1 frame link combos

Thanks. I’m actually finding the last motion easier to execute than the Z motion. I guess I can use the shortcut for just this BnB combo.BTW I’m actually attaching a :r: at the end of :d::lk: :df::lp: :d::df::hp: so i can practice dash canceling out for ultra or on block.

Am I developing a bad habit or just adapting to whatever works? :S

That’s always what I go for. Unless I have 2 meters and an ultra, but I have trouble with the srk link so I never really do it. I just do cr short, cr jab, cr fierce xxx tatsu

Tks! That helps!

need help, please tell me if I were wrong.

sometimes I used cr.lk, cr.lp from far distance in footsie war but then I whiffed my cr.hp so instead of cr.hp I used cr.mk to follow up. I’m doing cr.lp -> cr.hp pretty consistent, I think if the range a lil bit too far , it will whiffed.

but yeah in short range I will always try to link to cr.hp tatsu for knd.


You’re right. I usually go for cr mp if I’m out of cr hp range because it’s an easier link than cr mk. Speaking of plinking and double tapping etc. In training mode I can hit f + hp to cr hp 8 out of 10 at least with just single tapping. I think single tapping is fine.

Thats pretty good consistency Digital717…80% on that 1 frame combo is very useful and makes it a match turner imo

Yeah in matches I choke a lot though. Haha. I’ll get it up in matches soon though. I have won a few matches though with f + hp, cr hp xxx ex tatsu as the finisher. I need to get it up to 95% in training mode to be really useful in matches. I can hit 2 frame links all day in training mode but still miss them occasionally in matches. The cr lp, cr mp link and cr lp, cr hp link in training mode I can hit like 20 in a row of either one.

Yea I have been working on my c.short, c.jab, c.fierce to f.shoryuken.
I am starting to nail the c.short, c.jab, c.forward into fb or ex. fb.
still having lots of trouble hitting the solar plexus to c.fierce to f.shoryuken
Thanks to you guys my linking skills has improved.

Yeah cLP, cMP/cHP is hella easy. You can hit it in matches too, I have to stay conscious of not doing it fast and it comes out more often than not. Still, I use cLK, cLP, SRK almost exclusively these days as my damaging hit confirm because 1) its easy 2) almost always in range, don’t have to worry about whiffing the cMP or cHP 3) FADC candy.

With that said though, cLK, cLP, cHP, Tatsu is obviously superior if given the chance to land all the hits. And yes f+HP, cHP, SRK fuckin owns.

i shoulddo the clk,clp,chp to ex tatsu more just incase I whiff huh…because i’m not perfect all the time

Naw, no sense in wasting the meter I’d say. Sure it’s safe on block but you shouldn’t burn meter in exchange for inconsistancy in combo execution. Just practice it bro.

Your like me man…I can do combo’s for free on training mode but when it comes to the “heart of battle” I find it more difficult. That said, I have been hitting my links quite well recently…Still to hit Shoryu > FADC > Ultra in a serious match up as yet…:wasted:

Oh I hit that all day in matches. I very rarely miss that. I think I hit like 20 in a row once without missing one in match. The thing I have trouble with are just the 1 frame links. The 2 frames I miss but very rarely. I used to miss the srk, fadc, ultra more often but since I switched mains to Viper I almost never miss it because Viper’s stuff is 50x harder than anything Ryu has so when I go back to him everything seems extremely easy.

i saw in a daigo vid something that at least looked like sps -> cr mp -> cr FP xx EX tatsu -> ultra in the corner.

i tried it for like half an hour but i always ended up too far for the cr FP to hit afterwards, was it probably just cr lp?

thats so hard, I’m still using f+HP, cLP, cHP, tatsu/srk.

dunno why, I cant get f+HP, cHP, SRK consistent, not even in training mode…

yea he does it all, Just like one combo is c.lp x3 standing lp into c.hk
his timing is like always perfect…so hard to copy him

Don’t listen to this nonsense. :frowning: You ever crossed somebody up or hit them with a c.lk to be too far to finish the combo with a c.hp or c.mp? It’s nice to finish the combo with something that links.

I typically don’t do two c.lk because there’s no need to and there are times where i’d be too far away so I train my brain to standard do c.lk c.lp. c.hp tatsu or hadu

Not all links are 1 frame. c.lp to c.hp is no way one frame. I give it two at least. It’s a lot easier than landing c.lp to c.mk

If you want something that I’m damn sure is 1 frame. overhead punch (while he’s standing) to dragon punch. That’s a hard combo to do. Only way to do it consistently is piano keying.

Yeah this is why when I’m messing around, I’m working with characters that have stupid tight timing. I don’t even want it to be an issue. I think that’s a great piece of advice.

The 2 frame links are easy peasy. Fortunately, the 1 frame links usually don’t punish me if they don’t link (at least not yet). They should though.


That’s OG

It takes confidence but pays off greatly, it keeps you 100% concentrated at all times.