1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

Can you stop bringing up SG where that poster wasn’t trying to do so? What he is suggesting is clear common sense, why play game that you don’t like? Why NOT a game that you could enjoy?

It doesn’t have to be Skullgirls, and it doesn’t have to be a new game. It seems like you do like SFXT, but that post isn’t replying for you.

I never deal with gems. I’ve seen how stupid they are, I agree that they are retarded and I’ve always been against assist gems on the principle that they are contradictory to the learning process. Sorry that I can enjoy a game despite a mechanic I never have to deal with for playing in the competitive scene, where gems are universally banned, as opposed to poking online – where people troll and cheat regardless of the game.

Oh god, and I thought auto-block was bullshit before. I can’t even fathom how salty I would be if I played this game consistantly. I broke my monitor out of rage before the update. I’d have a stroke.

I don’t understand why this gem doesn’t have a downside, except for losing 1/4 a bar of meter which is barely a penalty at all in this game. Meter builds like nothing. The ‘extend pandora’ gem has a 10% defense decrease associated with it. Why doesn’t this gem have something like that?

IMO if you use these gems, you should take obscene amounts of damage when you actually get hit.

…I agree. I don’t see how these gems affect anyone who doesn’t care about points.

I think they should have put a level cap on when you can’t use assist gems anymore(if they really were meant to help out the NEW players) like once you reach rank C+ or whatever. But then people could just not play ranked in order to keep their rank low so they can continue to use the gem. If people were actually that dedicated to an auto block gem then why even play though. This is just something off the top of my head. Of course, this is never going to happen. The only time I really get annoyed by people using assist gems is when their playstyle is already defensive as fuck.

There are a lot of things Capcom needs to do to stop the BS from assist gems… I don’t know what the deal is and I’d personally like to hear an explanation why they are making me into a criminal for supporting their game.

Can I just say the reason I don’t play a game I like more, king of fighters xiii, is specifically because the online is terrible. I can only really play the game in training mode or at locals once a week.

The thing I most like about Street Fighter x Tekken is that the online is pretty good. I’m not ruining my muscle memory or getting the ability to jump in for free online. I can even play high ish execution stuff and do well. I like being able to practice against real players and learn usable stuff in my free time and it sucks that the game that is most able to do that is a game where that very tool is being ruined by a single design decision. Because win or lose I don’t learn anything playing against someone using auto block. I have to change my whole gameplay to suit an ability that is never going to be used in a tournament.

Now skullgirls has good online too (although finding a match can be hell) so I guess I’ll go practice that but to be honest so far I’m not really into the whole marvel 2 everything is overpowered, footsies are jumping and spamming a giant hitbox, and combos are 20 minute loop within loop affairs but hey maybe I’ll get into it.

You’ve just insulted the messiah. The Skullgirls fan girls are going to come and hang you now.

What I want to know is why they feel the need to dumb the game down with these sort of things. I understand that an easier game will attract new players but it seems like they are just upsetting the more hardcore fans and is doing more harm than good. Unless you decide to be one of those people who like to embrace the shitstorm.

Sounds a lot like this board before SFxT came out.


I understand the point of simplified systems, I just don’t get why they do things like gems instead of just breaking away from obsessive difficulty without hurting the actual core mechanics. Case in point, Soulcalibur 5 and Tekken 6 are fundamentally simple games to learn with deep metagames of skills you have to acquire through diligent practice.

Street Fighter x Tekken could have done a lot better if it had incorporated more Tekken elements, such as focusing on giving characters target combos, standardized jab speeds, more organic linking mechanics, and a more evolved juggle system.

Instead, they basically gave us Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max: 3D edition with Tekken characters. As much as I like the game, some of the stuff they are doing it making it very hard and stressful for me to maintain my enthusiasm purely because its fucking annoying to be the “white knight” just for enjoying the god damned game. I refuse to get peer pressured into quitting the game just because other people don’t like it, but its fucking annoying to go to weeklies and get shit on by people purely because there are stupid mechanics in the game THAT THEY DON’T EVEN USE AT THE EVENT IN QUESTION.

Its fucking annoying.

Let’s not turn this thread into a Skullgirls Vs SFxT argument, okay?

Completely not relevant to anything but I LOVE your FLCL avatar. :smiley:

It’s like a disease they have to post any sort of reference any chance they possibly get. Infractions need to go out.

You’re not helping either by provoking. The warning goes both ways.


Every fanboy ever…?

auto gems didn’t ruin the game, they are symptomatic of a game that was poorly designed from the start and keeps going further down the drain

I don’t think anyone is still going to be playing this game past this summer

The games are out. People can make up their minds. Do people look at which forums they post in? Don’t see me going into other forums posting about how I feel the games are crappy and they should just play ST instead.

Done with this thread.

Again, I’m not defending the gems, they’re here to stay pretty much if you play online like me. Play around them and against it.