1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

Ranked was crap anyway. In endless lobbies is quite common to kick someone for using assist gems, I do kick, my friends kick and I have see many others doing it. Even I have received an apology from people who forgot to remove these gems in endless lobbies. So, where is the problem?

In tourneys you play preset gems or no gems, so we don’t need to deal with this crap. Let the online warriors have their fun gaining points online, it’s full of boosters anyway.

up until now, gems didn’t impart any core mechanics (parrying, airblocks, 1 button throws), they simply modified existing frame data and most of them made almost no impact in a match. whats different about the new assist gems is that they actually do impart core mechanics to the player that chooses them (block while walking forward, 360 command grabs become command normals). I think what most players are actually upset about is the fact that there’s no consistency in capcoms design decisions or philosophy with this game. its just another aspect that makes sfxt feel like a rushed, bogus cash grab (not to mention the paywall that locks out 30% of the game, which if you want to stay competitive you will be forced to bite)

(stop letting capcom shit down your throat)

…it is also the main reason why I play this game. I agree with you.

…heavily alter your game if you care about winning maybe. I still think I would try to counter someone who walks forward recklessly even if they had the gems equipped…I would then lose the match and immediately kick that person but that’s another story :rofl:.

Or have your cake and eat it too

shrugs if no one bought SFxTK, we wouldn’t be having this discussion would we? o_O
It’s not like a majority of us were not aware of what this game entailed pre-released(gems in general)…I knew something like this mite happen and it did…im trying to find solutions around it, then just giving up so forgive me for trying to be positive in a situation like this.

I’m sorry but if people and bitch and moan about nerfing the twins in AE then I don’t see why can’t they do something about Assist gems…as this is a majority issue that’s been apparent since day -4 or did we magically forget that or something.

I can agree with not supporting capcom’s terrible business practice and it’s why people had dropped the game, I don’t blame them. I knew what i was getting into, so i bought the game, If I have a problem with it…why shouldn’t I be able to voice my opinion about it as this is a common problem…This thread it self may not have gotten to this point if people didn’t feel this way about the current subject matter.

in anycase, there are things we can do to change things though…besides being childish and blowing up peoples twitter(though that gets quick results)

I almost want to sign up for a Twitter

Just to make Capcom reconsider

Asking them about it + letting them know people don’t like it -is- the best way to go.

something tells me your only knowledge of drug dealers comes from TV screens

Did they try running any replays of people using these new assist gems through their “analyzer”?
It should have told them the matches were about as hype as a flaccid baby dick. i want gems that cause the damage you do with every individual hit to be random. If their intent is to ruin the game let’s just go all the way with this. How about a coinflip gem.

Seriously the entire development cycle for this game before and after release has been a gigantic downwards spiral.
All I wish for is that just for once , that Capcom would make a fighting game WITHOUT any comeback mechanics, dumb gimmicks which just end up unbalancing the game completely and in general without any brain dead stuff that just allows people to completely ignore much of the fundamental groundwork of the metagme, removing a massive amount of gameplay depth and most importantly fun from the game.
Seriously Capcom, is it that hard for you to just make a good honest fighting game for once.

Wish granted. It’s called Super Turbo.

The existence of that game proves that Capcom can actually succeed in making an honest fighting game if they tried and in fact they were capable of doing it OVER 18 YEARS AGO!!!****

These auto-block/throw/play gems are just dumb. Whatever genius at Capcom thought this was a good idea - and I don’t care who it is - needs to be smacked in the face with a hot iron.

what about the supers?
they were seem as the comeback mechanics at their time, and not many were fan of the throw break system
if anything you should name HF

I’m really disappointed by all the bs capcom has done to kill this game, without gems and at its core I really like it.

But sadly its basically going to die because of shit like this, fucking cash com.

…I agree that this seems highly likely. It could end up being a good thing.

the game isn’t intended for competitive play and it never was developed as such.

some quick points:
-replay analyzer’s most advertised feature is the “hype meter”, it also has the most streamlined and intuitive interface. it provides nebulous to near useless analysis of the match.
-replay analyzer’s most poorly implemented feature is it’s most useful: the command analysis. it can provide stats that actually help you get better. however, the interface is a pain in the ass and is a clusterfuck of menus. obviously thrown on the backburner in favor of “hype”.
-17 times more gems are geared towards casual players than tournament players
-slow walkspeeds engender slow, easy footsies even compared to sf4. these certainly dont cater towards hard-boiled vets of fighting games

those are just some examples, however i think the damning question is this: is there any evidence that sfxt is intended for competitive play? I truly can’t think of any evidence to back that up.

alpha1 was the first sf game to introduce a comeback mechanic (build meter for taking hits), meter in st is mostly generated by offense

I actually liked the gems until this mess. My hope was that they’d just not release these damn things… of course, they actually did.

It’s a shame too, because the game has so much potential, and they are just pissing on it at this point.

Who ever thought of making this game the way they did at capcom should take a shotgun to the head and kill them selfs. I hope that person or group of people will do it someday.