1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

Coming Soon: The Van Damme Gem- land 3 cr.lp’s and your opponent’s head and balls explode simultaneously, and you win the match.

I would pay 1600 microsoft points for this. 2400 if it came with a cockpuncher costume for Bob.

So capcom had this new batch of gems planned from the start, no? What the fuck were they thinking exactly? Unless they really did want to intentionally end any concept of players using gems for tournaments. If people care enough to play to win at this point, ranked is ruined.

They were data mined a month ago so obviously they’d been planned to exist from the start. Who can say what they were thinking, “they worship crueler gods than you or I.”

after reading a majority of the post im kinda dumbfounded on the logic behind certain post, mostly the “don’t play SFxTK and play (insert game title here) instead” nonsense, as if it solves the problem with the game in general. Idk if your ego or ignorance is in the way but SFxTK is a popular game(for better or worse) regardless of the fact, people want to come to “logical” conclusions in dealing with something they find a problem.

It’s completely understandable why people find this a problem, as assist gems were a minor annoyance before, now as they essentially have gotten stronger, they are that much more of a problem for people. Now certain players have formulated strategies to counter act this and for the most part is the most likely solution one can do, if anyone would want to open a thread for Anti Assist gem tech, by all means because the board is filled with troll threads…why not a useful one every so often.

something else that kinda blew my mind was the idea of people not taking advantage of endless battle and formulating non-gem rooms, this was something heavily discussed in pre-release but why is it only a handful of players even trying to implement it? because you gotta do alittle work? like add players or w/e? seriously? This is a opportunity for the community itself to grow a stronger bond as we are (lack of a better phrase) forced to do alternative means in getting in good matches. I mean sure you can just do rank, but thats how we got into this situation already…thats what everyone is doing, just playing ranked.

Anyways, People have already made matchmaking threads for this game, and people host a verity of different endless battles with all different rules and stuff at different times…hell you mite even run into character specific ones as people are enjoying the game and they want others to do so, if that means playing without gems or locking out three R’s of Ryu Rufus and Raven, then by all means let them do what they want.

I think I’m going to add auto-block gems to one of my gem configs for all the characters I use. I’ll only use them when I know the guy I’m about to face uses them too. If you can’t beat em, out-lame them.

you misunderstand my point.

like the game all you want.

don’t try to tell me that these lvl 2 auto bullshits arent a real problem. for 90% of the people out there, that just isn’t true.

Where are these gems a problem outside of online Ranked matches?

Apparently unless you reply to every aspect of a person’s post your missing the point…

I’m just saying that they are only a major problem online and that its easy to play the game in local settings where they don’t use them…

Hahaa…wait until they release Auto block and tech for 1/8th meter and 40% damage increase on counter hit.

The problem is not having to do a little work to have enjoyable matches, the problem is that we shouldn’t have to. If someone wants the game to strive nonetheless and is willing to make an effort, more power to them, you are the pride of the FGC by sticking to what you like and not giving a fuck.

But you can’t diss people either because they can’t put up with the developer’s shitty design decisions and don’t want to work around it when they wouldn’t need to if the game wasn’t all over the place. I still like this game, but I’m dropping it by principle because I don’t want to support the vision Capcom has for this.

It’s pretty logic conclusion because I personally don’t see the point of complaining about everything in this game. I say this because some people here clearly have no interest in understanding the mechanics in this game. They don’t want to defeat auto-block, rolling, jabs, and other cheap things in the game. If they don’t want to learn, why not give them something else to enjoy?SFXTK can be a popular game as much as it wants, but dissapointed gamers don’t need to play it.

It goes both ways.

Frankly, I’m tired of people coming here and shitting on people for liking the game and spewing “this game is ass” every 5 seconds just because they don’t like gems. The game is fine, the fucking mechanic is broken and stupid – there’s no reason to disenfranchise fellow members of the community because they like something that you don’t (not talking about you specifically, but you know what I mean.)

Case in point, I dislike the speed and randomness of Marvel 3, but you don’t see me running around spewing “Marvel 3 is just twitchy, crackhead bullshit.” Yet every other post in the SFxT boards is “this game is ass”, “this game is trash.”, “lol, why bother when you can turn off mix ups in the character select screen, lulz.”

We fucking get it, assist gems are retarded – I don’t think ANYONE, especially not me, has ever supported them; but just because we enjoy a game that has a glaring issue that really isn’t a glaring issue outside of online play doesn’t mean people deserve to get the business like they are fingering toddlers on the subway for fun.

The biggest issue with auto-block is that its very hard to beat. There’s no arguing against that, but it only comes into play online. The lack of a “no assist gems” option is painfully stupid.

and i’m saying the local setting does not exist for 90% of players. it exists for me, and it’s still a problem. local meet ups are only twice a week at most. when i want to test something i develop in theory, i take it to real opponents online first. good luck testing my new mix up against auto whatever. even if you get it to activate, theres no telling whether the other guy just said fuck it, i’ll use my gem, or not.

this isnt about points or whatever, its about turning your brain off and letting the meter/gem combo do the work for you. it’s flat out wrong, and does not deserve the effort of defending. even if you enjoy the rest of the game

this is a definative deal breaker for me and many people like me. i want the game to be good. as do others, but my limit for bullshit is a lot lower with other better games around to play.

im upset by this. others are upset by this. this is a forum for discussion last i checked. so you’re going to get complaints

see above

As I’ve said in GD many times, the game is far from perfect and their is shit i hate about the game…and i always get on Capcom for their terrible marketing strategies among other things like some design choices…but still at the end of the day, I still play the game and try to help it’s community in any way I can. I do respect your decision behind not playing it though, at times i do feel like Capcom is indeed dicking me around when it comes to it’s content…but i try to stay positive even in the most grim situations…like now -_-’

…I think you argument only makes sense if a significant number of the players who don’t use the Assist gems just stop playing online. I guess it is possible. Prior to the release of these gems I very rarely played against anyone using Assist gems in Endless. The neon colors are a much bigger problem for me.

Speed gems have a bigger affect on an offline player who is using online for training than the assist gems do? The Speed gems are actually changing the game in a way that won’t happen offline. Playing against someone who is using the Assist gems is just like training against someone who has amazing defense isn’t it? It seems like a non-issue if you don’t care about winning. I guess the way that meter is used changes but other than that it isn’t a different game.

Which do you think speaks louder to a business:

Complaining and continue using/supporting the product
Complaining and discontinue using/supporting the product

Regardless, if you don’t like it, don’t play it. If you do like it, do play it.

this is like the tripping in SSBB

hopefully the FGC community can have the same sense that the Smash community had and just go back to a better game. a good portion of them went back to Melee, hopefully the same happens here. it’s too much to ask of course that everyone go back to playing ST/3s/CvS2/Marvel 2 full-time, but at least they can go back to SSF4.

without making a big long ass post and getting too deep in theory, yes, the other gems change the game. auto block/tech at near 0 cost breaks the game. theres a difference

First off the issue is that for me online is 100% of the reason I enjoy the game. I like this game because online is good in it. I can land combos do links anti air all the stuff that makes AE annoying online unless you’re playing a lag friendly character. Second as I explained in my long post earlier in the thread using autoblock is not at all like a good defensive player. Walk forward block and the guarantee of mixes being defeated require you to heavily alter your game.

If I have to go meet people and invite them over and can only get matches once a week I’ll do it in KOFXIII. The advantage that kept me playing this game over that one is that if it’s 12:34 on a Wednesday I can go ahead and play online and have it feel like the same game I play in person. By removing that I’ll wait till Thursday night casuals and just play the other game.

Metaphor: would you still eat McDonald’s if it was $40 a plate and took 50 minutes to prepare or would you go to a local gourmet and get fillet minogne?