number of entrants approaching evo numbers? while you’re at it explain since when a single person wanting a character to be banned makes it right for it to be so?

Apparently you haven’t been playing fighting games very long otherwise you would know that it’s been expressed clearly that tournament organizers and those of us here at srk only ban a character when said character shows to warrant a ban through tourney results. Akuma was banned in ST only after everyone started using him, so saying “asking for tournament results is dumb” is about the most ignorant and illogical thing you could say.

Nothing you say will make evo staff any less hypocritical for banning akuma when there isn’t sufficient majors to support said ban yet at the same time citing major’s results to be the litmus test of who if anyone gets banned from their lineup. Also because akuma is now banned from all majors we will never get to definitively find out what many have suspected all along and the debate will hang in the air forever when it could have been solved simply by not banning him for 1 year.

surely the solution to akuma air fireball is to give it the same properties as it has in sf4, havnt heard anybody complaining about it in that game