1/4 block auto-block and 1/6 block auto throw tech: effective destruction of SFxT

This is gonna get worse. Just wait till we get 5 gem slots and everyone uses autoblock. If game is not already dead by then.

It’s sad when the auto-gems in this game are so effective that the most reliable way to score damage is through chip…


… there’s a gem for that too…

Who cares if you can’t hit the guy?

Autoblock/tech are a hard counter for everything in the game except command grabs.

Hell, if anything, they buffed meter building gems so it’s easy for people to get autoblock meter. What are my better defense, power, or speed gems gonna do against that?

Characters with good meterless BnBs, equipped with a strong meter building gem + the 2-slot autoblock (optionally, autoblock and autotech) is a virtually unbeatable team. Try to win with your good BnBs, and if 40 seconds hits and you have full meter and a life lead, they’re literally done. You’ve got your 12 autoblocks, or your 6 autoblocks and 12 autotechs, and combos take 10 seconds anyway… tape your stick to down-back and go do something else.

not updated the game yet im kinda scared because i really want to like this game

im not sure if i want to play it with throws disabled or mixups disabled

Why not choose both?

Player matches with friends is pretty much it for online at this point. That way you can avoid teh assist gem BS.

You on Xbox btw?

Oh, I definitely think the low cost is a bad idea in practice.

What I’m saying is that I understand the reasoning behing buffing the assist gems. Capcom is basically buffing everything in the game over time in an attempt to make the game evolve and actively change the way people play. It’s an interesting idea, even if I think the assist buffs are too strong (remember assist gems aren’t even meant to be used by good players).

I also remember Capcom saying they fully intend on rebalancing the gems if some turn out to be too powerful.

So it’s not as if all is lost.

if a game is bad don’t play it.

Don’t try and make something you don’t enjoy into something it won’t be. If you think this makes the game not fun, quit.


In most fighters I wait a good while before I even touch ranked and in some cases I never do anyways I’d rather have a set anyday

yup tag would beparallel quicks

before aswell I’d try and throw people who have auto tech just to steal meter but now? LOL

Wow, you guys are REEEALLY making the Skullgirls community look desperate. Every fricking SFxT thread, article, and post, lol.

“Quit SFxT, come play our game instead.” Like drug dealers. It’s not attractive. It’s actually making me not want to get SG, even though I originally intended to get it day 1. If the SG community just sits around trolling other forums and games nonstop for players, then…yuck.

I like this game. It has potential, and we already know it will be patched and adjusted over time, just like every other fighting game we now consider “classic”.

The funny thing is that if free gems are so good I don’t want to see the paid ones.

I have gone back to AE really. This is now a game to play on the sofa with a few mates and a crate of beer but I can’t take it seriously now since I have no way of reliably training except online and there’s no way I’m going against them kind of odds.

Always loved AE anyways so I’m quids in really.

The problem is that they are being used by good players. And it’s going to get even worse, specially because there are even more powerful assist gems and 5 gem slots down the line.

And Capcom saying they intended on rebalancing gems was before the mess that was this game’s release. Consumer backlash, the price drop, the DLC fiasco, Ono stepping down, waning interest in the game overall, a lot of bad rep because of this, the game likely not coming even close to Capcom’s sale expectations - though it likely didn’t bomb either - , etc, etc. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just released whatever content they had prepared and just let the game rot.

It’s not all lost. Tournaments will just go on by banning gems and nothing will change. It’s just online that the game will have a quick death.

Well I agree on the not using them in competitive play but my argument still stands. The loss of health already indicates enough that they’ve done something wrong and either been punished or not blocked in time, the gem doesn’t do any more than that.

Yeh when a child is punished WITH NO REASON then of course they have issues. How can you call bullshit on what I said and then say WITH NO REASON in capitals. Smacking children has also proven to work when there IS REASON, its been going thousands of years and its worked all this time, there are limits of course but it does still work within reason. Of course if they get hit in Street Fighter there is a reason and if they seem frustrated about it then I give them their reason and they learn for the next time. The auto block actually hinders the learning curve more than it helps because they have no need to ask questions. All it is, is a safety blanket that shouldn’t be there.

Not taking into account that many tekken chars have unsafe mixups (they can´t run the chip game as effectively as SF generally). That means not only 3000 life for the “beginner who uses them to learn the game”, but also potentially big combos on autoblock of an unsafe mixup. Splendid!

The game isn´t bad in my opinion. Lets see if i can find a good metaphor for the game…
It´s like a nice bowl of ice cream, but instead of sprinkling chocolate chips on the top they used poop. All in all it still looks nice and you want to taste it, but in the end its too bitter and disgusting to truly enjoy… o_O

Not a good metaphor i guess :smiley:

Played a half decent asshole using the new and improved abutblock and was game over man, GAME OVER. Every sigle opening I had got auto blocked. If he wasn’t using this gem set up i was going to to enough damage to kill atlest a character and a half per fucking round. But he had the auto gems and he near perfect me both rounds. The only way to play vs people with these gems is to just wait and punish BUT if they are half samrt and play good chars they will just do safe stuff all day and win for free.

The games is ruined… I hope the Vita version sells no more then 2 copies world-fucking-wide and noone buys the stupid ass charcter DLC.

Capcom fucking killed this game online. SETH KILLAN should give hes resignation right around fucking NOW if he has any respect for the fighting game gener after what capcom did to this game and after all the HORSESHIT he said about how gem are “So darn competitive friednly once you try them”.

That’s a pretty dumb line of thinking. Good players know a good thing when they see it, if the benefit is way better than the trade off, it would be in your best interest to use it. Saying “it wasn’t meant for you” or “you’re not suppose to use it like that” isn’t going make people go “oh you’re right, let me stop doing that” here.

Think about other games that had autoblock in them.

I can only think of console Alpha 2, but you had 10 autoblocks iirc and you’re super meter was 1 giant bar instead of a segmented 3, so you were working with way less when you chose it. This was clearly a very costly trade for autoblock that wasn’t worth it since you were limited to 1 thing to use meter with and it took longer to build it up all the way than getting a segmented bar to 1.

Note: In Alpha 2, your meter could be used for Super (3 Lv1s, 1 Lv2+1 Lv1, 1 Lv3), Alpha Counters (cost 1 bar), or a Custom Combo (needed at least Lv1 to activate, used it all).

Has anyone thought of making weekly/daily lobbies on Live/PSN for gemless/no assist gem play…?

Just saying…

If there are so many people who want to play online but don’t want to use them, you guys should be able to arrange days where you can invite each other to games to play…

I think Gems are a casual gimmick in a otherwise competitive game – I don’t think they, especially assist gems, were ever intended for higher levels of play.

It is a pretty stupid way of looking at it, but i think its also kind of true.

**I don’t think you should be allowed to use assist gems in ranked. **

what in the fuck.

white knight till the fucking end…

this is like arguably the worst decision by any fighting game ever, and you still get people trying to defend it

to be fair, you are only assuming that because he has a sg’s character name as his user name, would have been ryu5645646, lost son ken, iori is mega sauce, etc, etc it would be different

Auto-block and auto-tech assist gems should be allowed as long as the game repeatedly calls you a cockface for using them (in Alpha announcer voice).