1 frame link combos

was prob on sagat, bigger hit box. he does insane combos on sagat like in this video he made that sagat look free:


it was on blanka(miziteru during trf final I think) but he didn t made ultra after

anyway character depending. works on blanka, not sure about sagat. surely on zanghief too* but f hp on zanghief doesn t happen often…)

he another hand don t worry too much about this combo, dammage scaling make it nearly useless* I think the diference of damage between cr. hp exx tatsu en cr mp, cvr hp ex tatsu after f.hp is 10…(including ultra)

I just remember that after testing I thought except stun or gaining meter to be able to do the ex tatsu, it was useless to do…

on chun li you can do cr mp cr mp cr mk tatsu after solar plexus. here again damage are juste 10 or 20 more that just cr hp shoryu…

but a lot of stun, sa lot of ex and you push chun li in the corner…

look at Ryu’s feet for the forward fierce into c.fierce , when his feet flatten is almost the time you should Plink the next input.

Is anybody know why Daigo often throw a standing light punch ?

in the combo: clp, clp, stlp, chk

Is there any logical reason or its the way he is use doing it.

Personnally I find its harder than simply going clp,clp, chk

I have notice something strange is this 1 frame link combo, it seem the further aways I am from my opponent when I deliver the final Chk the more success I seem to be getting the 1 frame down. It seem the 1 frame become 1.3 frame somehow… Perhpas my timing is better when I get further away… dont know

after 2 c.lps, on certain characters you cannot add a third c.lp as the opponent is too far away, st lp (since after 2 c.lps it will be in a far mode lp) has more distance allowing it to hit then c.hk to knock the opponent down, for some people it is easier to do standing lp before c.hk instead of c.lp to c.hk and yes it is a 1 frame link

sorry for double post but you can do it to rufus too

I have been trying to do all these 1 frame links and found out that it is only easy if you plink. So the guys that is having a hard time, MUST LEARN PLINKING!!! Unless your muscle memory is really good like some of the pro’s here. But mine sucks!

plinking is definitely the way to go, I couldn’t combo at all until I learned to plink. As an aside, I noticed for the really hard links like jabbing after an SPS that if you do it at the very moment that you see the yellow hit effect disappear it seems to land for me quite often. This, of course could depend on your reaction time to such a thing, but it seems kind of lenient to me.


Here is one of my recent matches that placed me 5th. Dont’ mind the sagat I just don’t know what I was thinking. Any help would be great of what I need to stop doing and what I need to work on.

It was against Kindevu’s Rufus


you have to plink c.mp and c.hp
so this is what you have to do… this is getting better for me as I practice
you do your SPS
then watch for ryu’s feet both to touch the ground again
hit c.lp + c.mp but the c.mp has to be hit slightly before c.lp
and then hit c.mp + c.hp with c.hp slightly before c.mp
then hit your ex. tatsu then ultra in the corner
that is how you plink. Timing is the key.

SPS to s.mk> HP SRK is pretty good, i think its 30 or 40 points less than the C.HP > HP SRK.

and is pretty easy to perform:bgrin:

I’d like to add one of my favorites to that:

c.lp, c.lk, c.lp, c.hk

This combo is for any situation in which you are right in your opponent’s face with even frame advantage (i.e. after a blocked level 2 focus or a close blocked f.hp).
The first c.lp is because it’s Ryu’s fastest attack, and any other attack risks getting beat out by your opponent’s 3 frame normal. The c.lk is to catch opponents mashing out dp, ex-messiah, headbutt, jump, or whatever if the c.lp is blocked. The third c.lp is because it’s the only thing you can combo from c.lk. The sweep is for the untechable knockdown so you can set up more mind games.

The major plus on that combo is that the s.mk is a 3 frames startup so you have two frames to link into it. Also you can ex.hadouken into Ultra without additional meter after that (character specific)

Hope I’m not asking a stupid question here but with link combos is the timing different for each one? To reiterate, I mean is the timing required to link cr.lk, cr.lk to cr.hp > Tatsu the same as that of linking it to a cr.mp > Tatsu/Hado etc? I’m specifically referring to the linking element of the combo as I have the cancelling down pat. The reason I’m asking is because I’ve been practicing the latter link combo by trying to get the timing down on the first 3 inputs (single pressing; using muscle memory as I’m not sure how the whole plinking thing works) but I 'm wondereing now if I’ll have to do this regime for each link combo I learn - if this is even a good way to learn.


Both those links are 2 frames. They’re exactly the same. Ryu’s links all have similar timing but some are more strict. If you link c.lp to c.hp vs. c.lp to c.mk, the timing is the same, but you only have 1 frame to hit c.mk, but 2 frames to hit c.hp.

Thanks for that Dannkk. And whilst I have your attention; would you encourage the use of plinking as a way of nailing these combos or just muscle memory? I guess first off could you explain how I’d plink the combos I mentioned in my original post?


Thanks for that Dannkk. And whilst I have your attention; would you encourage the use of plinking as a way of nailing these combos or just muscle memory? I guess first off could you explain how I’d plink the combos I mentioned in my original post?


Yea, I’d suggest you plink your links. Imo, you should do anything that makes hitting combos easier and more consistent. As for how, are you just asking what buttons to use or how plinking works?

I thought I understood plinking but when I tried applying it in the instance of linking cr.lk, cr.lp, cr.mp > Hado it always ends up doing 2 cr.lp’s with no cr.mp in sight. How should I be doing this?