I have said time and time and time again, human beings can not live in unity with each other. It is impossible to get past the race barrier. Whenever you have multiple races together, one is going to be in power and one is going to be subservient and oppressed.
It is absolutely impossible for humanity to work any other way.
The greatest leaders in world history weren’t even able to create peace. Most of them tried forced assimilation, intermarriage and the like. They were met with extreme pushback, no matter their power or charisma. Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, even Muhammad (who had the religious thing going for him) all failed to get it done. There is no way it can be done now with leaders who are straight up garbage to begin with. If the greatest of all time couldn’t get it done how can anyone else think it can work?
It has befuddled me all this time that the subservient races did not fight back. I would wonder, why do so many of them accept it? How do they justify it? I wound up coming up with a “slave theory” that some races are just genetically designed to want to be slaves, to justify it and be happy being subservient. That is what made sense to me. I figured blacks were one and South Asians were the other group. Both of those ethnicities have a long history of being dominated by whites and used as slaves, and in the modern era as slaves in all but name.
When I’d see things like ethnic cleansing in Bosnia, it made sense to me. Serbia didn’t want slaves so they did the only option left. I also understand as Israel abuses the Palestinians. Then, likewise, I understand the non-slave races like the Arabs refusing to lick the boot of the white man, and instead creating resistance groups like ISIS. It all makes sense.
To see the blacks actually fight back and show some dignity, that is a little surprising to me. Malcolm X was a great man that tried to inspire his people, but a pussy like MLK came along and negotiated with the enemy and so ruined blacks for decades. The Indians had that loser Ghandi, who seemed to be happy to let the British run off with the nation’s wealth, and even now they still have not recovered as a result. Those are the slave classes, they are happy being slaves and are too weak to break any bonds.
Now if the blacks actually fight back, I may have to change my theories. I’m still learning after all, I do allow fluidity in my theories and will change them if I get new information. I will modify them as I see fit.
But probably this is just a slave rebellion. They killed an overseer or two, there will be retaliation, and then they will be put back in bondage and won’t act up again for a long time. It will be interesting to see my theories play out again. Slaves do have short lived rebellions sometimes. What slaves don’t do is completely destroy their oppressors and then build a new society in its stead. Only the dignified races are capable of that. The dignified races have all had far flung empires in the past. But blacks never made a great society or had a great empire, they have contributed nothing culturally, nothing enduring. And Indians/South Asians are of the same mold. In all of human history these two worthless races have achieved nothing, and been nothing but garbage to be kicked and stomped on. I doubt that will change.
All hail my awesome theories of Life, the Universe and Everything on Earth.