2 NYPD Officers Shot in BKLYN. Gunman Found Shot in Subway

ISIS just killed 15 cops at a checkpoint in Syria, step up your game America!

You reminded me of Brad Pitt’s line in 12 Monkeys “There’s no right, there’s no wrong, there’s only popular opinion.”

Most cops/NYPD were high school drop outs who cut class and beat up other kids for their lunch money.

That aside, some of them grew up and matured, others remained bullies who abused their position in the NYPD to continue to prey on those that cannot defend themselves.

There are cops out there that are good people, that have families that depend on them, that protect others.

I don’t know who these two cops were that were murdered, but those supporting someone going out and killing random cops are no better than those supporting cops killing others.

With all the advancements humans have made over the past century, I’m sure humans can figure out a better way to deal with this than resorting to murder.

it happens, but not as often if at all. Cops really don’t have a shoot then ask questions attitudes, and it’s very rare we shoot to kill a suspect. That really is an American thing.

Although our native population has been known to have a few ‘accidents’ here and there.

sometimes the classics work best. How long have cops been abusing their power, with no repercussions? I’m not happy that cops died, just like I’m not happy when citizens die, but SOMETHING drastic needed to happen to let police know that this issue hasn’t just gone away because the media isn’t giving it proper attention.

[quote=“D_Nyc3, post:73, topic:173144”]

kinda sorta off-topic


This right here was started after the police helped put Giuliani into office, because Dinkins was too soft on crime. True, Giuliani cleaned up New York A LOT while in office, but look at the price he paid. He alienated the vast majority of New York to do it. While people who side with the cops here will say, “Well they had it coming!” Keep in mind this happened to Dieminion. If you don’t know Dieminion personally, the dude was a model in Europe and is probably the nicest dude I’ve ever met. He’s nice as fuck and has never once that I’ve known him caused some shit. Did he deserve to get face slammed into the ground while cops searched him just because he’s black?

Wait…that guy in red was the victim, right? Did they arrest the victim, too?

yall gotta be kids with these crazy draconian opinions talking about kill cops…

This true?

Mr.Wiggles, Apathy,etc…

It’s unjustified because those cops that got killed and their families had nothing to do with Garner and Brown. Black people just love to kill cops because the majority of them get problems with cops due to the high crime rate their areas have.


[quote=“Raz0r, post:85, topic:173144”]

posted a nice bait on yt…see how many replies I get tomorrow :joy:

also do cop cars have good effective bullet proof glasses? shit could have saved their lives if they weren’t just “chilling” with windows down or something.

whats funny about this thing is how both officers weren’t even white. stupid nigga probably forgot his glasses at home lol…

That guy was out there responding. Half crazed idiot with a gun and no sense. That’s all.

But the damn police problems have to stop. These fuckers show up to a crime scene and act like they’re pissed off they have to be there. They don’t care who you are, you make them mad (they’re already mad) and you’re done for. Fuck that. I’m sorry the world’s so shitty. But I gotta live in it to, now if you could please do your damn job without making me think you’re going to shoot me. If you won’t do it, I will, but I’m pretty sure my way won’t be pretty. Or legal.

See the dilemma?

I keep hearing comments from people (let’s be real here, conservative white folk) presuming that cops should be auto-respected and that having an opinion about what should be done with police corruption is outside the realm of everyday citizens (i.e. anyone not in their ideal social station). These are the same folks that grimace at the sound of anything remotely sounding like a tax raise, and supposedly hate the control of big government, but are eager to give sycophantic praise to law enforcement anytime a brown or black person is shot and killed. Trying to find fault with the victim without even doing any analysis as to why lethal force, or any force, needed to be used at all.

Dialing “911” is a service prepaid by taxpayers. These institutions are there for the people, so we have every right to be opinionated and entitled about matters regarding our welfare. This isn’t a free service, we foot the bill, only to receive bullets and harassment in exchange. We’re funding the “paid suspension” after an officer shoots an unarmed civilian, for the court hearing, upon which they are proclaimed “not guilty”, and then their pension upon retirement. Hell, we even pay for the police brutality/ wrongful death lawsuit if the victim or their family luckily wins the case.

They answer to us, not the other way around. And yet we’re pressured into thinking we owe them favors for a “job well done.”

To put it eloquently… “Fuck that shit!”

Same folks who would do everything that can to throw their commander and chief Obama in jail, and see everything that his done undone. Their opinion is worthless.

^ ok, so people who push for powerful local govt: bad; people who push for powerful fed govt: good ? hahaa
I appreciate that WS was trying to underscore the hypocrisy of conservatives by the disconnect in support they show for local vs fed govt (even if I dont necessarily think the argument is 100% sound), the point seemed t go over your head, since you push for the other side of the same coin.


It’s “Commander-In-Chief”, buddy.

How do you hit that one but miss “his done” Raz0r.

he killed two cops that day but he did it in a sleazy way

thats the way it is

Selective targeting system.

Okay you win this round
