3rd strike tier list

12 has a theory-advantage to Chun, but not a real one. Unless she NEVER lands Houyo on him AND she doesn’t parry any of his attacks (anti-air parry -> Standing FP/RH), he’s kinda hosed.

Mid-level Robo-Chun destroys my Twelve completely. I’d honestly rather fight Ken.


chun SaI beats 12…hahah

It just shows doesnt it? Ppl who have a bias opinion against the game usually dont know too much about it

at least he’s trying


Imma break this down nice and simple

Japanese-style Yang(Counters Yun)

I wouldn’t know where to put Ibuki, she’s still good, not 2I good, but still strong, yet noone uses her -__-;;
I’d add the same to Oro, no one really does his SAII unblockable setups, or I have seen in US play, maybe 2k5 will be the year mid tier power.

I’d say it’d be open floor if it was Japanese Rating list… I’d list everyone cept sean.

Can somebody tell me why Yang is being ranked so high? He has very limited setups and takes damage like a bitch.

Urien is good but many overrate him.
He does huge damage and has great pokes, great dash and everything, and he’s easy to pick up (but NOT to master).
he doesn’t have a good wakeup move
he doesn’t really deal damage from low hits, so no real hi-low mixup
many character can pressure him and he can’t do much about besides parry.
He depends too much on parries against some characters, and that means that he’s not a solid character. More a strong wildcard, like Makoto (but Makoto is better).
Yang is way more solid, so are Ryu, Akuma, Dudley and Oro. Urien really gains more than he should thanks to (random) parry -> take away 50%-100% depending on meter and situation (and opponent’s ability to get out of unblockables)
Top 4 Chun Yun Ken Makoto (makoto is there because while less solid than the other three, she can make scary stuff in many ways, and odds are often in her favor)
Then I’d put Urien, Dudley, Yang, Akuma, Oro and perhaps Ryu in the second tier, in no particular order
I made a matchup chart a while ago (posted here too), and the results clearly made some defined character groups - small point differences can be neglected since more than often some points are made against low tier characters that are not used. So that means that characters can be divided in tiers groups, but you can’t really rank them inside the groups.

If you played a good Yang you would understand.

Both things that you said are true.

That still doesn’t make him a shitty character to use.

Get some Jap Yang vids.

his combos into rekka are almost a decent substitute for a combo to super, in addition he actually does have a super that doesn’t do a lot of damage but it’s almost as free as genei.

Small damage potential with small damage taking ability really hampers her whole game. The current saying for her is “If you couldn’t see the life bars it would look like Ibuki was winning the whole match, but she rarely does”.

Ibuki can’t outdamage some charcters tension-less combos with a crap-load of tension, it’s that bad on her damage front.

Addition: FMJ, Seiei-Enbu isn’t ‘almost’ as good as GJ. It’s a gamble every time you execute the super, because you could just be wasting a whole lot of your time, unlike the GJ which you can guarantee for more than half a meter of damage. His EX Mantis Slashes are the only thing going for him, that doesn’t mean that he should be up as far as he is.

What are we basing these lists on? I’m a little curious.

The gap between mid to low tier characters is really small. Other than maybe a few match ups like Elena Vs Hugo but thats rare.

I think everyone has the same top 9s : Chun/Ken/Yun/Mak/Urien/Dud/Yang/Akuma/Oro, but the 10th guy to round out the top 10 I am really iffy on…
I’d say Ryu, but u can also make a case for Ibuki, Necro or even Elena.

It’s gotta be Q

Not a chance. After a long-ass time of using Q almost exclusively, only to dabble in characters like Remy, Hugo, Sean, and now Alex, there’s no doubt in my mind that Q is the worst character in the game. I love him, and I love playing with him, but seriously, he sucks.

Haha If Q Sucks Then Why Do Japs Own With Him… U Have To Really Own The Computer Just TO Fight Him,aka St Akuma…hmmmm… Low Stamina Is Like Fighting A Ratio 4 On Cvs2 With A Ratio 1… He’s Not Easy To Learn But If U Have Really Good Defense Ability Like Block And Tech Throw Q Can Be A Pain In The Ass To Beat… I Play Q And When Somebody Is Rushing Me I Gradly Take A Throw Vs A Combo Cuz Throws Take Off Shit When Hes Powered Up…cuz When He Finally Hits U Its Bye Bye :tup:

The Japanese DON’T own with him. There are like, three really good Q users over there, and even they don’t “own” with him. Sometimes they do well in tournament play, and I think that rocks, what with being a Q user, but don’t confuse the quality of the player for the quality of the character. TK rocks with Q, but don’t kid yourself; he rocks because he personally is an awesome player who manages to squeeze everything he can out of Q. I don’t do badly with Q, I win probably like, 60% of my matches, but man would I have an easier time using Ken, Dudley, Oro, Ibuki, Remy… even Hugo. The only character that can rival Q for the bottom is Sean, and personally I think Q is worse. Can you win with Q? Yes, you can, but it takes an inordinately large amount of work and, when facing a similarly skilled opponent using a different character, chances are you’re going to lose.

A low stamina character vs Q might be like a Ratio 1 vs a Ratio 4 (note: it’s not, but whatever), but it would be like Ratio 1 Sagat or Blanka vs Ratio 4… I don’t know, I don’t follow CvS2, whoever is the worst in that game. Kyoskuke or something.

I’d pick Q over Sean every time. At least Q has combos and decent supers.


… but Sean has decent normals and deals some incredibly sick damage. Mind you, Q dishes it as well, but being that Sean has the slut/whore normals that Ken/Ryu/Akuma share (and then some), I would pick him over Q.

Q’s pretty good, and he’s def better then sean and 12.

Sean’s normals don’t lead to anything else, though. The reason that Ryu/Ken/Akuma’s normals are so strong is that they all link or cancel into even better moves. Sean pokes you and then… nothing. His specials are unsafe and his supers are crap.

My personal difficulty/playability ranking goes Twelve, then Q, then Sean. Twelve can airdash, his pokes are better than both Q AND Sean’s, and unlike Q he has special and super-cancellable low attacks. Q does reasonably good damage, but he can’t move around for crap. He gets locked down far too easily, and he’s the easiest character to juggle in the game. Sean is just bad all around.


I have to work SO hard to beat (good) people.