1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

You’re truly mistaken if you believe the analyzer is useless. I think it’s better suited for AE if it can detect option select inputs.

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So mean spirited I just couldn’t help myself.

The hype meter is just a bookmarking function, its meant to designate moments of higher intensity or complexity over the course of a match, its only called “hype” for a bit of humorous flavor – it could have been called anything and it’d still just be something to help you keep track of the more intense/interesting moments over the course of a replay.

-replay analyzer’s most poorly implemented feature is it’s most useful: the command analysis. it can provide stats that actually help you get better. however, the interface is a pain in the ass and is a clusterfuck of menus. obviously thrown on the backburner in favor of “hype”.

I agree, its pretty clunky.

Gems are like the items in Smash brothers… there aren’t going to be any for competitive players because that’s not who they are for to begin with. Doesn’t mean the game can’t be completely and viably competitive without them.

Capcom is moving away from catering to the “hard-boiled vets of fighting games” because when they used to do that, fighting games up and disappeared. The game is slower because to mitigate the “years of experience or bust” effect of other Capcom fighters. You can’t play Marvel unless you’ve invested a lot of time into it, because its so fast you need reactions and perception a lot faster than the average person is capable of without diligent practice over an extended period. Its a problem exclusive to 2D fighters, as most 3D ones are designed for realism and as such, use frame data slow enough the average person can react to what they see without being overly trained to do so.

While I think that skill and experience should be rewarded, tossing someone into the ring for a that will only last 3~6 years (average duration of a fighting game that doesn’t get an expansion or sequel) with the knowledge that it will take them 5+ to really learn to play the game on a higher level doesn’t really bode well for building a new and more diverse upper class of player. This is one problem King of Fighters has, the only people I know who can actually play the game are ones who have been doing so for years and it becomes such that it doesn’t seem worth it to work on it for some people when you’re dealing with someone who has a 6-10 year lead on you.

Capcom isn’t trying to make their games casual exclusive, they are trying to make them accessible – which they need to be. Over complication makes it hard for people to get in and stagnates the growth of the community. I enjoy things being a little bit difficult – but in reasonable and managable ways. Learning to crouch dash and back dash cancel in Tekken is tough, but its not something that you feel like will take you years to learn to do and up until a modest level of skill you can get away without it. Will you lose to people who can do these things? Sure you will, but you won’t get roflstomped (barring bad luck) in first round pools of a tournament just because you haven’t been playing for half your life if you’re actually any good.

I’m no guru at 2D fighting games, I grew up on 3D ones (namely Virtua Fighter and Soulcalibur, with a sprinkle of DoA) but from that perspective I can tell you that its much easier to sell someone on being competitive in a game where they can literally see what they did wrong than having to have you explain to them that you pulled off faster-than-the-eye-can-see mix up that they wouldn’t understand even after a lecture on the games mechanics.

i love this game and ill stay positive as long as i could but can i really expect something good in the future for SFXT? Capcom always fail at balancing games…last game i played b4 sfxt was umvc3.(which i REGRET BUYING). Yeah u guys are right there is endless battle with no assist gem option but how about ranked games… the only reason why is coz i dont want to wait in the room… or search. i like playing arcade while looking for opponent online. i really like the idea of having a certain rank then ur done using assist gems.

i know, but that didnt stop the people at that time to hate it, because essentially was a comeback mechanic in their eyes, also, you build metter by whiffing specials

And that should have been the frame work for most capcom fighting games, but how and why for meter has never been a large issue for me…Ultras were not a big deal for me once YOu actually know the match up on how they want to use it, just becuase someone has a full ultra meter does not mean shit anymore… my beef is more with the switch canceling jab jab special switch jab jab special and the assist gems have turned this game into.

i really believe with out the switching juggle shenanigans and just hard tag and abc launch it would have made a more sound fundamental fightng game… and just fucking remove the timer at this point if this is what the game is gonna be, which it will be

The gems didn’t destroy the game. They destroyed Ranked matches online. Which while an important part of the game is not the entire game itself. Personally I am now just creating 1 person endless lobbies with the title “Boost gems only”. It seems a lot of people are tired of fighting against the new assist gems because where as before this patch a lobby such as “looking for strong opponents” or “training with new characters” would take 3+ minutes to get someone to join. Now I get someone in the game within the same amount of time it would take to search for a ranked match anyways. And then I don’t have to keep searching because most people stay for at least a few games.

Best case scenario capcom gets their head out of their ass and puts in a way for people to enjoy the game without having to worry about assist gems. But until then we have the options of playing endless lobbies and kicking the occassional troll (I’m sure they will show up), playing locally, or simply not playing. We have options, it is up to each person to act on them.

i almost never play endless but with personal friends that are there just to have fun…you cant turn off the timer can you? bought the game for my brother in cali i live in another state and first thing he said was what the fuck Another time out? they did not give options to turn them off anywhere did they for anything> or am missing it somewhere

you cant just whiff tatsu in your opponents face, you need offense to build some space and build your bar. there are exceptions but in st meter is a reward for making good decisions

and again, i know, but that didnt stoped to be a hated mechanic back in the day, many felt that it was something akin to the comeback mechanics from this day

No you can’t turn the timer off in endless. Annoying but understandable cause it could fuck up their network. You can set it to less than 99 seconds though!

Thanks thats what i saw and what i figured…would have preferred a" have to fight to the death matches" as a option… just wanted to make sure it was not tucked away somewhere and i been missing it since release and maybee you endless guys knew something i did not about it

I find it unlikely that the game will last very long when it’s such a chore for competitive players to find a good match.

So your move got blocked, or your throw got teched.

It happens.

Keep fighting.

I don’t think you get it…

Your move will ALWAYS get blocked, and SO WILL THE NEXT ONE.

It’s not like you mixup failed because they guess right or read you. There’s no mindgame here, in fact, there’s no mixup here. Fuck, with the Assist gems there’s barely even a game.

There’s going to eventually be a gem for that too. One of the missions has you fight a series of grapler characters. After a couple of unsuccessful attempts, Dan pipes in, just like in some of the trials, and says you need to use the command grab gem to beat them. No joke. Check it out.

Some characters are now useless against someone with these gems. How does Hwoarang and Heihachi open you up? High/low mixups. Guess which ones are unsafe? Highs. Which way is your opponent going to block knowing this? Low.

Then how are you supposed to open them up? Frame traps? Use Heihachi’s counter? They aren’t pushing buttons. Go for the throw? They’re pretty shit in this game, and those two characters don’t have the standing jab pressure that Rolento/Cammy/Raven have to walk up and get that throw.

Now give this gem to Guile, Juri and Dhalsim, characters who excel at keeping you out. This gem turns bad matchups against them into pure hell.

And that’s not even getting into what auto-block while walking forward ruins. See post 21 in this thread for that.

It also really hurts mixup characters who combo off overheads and stuff IMO… I play Bob, and all of his overheads are unsafe on block, but they can lead to combos for big damage. If my opponent now has one of these gems and a little bit of meter, I can basically never go for them because they’ll be blocked and I’ll get punished.

I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to open someone up with these gems? I’ll have to hit them AA or out of an attack, via frame-trap or something… but if they have these gems, why would they ever push buttons or jump?

I imagine these gems would also make runaway (timeouts) and defensive play even stronger… if someone has a life lead, and they’re running, even if I do get in I can’t really do anything.



Really?? Hrm… What does that gem do? Give everyone a command throw? :looney:

Are you able to get your damage in other ways? There is no air block in this game and jumps are way more popular in xT.

It would be nice to see people adapt and adjust to the new system.

How is jumping going to get you damage? And how is waiting for them to jump going to work. With the gems on there is no incentive for them to do anything. Fuck, they could literally be making a sandwich.