WTF are you talking about? So anytime a cop kills a criminal (and that’s what Brown and Garner were), we should expect 2 cops dead. Are you from this planet?
You need to be locked up for that statement because you’re clearly an animal.
This movie is being released on Christmas Day. Talk about a huge coincidence that the Ferguson, Garner, NYPD, etc. incidents took place right before this movie is released.
I don’t really care about the “derail” that happened. However, I was really disgusted with some of the comments here… Just because they are cops (who certainly had nothing to do with any of the events that happened) it’s just all ok for them to get killed? I know at front i sound like a racist but i’m not, i’m just stating the facts, the whole race card black people pull off against cops is retarded. Why not clean your own ethnic group first and stop bitching about cops giving you a hard time “because of your color”, the reason why is because allot of your kind break the law.
This entire thing is a lot more complicated than you think, and it’s extremely naive and ignorant to think this. Not really your fault, though. You don’t live in that world so you don’t have to give fuck-all about it.
Holy shit lol, not just the chinese you have a hard time with huh. People atm are having a hard time being sympathetic with cops, especially in new york cause of their power trips and history of fucking up.
I have no problem with Chinese people… I actually like Chinese people (out of china) and other asians because they too are the minority but they are actually smart and a high number of them contribute positively to society. I just hate China -the country and the people living in it.
I understand that allot of cops in NYC are assholes, i’m from NYC so I know that it is common to run into a shithead cop HOWEVER, at the same time, I know I’d rather walk in the streets full of cops than walk in towns like Brownsville, south Bronx, Camden NJ… because we all know that chances of anyone walking out with out getting shot is low.
hey, I’m from the south Bronx, matter of fact I’m still here in the boogie down…and I haven’t been shot yet.
but I do worry of getting shot.
or stabbed.
but that’s cuz I live in a bad neighborhood.
the neighborhood called America in general.
I wouldn’t feel safe even in Juneau, Alaska and I’m not kidding.
like when that Hispanic dude who died from suffocation from having 4 cops kneel on his neck, back and ribs…some British dude on a news website featuring the story wrote in the comments section “I’ve been to Beirut, Palestine, west Africa, and Malaysia…and the only time I’ve ever felt unsafe and feared for my life was when I went to America.”
Hey he said we had to fix our community’s problems before we (as in black folks who don’t commit crimes) could complain about the way some cops handle shit. If he meant something else by that then my bad I misread.
Edit: Not saying that there aren’t issues that need to be addressed amongst some black communities either, but that shouldn’t give cops a complete pass for fucking up.
Doesn’t help that a LOT of people in the black community side with a black criminal against white police. For instance:
Dumbass punk pulls a gun on a cop, gets bucked down. Guess what happened next, despite video footage showing that the incident happens as described: Niggas gathered in a mob of 200-300 strong at the precinct, and hurled bricks and fireworks. 4 officers injured, and a couple assault arrests. It’s like the black community thinks that a black guy is supposed to be able to pull a gun on a cop and NOT be shot in self-defense. They CONDONE the action this dope took that got him killed. THIS is what needs to be fixed to clean up our areas that force cops to be in black areas so often. Stop condoning and abetting criminality. Fucked up how shit can happen in front of 20 people, and nobody saw shit, but when a cop shoots somebody who pulls a gun on him with just 2 other people around, 20 niggas claim they were there and Solo shot Greedo, who was unarmed.