2 New Smash Bros inbound!

I lost it at the yellow stage explanation

Is the content good content? SSE in Brawl was a lot of content, but it’s shallow, repetitive content. With the case of at least some of these stages, the point of soft banning them is so that the deciding factor in the outcome was the skill of the two players (inherent luck included), not a broken tactic or a stage hazard that does the winning for you.

Of course, with the case of some of the stages, they are fun, but the ones in Brawl were more annoying than fun (looking at you Spear Pillar).

really is that your excuse

When the creator of the game says to the competitive community that you’re playing the game wrong.

I don’t get what’s the big deal about stage hazards. It’s like hating on Mario Party for having red spaces.


you can play whatever stage you want if agreed upon it really doesn’t matter

you don’t call for us just like we don’t tell you to log in

if a thread is open it’s because we get something out of it, whether it is evidence or laughs

if we feel like shutting shit down it’ll happen

I’m not sure what you think a soft ban is?

It’s not outright banned, but it’s highly discouraged.

I can understand if you don’t like smash players or smash in general, but why are you content with letting this thread burn to ground?

Because it’s funny…and makes the day go a bit faster.

joking, trolling, and being serious
and there is a good reason, to troll more the tournament players
it would be godlike if the decide to remove the option, and add more random shit only to see how the smash community reacts to it

I don’t see any burning.

They do expect you to do that though. Even casual players can acknowledge that the basic design of some characters in SF are to get in, and other characters are designed to keep them out of their sweet spot. Dhalsim vs Zangief.

Can you say the same about Smash?

If I turn off all other items except pokeballs, bomb bombs, and home run bats while putting the spawn rate on very high, then I’m playing the game incorrectly?

Well there is still quite a bit of trolling going on. However, I can agree that it’s funny.

People taking Smash Bros. seriously is seriously funny.

No hate, but damn… I just can’t take it seriously, either it’s Fox only, no items and/or Final Destination.

Every Wii fighter is a joke to everyone, but maybe… just maybe… Smash Bros. 4 or TvC2 will be S-Rank, once Nintendo Wii U is out.

His fucking taunt, dude…

The stupidest shit ever.

They need to stop giving him Captain Godlike’s moveset. I mean, if I wanted a Cap clone, then I’d want Black Shadow to recreate this:

They have GGAC on the Wii.

Oh damn… I forgot all about that beauty…

Mewtwo would like a word with you.


Never understood the Smash hate…Because it’s not a fighter? It is a fighter, just not made to be a competitive one. Of course, people have to agree with everything most say here in SRK to avoid being out numbered and overwhelmed by stupidity. It’s like I have to like what they do…Fanboyism is killing this site for me. Hence why I try to stay away from tournies and keep it online or with friends…

I’m not going to point any fingers but goddamn, there is just no respect in the fighting game scene period. I hope its popularity stays where it is or just barely enough so that it never makes it on television or anything.


Anyways, i’m pretty excited! =)

If I play SF4 with a 30 second timer, 1 round and handicaps where everyone dies in one hit, then am I playing the game incorrectly?

Talk about the characters and the fighting. Are there actually designed subsystems within the fighting engine to support all your lazer camping, short hopping, edge guarding madness?